A collection of reusable components designed for use in Sixbell Telco Angular projects
Sixbell Telco SDK
We are thrilled to have you here. This SDK is designed to provide you with a comprehensive set of UI components to accelerate your development process. Whether you are building a small project or a large-scale application, our components are crafted to be flexible, customizable, and easy to integrate.
Explore the documentation, try out the examples, and start building amazing applications with Sixbell Telco SDK today!
Happy coding!
- Angular 18.X.X or later
Available Components
General components
| Component | Description | | -------------- | ---------------------------------- | | Accordion | Expandable/collapsible content | | Accordion Item | Item within an accordion | | Avatar | User avatar display | | Button | Buttons for various actions | | Card | Container for content and actions | | Countdown | Countdown timer | | Dropdown | Dropdown menu for actions or links | | Dual List | Dual list for selecting items | | File Uploader | Upload files | | File Dropzone | Drag and drop file upload | | Icon | Display icons | | Link | Hyperlink component | | Modal | Modal dialog | | Notification | Display notifications | | Paginator | Pagination controls | | Product Card | Display product information | | Progress | Progress bar | | Tab | Tabbed navigation | | Table | Display tabular data | | Toast | Toast notifications | | Tooltip | Display tooltips | | Wizard | Step-by-step wizard |
Forms specific components
| Component | Description | | ---------- | ------------------------------- | | Checkbox | Checkbox input | | Combobox | Combo box for selecting options | | Datepicker | Date selection input | | Form Error | Display form errors | | Input | Text input field | | Radio | Radio button input | | Range | Range slider input | | Select | Dropdown select input | | Switch | Toggle switch input | | Textarea | Multi-line text input | | Toggle | Toggle button input |
Quick Setup (Recommended)
We provide a CLI tool for automatic setup:
npx @sixbell-telco/cli init
This will automatically:
- Install all necessary dependencies
- Configure Tailwind CSS and Daisy UI
- Set up required theme configurations
Note: The CLI tool is currently a work in progress and is not yet available. Coming soon!
Manual Setup
- Install dependencies:
npm i -D @sixbell-telco/sdk @tailwindcss/typography daisyui @midudev/tailwind-animations
Configure Tailwind CSS (Tailwind guide)
Add the provided configuration to your
[See detailed config below]
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
// const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin');
module.exports = {
content: ['./src/**/*.{html,ts}', './node_modules/@sixbell-telco/sdk/**/*.{html,ts,js,mjs}'],
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
'primary-gradient': 'rgba(var(--primary-gradient), <alpha-value>)',
tertiary: 'rgba(var(--tertiary), <alpha-value>)',
'tertiary-content': 'rgba(var(--tertiary-content), <alpha-value>)',
'neutral-secondary': 'rgba(var(--neutral-secondary), <alpha-value>)',
'base-placeholder': 'rgba(var(--base-placeholder), <alpha-value>)',
'metrics-increase': 'rgba(var(--metrics-increase), <alpha-value>)',
'metrics-decrease': 'rgba(var(--metrics-decrease), <alpha-value>)',
'metrics-neutral': 'rgba(var(--metrics-neutral), <alpha-value>)',
'metrics-intensity-highest': 'rgba(var(--metrics-intensity-highest), <alpha-value>)',
'metrics-intensity-high': 'rgba(var(--metrics-intensity-high), <alpha-value>)',
'metrics-intensity-medium': 'rgba(var(--metrics-intensity-medium), <alpha-value>)',
'metrics-intensity-low': 'rgba(var(--metrics-intensity-low), <alpha-value>)',
'metrics-intensity-lowest': 'rgba(var(--metrics-intensity-lowest), <alpha-value>)',
fontFamily: {
poppins: ['Poppins', 'sans-serif'],
heading: ['Poppins', 'sans-serif'],
body: ['Poppins', 'sans-serif'],
boxShadow: {
main: '0px 0px 8px 0px rgba(var(--shadow-primary))',
