Demo https://ui.skedulo.com
Skedulo UI
Demo https://ui.skedulo.com
Demo (Local)
yarn storybook
Use NodeJS 16 for development
yarn bootstrap
yarn test
Run with the watch command:
yarn test:watch
yarn build
Linking between projects
If you need to test your changes to the package in another project, you can do so by first building the package:
yarn build:package
then allow a link to sked-ui by running:
yarn link
within this projects directory.
To use it within another project, navigate to the root folder of that project and run:
yarn link @skedulo/sked-ui
Some potentially helpful commands to run if you are making changes to sked are:
yarn package:watch
# and
yarn build:declarations:watch
Merging to master & semantic-release
Concurrent merging
Do not in any circumstances merge branches to master while the build pipeline for the last commit is still running.
Doing so will cause the last commit to not be published while other assets relying on it will be.
Failed build pipelines on master
Semantic-release will create a new commit at some point in the build pipeline that updates the package version in the source.
If the build fails BEFORE this occurs, then feel free to rerun the build pipeline as it will cleanly re-attempt to release.
If the build fails AFTER a commit is created, then you will not be able to rerun the build pipeline. This is because the release
process relies on being at the tip of master to release to NPM and a previous pipeline has already added a commit changing the package version.
In this instance you will have to create another commit and merge it through a PR. If the build pipeline is still broken and needs to be debugged
then the only other option is asking an administrator to rebase master and drop the release commit allowing the release process to cleanly retry.
This is an unfortunate scenario that comes from using semantic-release as it does not do releases idempotently.
PRs welcome. Please review the CONTRIBUTING.md doc for what is required for any code contributions.
Refer to ROADMAP.md for a planned list of upcoming components.