Material Design Icons requireable from Inferno
This package contains the icons provided by Material Design which are part of a bigger ecosystem called Slup
This package can be installed with NPM
npm install --save @slup/icons
The icons are stored in a tree representing the Google's Material Design Icons repo, and so they can be resolved as follows:
Visit our outo-generated List
Find the icon you are interested in
Check out the example
PLEASE NOTE: These files are generated automatically, report any bug if you catch them!
import Menu from '@slup/icons/navigation/menu'
export const MenuIcon = () =>
<Menu />
Building is as simple as running one command:
npm prepublish
yarn prepublish
This command will execute the install.js
script wich will fetch for all the icons types, and look for all the icons inside of each time. From these informations it will build a tree of compiled small icons files, representing the original set forked from the Google's Material Design Icons repo, in a friendly, importable and Inferno-based package.
Category: action
Icon: 3dRotation
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/action3dRotation' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: accessibility
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionaccessibility' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: accessible
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionaccessible' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: accountBalance
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionaccountBalance' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: accountBalanceWallet
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionaccountBalanceWallet' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: accountBox
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionaccountBox' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: accountCircle
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionaccountCircle' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: addShoppingCart
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionaddShoppingCart' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: alarm
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionalarm' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: alarmAdd
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionalarmAdd' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: alarmOff
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionalarmOff' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: alarmOn
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionalarmOn' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: allOut
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionallOut' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: android
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionandroid' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: announcement
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionannouncement' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: aspectRatio
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionaspectRatio' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: assessment
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionassessment' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: assignment
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionassignment' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: assignmentInd
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionassignmentInd' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: assignmentLate
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionassignmentLate' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: assignmentReturn
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionassignmentReturn' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: assignmentReturned
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionassignmentReturned' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: assignmentTurnedIn
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionassignmentTurnedIn' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: autorenew
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionautorenew' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: backup
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionbackup' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: book
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionbook' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: bookmark
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionbookmark' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: bookmarkBorder
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionbookmarkBorder' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: bugReport
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionbugReport' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: build
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionbuild' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: cached
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioncached' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: cameraEnhance
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioncameraEnhance' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: cardGiftcard
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioncardGiftcard' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: cardMembership
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioncardMembership' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: cardTravel
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioncardTravel' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: changeHistory
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionchangeHistory' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: checkCircle
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioncheckCircle' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: chromeReaderMode
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionchromeReaderMode' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: class
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionclass' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: code
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioncode' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: compareArrows
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioncompareArrows' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: copyright
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioncopyright' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: creditCard
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioncreditCard' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: dashboard
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiondashboard' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: dateRange
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiondateRange' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: delete
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiondelete' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: deleteForever
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiondeleteForever' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: description
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiondescription' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: dns
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiondns' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: done
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiondone' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: doneAll
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiondoneAll' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: donutLarge
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiondonutLarge' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: donutSmall
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiondonutSmall' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: eject
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioneject' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: euroSymbol
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioneuroSymbol' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: event
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionevent' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: eventSeat
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioneventSeat' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: exitToApp
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionexitToApp' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: explore
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionexplore' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: extension
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionextension' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: face
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionface' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: favorite
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionfavorite' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: favoriteBorder
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionfavoriteBorder' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: feedback
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionfeedback' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: findInPage
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionfindInPage' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: findReplace
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionfindReplace' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: fingerprint
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionfingerprint' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: flightLand
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionflightLand' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: flightTakeoff
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionflightTakeoff' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: flipToBack
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionflipToBack' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: flipToFront
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionflipToFront' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: gTranslate
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiongTranslate' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: gavel
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiongavel' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: getApp
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiongetApp' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: gif
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiongif' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: grade
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiongrade' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: groupWork
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiongroupWork' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: help
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionhelp' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: helpOutline
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionhelpOutline' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: highlightOff
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionhighlightOff' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: history
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionhistory' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: home
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionhome' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: hourglassEmpty
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionhourglassEmpty' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: hourglassFull
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionhourglassFull' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: http
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionhttp' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: https
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionhttps' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: importantDevices
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionimportantDevices' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: info
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioninfo' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: infoOutline
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioninfoOutline' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: input
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioninput' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: invertColors
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actioninvertColors' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: label
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionlabel' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: labelOutline
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionlabelOutline' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: language
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionlanguage' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: launch
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionlaunch' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: lightbulbOutline
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionlightbulbOutline' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: lineStyle
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionlineStyle' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: lineWeight
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionlineWeight' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: list
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionlist' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: lock
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionlock' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: lockOpen
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionlockOpen' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: lockOutline
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionlockOutline' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: loyalty
