SCSS tools for slim-css and their plugins
slim-scss-tools is a great tool that provides you with a set of scss files (containing scss/css variables, mixins, functions, and extensions used by the components and elements that make up the slim-css core) and a command line tool to easily build and develop plugins and graphic designs for the slim-css framework.
Table of contents
Quick install
npm i -D @slim-css/scss-tools
yarn add -D @slim-css/scss-tools
Import slim-scss-tools
In your own scss file (example.scss) you can include the scss tools from slim-core as follows
// ./scss/example.scss
@import "../node_modules/@slim-css/scss-tools/src/tools_components/all";
Use slim-scss-cli
Create .slimrc.js
To use slim-scss-cli, you must first create a configuration file named .slimrc.js whose content will look like the following
// .slimrc.js
module.exports = {
pluginName: 'plugin_name', // A plugin name
source: './scss', // the source directory path that contains the scss files
output: './css', // the output directory path that will contain the css files
entryFilename: 'plugin_name', // name of the scss input file that will be compiled
Set package
Add to your package.json the following lines of code
"scripts": {
"build": "slim-cli sass && slim-cli group && slim-cli prefix && slim-cli cleancss",
"dev": "npm run sass -- --watch",
"prod": "slim-cli clean && npm run build"
- dev: compile at each modification your scss entrypoint in compact css with map file
- build: compile at each modification your scss entrypoint in minified css
- prod: clean up the css output folder before building the scss entry point (very useful for the plugin production)
Command line reference
|Commands |Functions |
|clean |Clean css folder
|sass |Run sass compiler
|cleancss |Remove css files in css folder
|group |Group css media querie
|prefix |Auto prefix css attribute
Copyright and license
Code copyright 2021 SOCGNA KOUYEM Childéric. Code released under the MIT license.