A set of slim JS polyfills with tree-shaking support
🪶 @slimr/util
A set of slim JS polyfills with tree-shaking support
is a set of slim React (hence '@slimr') libs. Check them all out on github!
appendElement, appendLink, appendScript, appendStyle
Append a link, script, style, or ANY element to the head of the document if not already added
areEqualDeep, areNotEqualDeep
Deep compare methods
- Shallow is faster than deep if it's "good enough" for your use case
- Dependendencies:
, npm:fast-deep-equal - Note: Imperfect on Classes
- Tip: For debugging, try using areEqualDebug/areNotEqualDebug
areEqualShallow, areNotEqualShallow
Shallow compare methods
- Shallow is faster than deep if it's "good enough" for your use case
- Dependendencies:
, npm:fast-shallow-equal - Note: Imperfect on Classes and less perfect than deep
- Tip: For debugging, try using areEqualDebug/areNotEqualDebug
Deeply copy two objects
- Is imperfect on classes.
- Extends npm:copy-anything, which has a full list of options.
const obj1 = [
{foo: 'bar', arr: [2]},
{foo: 'bar2', arr: [3]},
const obj2 = copy(obj1)
Generate a random string of 12 characters, provided by npm:nanoid.
const id = createUid()
Don't call a function until a certain amount of time has passed without it being called.
- If you want more features, like arg diffing and return values, see @slimr/util/memoize
- Dependences:
const fnc = async () => 2
const debounced = debounce(fnc, 250)
await sleep(250)
await sleep(250)
// fnc would only be called twice
diff, addedDiff, deletedDiff, updatedDiff, detailedDiff
Deep compare methods provided by npm:deep-object-diff, which return an object describing the differencees between two objs.
Highlight code elements using highlight.js
- Is async + lazy loaded to avoid loading highlight.js on pages that don't need it bc is large.
- Dependendencies:
, npm:highlight.js
Extracts form values from a form
element, such as e.target from form.onSubmit
- An alternative to the FormData api, aiming to be more predictable, flexible and less awkward.
- For example, FormData has not great way to enumerate all fields (even ones with undefined values) or multiple checkboxes or multi selects.
- Handles text, number, checkboxes, radio buttons, textarea, select
- Value = array if multiple inputs with same 'name', such as checkboxes
- Converts US phone numbers to international format
- Usage: Code Sandbox
- Limitation: Can't handle complex forms (multipart/form-data encoding)
- Dependencies:
Why not FormData?
- FormData returns an iterator, vs formToJson a simple dictionary object
- For checkbox inputs, FormData returns 'on' when checked and nothing at all when unchecked
- For number inputs, FormData returns a string instead of a number
- For array values such as select w/ multiple, FormData returns a seperate key/value for every value instead of key=array of values.
hash32 and hash64
Quickly converts any plain object, string, number, and more to a 32bit/64bit hash number or string
- Uses a fast and tiny approach, which has higher likelyhood of collision than
- Best for smaller hash tables
- Not good enough for UUIDs
- Dependencies:
hash32('hello world') // 1047750623
hash32('hello world', true) // 'hbsxjz'
hash32({hello: 'world'}) // 141133545
hash64('hello world') // 927946135
hash64('hello world', true) // 'fch3tj'
hash64({hello: 'world'}) // 1139059049
NOTE hash64 is not a true 64 bit hash and has higher collision odds than a true 64 bit hash.
Collisions are possible and likelyhood increases with the number of hashes.
Ideal collision odds:
- 100 32bit hashes = 1/1,000,000
- 927 32bit hashes = 1/10,000
- 1921 64bit hashes = 1/10,000,000,000,000 = 1/10 trillion = ~odds of a meteor hitting your house
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/34842797
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/22429679
- https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/209882/can-a-32-bit-hash-be-made-into-a-64-bit-hash-by-calling-it-twice-with-different/210049#210049
- https://preshing.com/20110504/hash-collision-probabilities/
- https://www.ilikebigbits.com/2018_10_20_estimating_hash_collisions.html
A set of is-type methods to easily check if a value is a type.
