A central repository store for all the common utils, interfaces etc that are used across work actions.
Horizon Work Actions Common
Install dependencies
yarn bootstrap
Running a Local Server for Development
To facilitate local development and debugging, you can set up a local server to run API functions.
Remember every API request needs to be authenticated, so you will need to provide a valid JWT token in the Authorization
header of your requests as well as the api url in the sked-api-server
Start the local development server with the following command:
yarn start
This command will launch the server, and you should see some output in the terminal indicating that the server is running.
After the server has started, you can make API requests to the available functions and endpoints defined in the src/devRoutes.ts
To test you can send a GET request to http://localhost:7654/ping which should return 'pong'.
Note: The server will typically run on localhost at port 7654, but can be also customised by setting it on the env variable HTTP_PORT.
How to publish
Changes to this package should come along with changes to the version.
Check the version
List all the versions of the package to know the next version available
npm view @skedulo/horizon-work-actions-common versions
Releasing a new version
The command below will update the version of the package and publish it to npm.
yarn release-package <newversion>