yarn global add @skedulo/sdk
yarn global add @skedulo/sdk
What is this repository for?
This repo contains the Software Development Kit for Phoenix / Skedulo
-u --username : Username
-p --password : Password
-v --vendor : salesforce|salesforce-sandbox
-i --instance : Instance of phoenix default: `new.skedulo.com`
-t --teamname : Team Name
--interactive : Force run chrome in window mode
Example Commands
// Logging into Phoenix ( using chrome headless )
phoenix-login -u [email protected] -p password -v salesforce
phoenix-login --username [email protected] --password password -v salesforce
phoenix-login [email protected] --password=password -v salesforce
// Chrome will pop-up and prompt to fill in missing details
// ( Chrome won't be running headless )
phoenix-login -v salesforce
phoenix-login -u [email protected] -v salesforce
phoenix-login -p password -v salesforce
// Provide all details but don't run chrome headless
// Useful when debugging the login process ( if something is weird )
phoenix-login -u [email protected] -p password --interactive -v salesforce
// Login to another instance of phoenix
phoenix-login -i localhost:8888 -v salesforce
phoenix-login -i new.skedulo.com -u [email protected] -p password -v salesforce
Once succesfully logged in, the credentials are printed on the console. These are some examples of things you could do
phoenix-login -u [email protected] -p password -v salesforce > ./auth.json
# Get access to auth vars directly
phoenix-login -u [email protected] -p password -v salesforce | jq '.sfdc.access_token'
phoenix-login -u [email protected] -p password -v salesforce | jq '.skedApiAccessToken'
phoenix-login -u [email protected] -p password -v salesforce | jq '.idToken'
# Copy relevant var into clipboard ( On OSX )
phoenix-login -u [email protected] -p password -v salesforce | jq '.skedApiAccessToken' | pbcopy
Logging in to standalone
// Logging into a standalone instance
phoenix-login -v standalone -t harish-chat -u username -p password
phoenix-login --vendor=standalone --teamname=harish-chat --username=username --password=password
// Logging into a standalone instance interactively
phoenix-login -v standalone -t harish-chat -u username -p password --interactive
At any point if the username of password is not provided inline as an argument, the tool will open up in interactive mode and prompt the user to enter the username and password in the chosen vendors login page.
Who do I talk to?
- Harish
- Team Nuclear