Reusable Ensys React components of SmartFactor company
There is a playground set up to see and manually test created components. Its located in playground directory. It's a simple CRA project with Typescript.
Start by installing dependencies in both library and playground directories. You can use install-all script to do it for You. Then You can utilize dev script to set up playground project dev server and auto building of the library whenever You change any of its files.
Develop components in src folder. It might be a good idea to aggregate them in nested folders driven by domain / responsibility.
Testing environment is configured - to run unit tests simply run npm test:watch script.
To build a distribution package simply run build script in root folder. Rollup will take care of everything else.
You need to be logged in npm registry and be a member of smart-factor npm organization. Make changes, build distribution package, increase version number in package.json and run npm publish in Your command line interface.
Remember to push changes to the repo!
Testing library in another ensys project
If you need to test the library in another project (ie. ensys-maps-frontend), you can try following steps:
- Build the library
- Pack it to the tgz file npm pack. It will create the smart-factor-ensys-common-react-components-0.3.57.tgz (with different version) file in project's root directory
- Use the file in maps project, by installin it temporarily from this thz file npm i "../common-react-components/smart-factor-ensys-common-react-components-0.3.57.tgz"