Playwright Plugin for SmartBear VisualTest via TypeScript/JavaScript
Playwright VisualTest Plugin
Click here for more detailed docs on SmartBear's website
npm install @smartbear/visualtest-playwright --save-dev
npx visualtest-setup
Enter your projectToken in the newly created visualTest.config.js
module.exports = {projectToken: 'PROJECT_TOKEN'}
import {sbvtCapture, sbvtGetTestRunResult, sbvtPrintReport} from "@smartbear/visualtest-playwright";
import {expect, test} from "@playwright/test";
test(`should visit Playwright example page, then take sbvtCaptures`, async ({page}) => {
await page.goto('https://playwright.dev/')
await sbvtCapture(page, 'Playwright Example Page')
await sbvtCapture(page, 'element', {
elementCapture: ".hero"
await sbvtCapture(page, 'Homepage viewport', {
viewport: true
await sbvtPrintReport(); //print out the results of the comparison
const sbvtReport = await sbvtGetTestRunResult();
expect(sbvtReport.failed).toEqual(0); //assert for no comparison differences
lazyload fullpage capture
test('test taking an element sbvt capture', async ({page}) => {
await page.goto('https://smartbear.github.io/visual-testing-example-website/Example4/Original/index.html');
await sbvtCapture(page, 'fullpage-capture',
lazyload: 250,
viewport capture
test('take a viewport snapshot', async ({page}) => {
await page.goto('https://smartbear.com');
await sbvtCapture(page, 'sb-viewport', {
viewport: true
element capture
test('take an element sbvt capture', async ({page}) => {
await page.goto('https://smartbear.github.io/visual-testing-example-website/Example4/Original/index.html');
await sbvtCapture(page, 'element-hero-content-capture', {
elementCapture: ".ud-hero-content"
ignore element capture
test('ignore element sbvt capture', async ({page}) => {
await page.goto('https://smartbear.github.io/visual-testing-example-website/Example4/Original/index.html');
await sbvtCapture(page, 'element-hero-content-capture', {
ignoreElements: [".ud-hero-content"], //input CSS selectors as an array
lazyload: 250
layout mode capture
test('layout mode comparison', async ({page}) => {
await page.goto('https://smartbear.github.io/visual-testing-example-website/Example4/Original/index.html');
await sbvtCapture(page, 'layout-mode', {
comparisonMode: 'layout',
sensitivity: 'low', // 'medium', or 'high'
sbvtPrintReport & sbvtGetTestRunResult
test('test taking an element sbvt capture', async ({page}) => {
await page.goto('https://smartbear.github.io/visual-testing-example-website/Example4/Original/index.html');
await sbvtCapture(page, 'fullpage-capture', {
lazyload: 250,
const testRunResults = await sbvtGetTestRunResult() //testRunResults will have the pass/fail data on it incase you want to fail the run on a comparison failure
await sbvtPrintReport() // prints the comparison data for the test run
Assigning captures to a test group name
module.exports = {
projectToken: 'PROJECT_TOKEN',
testGroupName: 'test group name'
// OR save on the environment variable
// SBVT_TEST_GROUP_NAME = 'test group name'
Grouping Playwright workers together under one test run
Each worker process does not communicate with the other workers, this causes separate testRuns and makes grouping all the images into one testRun tough. To alleviate this, add the below line to your playwright.config
module.exports = defineConfig({
globalSetup: '@smartbear/visualtest-playwright',
// rest of your configurations
Assigning SCM data to a test run
Save Source Control Manager data on the environment variable