Snowflake ID is a unique identifier commonly used in distributed systems to generate unique IDs with a timestamp component. It is designed to ensure uniqueness, even in distributed and highly concurrent environments.
Snowflake ID is a unique identifier commonly used in distributed systems to generate unique IDs with a timestamp component. It is designed to ensure uniqueness, even in distributed and highly concurrent environments.
The Snowflake ID typically consists of three components:
- Timestamp: Representing the time when the ID was generated.
- Machine ID: Identifying the machine or node that generated the ID.
- Sequence Number: Ensuring uniqueness in cases of multiple IDs generated within the same millisecond.
By combining these components, Snowflake IDs provide a reliable way to generate globally unique identifiers, making them valuable for applications such as distributed databases, messaging systems, and more.
yarn add @skorotkiewicz/snowflake-id
npm i @skorotkiewicz/snowflake-id
import { Snowflake, decodeSnowflake } from "@skorotkiewicz/snowflake-id";
(async () => {
const machineId = 1; // machine ID (0-1023)
const snowflake = new Snowflake(machineId);
const id1 = await snowflake.generate();
console.log("encodeID", id1);
// output: 7160521316708126720
const decoded = decodeSnowflake(id1);
console.log("decodeID", decoded);
// output: { timestamp: '2024-02-06T05:12:47.730Z', machineId: '1', sequence: '0' }