Cypress Plugin for SmartBear VisualTest via JavaScript
Cypress VisualTest Plugin
Click here for more detailed docs on SmartBear's website
Run the following commands to setup & install VisualTest:
npm install @smartbear/visualtest-cypress
npx visualtest-setup
Example console output:
Commands installed.
Plugin installed.
visualTest.config.js has been created.
Please enter your projectToken in visualTest.config.js
Enter your projectToken in visualTest.config.js:
module.exports = {projectToken: 'PROJECT_TOKEN'}
Simply change all instances of cy.screenshot
with cy.sbvtCapture
For example, this will run regression tests against Fullpage Home Capture in that project
cy.sbvtCapture('Home Page')
To override project settings — take a capture with layout mode on low sensitivity
cy.sbvtCapture('Home Page', {
comparisonMode: 'layout', // if 'layout', then sensitivity is requried, OR 'detailed' with no sensitivity
sensitivity: "low" // 'medium', or 'high'
For lazy-loaded websites use:
cy.sbvtCapture('Home Page', {
lazyload: 250 //number is milliseconds between scrolls
To ignore elements on the comparison, add the cssSelector to the array:
cy.sbvtCapture('Home Page', {
ignoreElements: ['.exampleClass', '.class1 > div > li:nth-child(1)']
You can also run tests against just certain elements, this will run regression tests against the header.
cy.get('.container').eq(0).sbvtCapture('Home Page Header')
To pass in other arguments , the syntax would be the same as cy.screenshot
cy.sbvtCapture('Home Page', {
capture: 'viewport',
overwrite: true,
clip: {x: 100, y: 100, width: 1000, height: 1000}
To print out the test run results to the command line cy.sbvtPrintReport()
To assert the testrun passed, call cy.sbvtGetTestRunResult()
, which returns an object with total comparisons passed and failed. Example:
{ // example cy.sbvtGetTestRunResult() response
passed: 10
failed: 0
it("The sbvtCapture's should pass", function () {
.then((response) => {
assert(response.passed === 10, `response.passed !== 10: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`);
assert(response.failed === 0, `There were failures in the test run: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`);
Callback arguments are not allowed, i.e. onBeforeScreenshot
& onAfterScreenshot
npx cypress run
is the recommended way to run our plugin.- Going into 'interactive mode' (
npx cypress open
) works, but each test can only be ran once without closing and relauching the Cypress application.
Cypress 9.7.0+ (Recommend v10.10.0+)
Node 18.17.0+
Assigning captures to a test group name
module.exports = {
projectToken: 'PROJECT_TOKEN',
testGroupName: 'test group name'
// OR save on the environment variable
// SBVT_TEST_GROUP_NAME = 'test group name'
Assigning SCM data to a test run
Save Source Control Manager data on the environment variable
Manual Setup
- For manual setup:
On versions 10+
- Add:
at the bottom of cypress.config.js - Add:
import '@smartbear/visualtest-cypress/commands'
at the bottom of cypress/support/e2e.js
- Add:
On versions 10-
- Add:
at the bottom of cypress/plugins/index.js - Add:
import '@smartbear/visualtest-cypress/commands'
at the bottom of cypress/support/index.js
- Add:
Create visualTest.config.js in the main test folder
- that file will contain:
module.exports = { projectToken: 'PROJECT_TOKEN' }
- Insert your projectToken, or create a trial here: https://try.smartbear.com/visualtest
- that file will contain: