slate-sheikah backend: Backend components for slate-sheikah. Slate + Automerge + Sockets
slatejs collaborative plugin & microservice Forked from (slate-collaborative and modified for speed and stability.
Use it as a simple slatejs plugin
import { withIOCollaboration } from '@slate-sheikah/client'
const collaborationEditor = withIOCollaboration(editor, options)
Check detailed example
docId?: // document id
url?: string // url to open connection
connectOpts?: SocketIOClient.ConnectOpts // socket.io-client options
cursorData?: any // any data passed to cursor
presenceData?: Object //any object data that represents a participant in the meeting. This will get echoed back through the onParticipantChange when people join and leave the document.
onConnect?: () => void // connect callback
onDisconnect?: () => void // disconnect callback
onError?: (reason: string) => void // error callback
preserveExternalHistory?: boolean // preserve slate-history operations form other clients
onDocumentLoaded(id)?: => void // callback that runs once a document is loaded on the client, takes internal id of document (can be used to tell if the document you have in memory matches the one on the server)
onParticipantChange = (msg: Object) => void // callback called when the participants change. message contains an array of participants as defined in presenceData
You need to attach the useCursor decorator to provide custom cursor data in renderLeaf function
import { useCursor } from '@slate-sheikah/client'
const decorator = useCursor(editor)
const { SocketIOConnection } = require('@slate-sheikah/backend')
const connection = new SocketIOConnection(options)
entry: Server // or specify port to start io server
defaultValue: Node[] // default value
saveFrequency: number // frequency of onDocumentSave callback execution in ms
cleanFrequency: number // frequency of cleaner runs in ms, defaults to 60000 (1 minute)
cleanThreshold: number // how long after all the connections have closed before allowing memory recovery in minutes defaults, to 30 minutes
onAuthRequest: ( // auth callback
query: Object,
socket?: SocketIO.Socket
) => Promise<boolean> | boolean
onDocumentLoad: ( // request slate document callback
pathname: string,
query?: Object
) => Promise<Node[]> | Node[]
onDocumentSave: (pathname: string, doc: Node[]) => Promise<void> | void // save document callback
onSocketConnection?: ({
docId: string,
socket: SocketIO.Socket,
_this: SocketIOConnection
}) => void // socket connection callback
onSocketDisconnection?: ({
docId: string,
socket: SocketIO.Socket,
_this: SocketIOConnection
}) => void // socket disconnection callback
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