Global state management for react
NOTE: Do not use in production for now (Check back in one week)
Global state management for react
npm i @skyblazar/react-store --save
Create a new Store
Simple store
import { Store } from 'react-store';
export const myStore = new Store('myStore', { myProperty: 0, myOtherProperty: 'value' });
Update the store from anywhere. All connected components (See Hooks) will be re-rendered and all subscribed callbacks will be called
import { myStore } from 'stores/myStore.store';
// Update the store state
myStore.updateState({ myProperty: 2 });
// Use the current store state to derive a new store state
myStore.updateState(state => ({ ...state, myProperty: 2 }));
// Update a store property value
myStore.updateProperty('myProperty', -100);
// Use the current store state to derive a new property value
myStore.updateProperty('myProperty', state => state.myProperty - 10);
Store with actions
import { Store } from 'react-store';
export const myStore = new Store(
{ myProperty: 0, myOtherProperty: 'value' },
INCREMENT_MY_PROPERTY: ({ updateState, state }) => {
myProperty: state.myProperty + 1,
SET_MY_PROPERTY: ({ updateState, state }, payload: number) => {
myProperty: payload,
SET_MY_PROPERTY_2: ({ updateProperty, state }, payload: number) => {
updateProperty('myProperty', payload);
// Dispatch action without payload
// Dispatch action with payload derived from current store state
myStore.dispatch('SET_MY_PROPERTY', state => state.myProperty * 100);
// Dispatch action with payload derived from current store state
myStore.dispatch('SET_MY_PROPERTY_2', state => state.myProperty / 100);
Connect React components with store hooks
import { Store } from 'react-store';
export const myStore = new Store('myStore', { myProperty1: 0, myProperty2: 0 });
import React from 'react';
import { useStore, useStoreProperty } from 'react-stores';
import { myStore } from 'stores/myStore.store';
export const MyComponent: React.FC = () => {
// This will trigger a component re-render whenever anything changes in the store state
const [myStoreState, setMyStoreState] = useStore(myStore);
// This will trigger a component re-render whenever "myProperty2" changes
const [myProperty2, setMyProperty2] = useStoreProperty(myStore, state => state.myProperty2, 'myProperty2');
return (
<div onClick={() => setMyStoreState(state => ({...state, myProperty1: state.myProperty1 + 1}))}>
Increment 1: {myStoreState.myProperty1}
<div onClick={() => setMyProperty2(state => state.myProperty2 + 1)}>
Increment 2: {myStoreState.myProperty2}