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionloyalty' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: markunreadMailbox
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionmarkunreadMailbox' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: motorcycle
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionmotorcycle' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: noteAdd
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionnoteAdd' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: offlinePin
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionofflinePin' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: opacity
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionopacity' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: openInBrowser
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionopenInBrowser' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: openInNew
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionopenInNew' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: openWith
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionopenWith' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: pageview
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpageview' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: panTool
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpanTool' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: payment
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpayment' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: permCameraMic
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpermCameraMic' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: permContactCalendar
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpermContactCalendar' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: permDataSetting
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpermDataSetting' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: permDeviceInformation
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpermDeviceInformation' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: permIdentity
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpermIdentity' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: permMedia
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpermMedia' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: permPhoneMsg
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpermPhoneMsg' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: permScanWifi
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpermScanWifi' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: pets
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpets' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: pictureInPicture
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpictureInPicture' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: pictureInPictureAlt
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpictureInPictureAlt' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: playForWork
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionplayForWork' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: polymer
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpolymer' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: powerSettingsNew
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpowerSettingsNew' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: pregnantWoman
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionpregnantWoman' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: print
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionprint' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: queryBuilder
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionqueryBuilder' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: questionAnswer
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionquestionAnswer' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: receipt
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionreceipt' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: recordVoiceOver
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionrecordVoiceOver' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: redeem
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionredeem' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: removeShoppingCart
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionremoveShoppingCart' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: reorder
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionreorder' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: reportProblem
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionreportProblem' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: restore
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionrestore' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: restorePage
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionrestorePage' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: room
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionroom' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: roundedCorner
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionroundedCorner' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: rowing
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionrowing' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: schedule
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionschedule' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: search
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsearch' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settings
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettings' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settingsApplications
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettingsApplications' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settingsBackupRestore
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettingsBackupRestore' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settingsBluetooth
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettingsBluetooth' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settingsBrightness
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettingsBrightness' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settingsCell
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettingsCell' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settingsEthernet
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettingsEthernet' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settingsInputAntenna
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettingsInputAntenna' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settingsInputComponent
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettingsInputComponent' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settingsInputComposite
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettingsInputComposite' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settingsInputHdmi
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettingsInputHdmi' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settingsInputSvideo
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettingsInputSvideo' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settingsOverscan
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettingsOverscan' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settingsPhone
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettingsPhone' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settingsPower
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettingsPower' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settingsRemote
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettingsRemote' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: settingsVoice
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsettingsVoice' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: shop
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionshop' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: shopTwo
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionshopTwo' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: shoppingBasket
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionshoppingBasket' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: shoppingCart
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionshoppingCart' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: speakerNotes
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionspeakerNotes' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: speakerNotesOff
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionspeakerNotesOff' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: spellcheck
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionspellcheck' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: stars
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionstars' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: store
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionstore' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: subject
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsubject' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: supervisorAccount
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsupervisorAccount' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: swapHoriz
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionswapHoriz' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: swapVert
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionswapVert' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: swapVerticalCircle
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionswapVerticalCircle' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: systemUpdateAlt
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionsystemUpdateAlt' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: tab
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiontab' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: tabUnselected
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiontabUnselected' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: theaters
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiontheaters' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: thumbDown
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionthumbDown' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: thumbUp
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionthumbUp' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: thumbsUpDown
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionthumbsUpDown' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: timeline
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiontimeline' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: toc
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiontoc' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: today
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiontoday' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: toll
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiontoll' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: touchApp
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiontouchApp' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: trackChanges
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiontrackChanges' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: translate
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiontranslate' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: trendingDown
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiontrendingDown' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: trendingFlat
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiontrendingFlat' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: trendingUp
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actiontrendingUp' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: turnedIn
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionturnedIn' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: turnedInNot
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionturnedInNot' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: update
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionupdate' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: verifiedUser
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionverifiedUser' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: viewAgenda
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionviewAgenda' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: viewArray
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionviewArray' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: viewCarousel
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionviewCarousel' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: viewColumn
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionviewColumn' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: viewDay
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionviewDay' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: viewHeadline
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionviewHeadline' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: viewList
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionviewList' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: viewModule
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionviewModule' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: viewQuilt
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionviewQuilt' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: viewStream
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionviewStream' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: viewWeek
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionviewWeek' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: visibility
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionvisibility' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: visibilityOff
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionvisibilityOff' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: watchLater
This icon can be used as follows:
import Icon from '@slup/icons/actionwatchLater' export default () => <Icon />
Icon: work <img src="https://storage.googleapis.com/material-icons/external-assets/v4/icon