- Is provided by npm:is-what, which has a full list of options.
isPositiveNumber(-2) // false
isFullArray([]) // false
isEmptyArray([]) // true
Limit the size of a map by evicting the least-recently-used (aka LRU) items. Works by monkey-patching the get and set of a map instance
- Dependencies:
const t = mapApplyMaxSize(new Map(), 2)
t.set('a', 1)
t.set('b', 2)
t.set('a', 3) // refreshes 'a'
t.set('c', 3) // should evict 'b'
t.set('d', 4) // should evict 'a'
t.set('e', 5) // should evict 'd'
A memoization wrapper with ttl expiration for cache hits.
- Aka a feature rich debounce. If you only need basic debounce, see @slimr/util/debounce.
- Compared to other memoization algs (fast-memoize, nano-memoize), is much simpler, shorter, easier to fork/enhance while less perfect and slower for primitive args.
- Dependences:
merge, mergeAndCompare, mergeAndConcat
Deeply merge objects or arrays in a familiar pattern to Object.assign
- Is imperfect on classes.
- Extends npm:merge-anything, which has a full list of options.
merge({foo: 'bar', arr: [2]}, {foo: 'bar2', arr: [3]}) // {foo: bar2, arr: [3]}
mergeAndConcat({foo: 'bar', arr: [2]}, {foo: 'bar2', arr: [3]}) // {foo: bar2, arr: [2, 3]}
mergeAndCompare(concatStrings, {name: 'John'}, {name: 'Simth'})
// returns { name: 'JohnSmith' }
function concatStrings(originVal, newVal, key) {
if (typeof originVal === 'string' && typeof newVal === 'string') {
// concat logic
return `${originVal}${newVal}`
// always return newVal as fallback!!
return newVal
Applies a mask to a string of numbers, helpful for phone numbers
Grabs all of the numbers out of str into an array, then assembles the mask and replaces the '#' with the numbers in order
numericStringMask('1234567890', '(###) ### - ####') // (123) 456 - 7890
numericStringMask('1234567890', '(###) ### - ####') // (123) 456 - 7890
numericStringMask('(123)abc45678-90', '(###) ### - ####') // (123) 456 - 7890
numericStringMask('1234567890', '(###) ###-####') // (123) 456-7890
numericStringMask('11900567890', '(##) #####-####') // (11) 90056-7890
// react input usage
const onChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
e.currentTarget.value = numericStringMask(e.target.value, '(###) ###-####')
// Replaces so we don't add characters past the end of the string,
// and so the user can delete characters
.replace(/-$/, '') // changes '(123) 456-' to '(123) 456'
.replace(/\) $/, '') // changes '(11)' to '(11'
.replace(/\($/, '') // changes '(' to ''
Allows setting common page attrs.
- Intelligently use the attrs, only setting if changed
- Resets back to initial if omitted, based on initial introspection
- Stores element handles in memory to remove need to query the dom on every update
Note: Set
to disable setPageMeta for testing
- Sets title, meta:og:title. Is postfixed by ' - {siteName}'siteName
- Sets meta:og:site_namedescription
- Sets meta:descriptionimage
- Sets meta:og:imagelocale
- Sets meta:og:local
Assumption: The page should already have the following meta tags, to be used as defaults:
<title>React Template</title>
<meta property="og:title" content="React template" />
<meta property="og:site_name" content="React Template" />
<meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" />
<link rel="canonical" href="https://react-template.com" />
<meta name="description" content="A template to build tiny Preact applications" />
<meta property="og:description" content="A template to build tiny React applications" />
<meta property="og:url" content="https://github.com/bdombro/react-template" />
<meta property="og:image" content="https://preact-template.com/apple-touch-icon.png" />
const {description} = setPageMeta({
title: `Hello World`,
description: 'This page is awesome',
A safe JSON.stringify wrapper that limits recursion
- Dependencies:
Convert a string to camelCase
toCamelCase('hello_world') // helloWorld
Convert a string to kebab-case
toCamelCase('hello_world') // hello-world