fontWeight: {
inherit: 'inherit',
transitionTimingFunction: {
'ease-out-back': 'cubic-bezier(0.34, 1.56, 0.64, 1)',
'ease-in-and-out-back': 'cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.27, 1.55)',
keyframes: {
wave: {
'0%, 100%': { transform: 'scaleY(0)' },
'50%': { transform: 'scaleY(1)' },
animation: {
'slide-in': 'slideIn 0.8s cubic-bezier(0.34, 1.56, 0.64, 1)',
'slide-out': 'slideOut 0.8s cubic-bezier(0.34, 1.56, 0.64, 1)',
'toast-slide-out': 'toastSlideOut 0.8s cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.27, 1.55)',
'fade-in': 'fadeIn 1s',
'fade-out': 'fadeOut 1s',
wave: 'wave 1s linear infinite',
daisyui: {
themes: [
vivid_elegance_light: {
// Daisy UI theme variables
primary: '#15A1C1',
'primary-content': '#ffffff',
secondary: '#D0D3D7',
'secondary-content': '#080809',
accent: '#FF6B35',
'accent-content': '#080809',
neutral: '#E2E5E9',
'neutral-content': '#080809',
'base-100': '#F2F4F7',
'base-200': '#FFFFFF',
'base-300': '#E2E8F0',
'base-content': '#080809',
info: '#0070E0',
'info-content': '#ffffff',
success: '#34CC05',
'success-content': '#134B02',
warning: '#DBD706',
'warning-content': '#5E5D02',
error: '#ef5145',
'error-content': '#460A06',
// Custom colors
'--primary-gradient': '7, 90, 105',
'--tertiary': '166, 166, 166',
'--tertiary-content': '8, 8, 9',
'--neutral-secondary': '169, 170, 178',
'--neutral-secondary-content': '255, 255, 255',
'--base-placeholder': '101, 104, 108',
'--shadow-primary': '186, 185, 185, 0.40',
// Custom properties for metrics
'--metrics-increase': '46, 204, 113',
'--metrics-decrease': '231, 76, 60',
'--metrics-neutral': '127, 140, 141',
'--metrics-intensity-highest': '77, 214, 237',
'--metrics-intensity-high': '101, 222, 241',
'--metrics-intensity-medium': '125, 229, 244',
'--metrics-intensity-low': '149, 236, 247',
'--metrics-intensity-lowest': '220, 247, 252',
// Daisy UI utility variables
'--rounded-box': '1rem', // border radius rounded-box utility class, used in card and other large boxes
'--rounded-btn': '0.5rem', // border radius rounded-btn utility class, used in buttons and similar element
'--rounded-badge': '1.9rem', // border radius rounded-badge utility class, used in badges and similar
'--animation-btn': '0.25s', // duration of animation when you click on button
'--animation-input': '0.2s', // duration of animation for inputs like checkbox, toggle, radio, etc
'--btn-focus-scale': '0.95', // scale transform of button when you focus on it
'--border-btn': '1px', // border width of buttons
'--tab-border': '1px', // border width of tabs
'--tab-radius': '0.5rem', // border radius of tabs,
// custom button sizes
'.btn-md': {
height: '2.5rem',
'min-height': '2.5rem',
'.btn-square:where(.btn-md)': {
height: '2.5rem',
width: '2.5rem',
padding: '0',
'.btn-circle:where(.btn-md)': {
height: '2.5rem',
width: '2.5rem',
padding: '0',
'.btn-lg': {
height: '3rem',
'min-height': '3rem',
'padding-left': '1rem',
'padding-right': '1rem',
'font-size': '1.125rem',
'.btn-square:where(.btn-lg)': {
height: '3rem',
width: '3rem',
padding: '0',
'.btn-circle:where(.btn-lg)': {
height: '3rem',
width: '3rem',
padding: '0',
// custom input sizes
'.input-md': {
height: '2.5rem',
'min-height': '2.5rem',
'.input-lg': {
height: '3rem',
'min-height': '3rem',
// custom select sizes
'.select-md': {
height: '2.5rem',
'min-height': '2.5rem',
'.select-lg': {
height: '3rem',
'min-height': '3rem',
vivid_elegance_dark: {
// Daisy UI theme variables
primary: '#15A1C1',
'primary-content': '#ffffff',
secondary: '#5D5F69',
'secondary-content': '#FFFFFF',
accent: '#FF8B5A',
'accent-content': '#1E1E1E',
neutral: '#616161',
'neutral-content': '#FFFFFF',
'base-100': '#121212',
'base-200': '#1E1E1E',
'base-300': '#2A2A2A',
'base-content': '#FFFFFF',
info: '#0070E0',
'info-content': '#ffffff',
success: '#34CC05',
'success-content': '#134B02',
warning: '#DBD706',
'warning-content': '#5E5D02',
error: '#FF4133',
'error-content': '#4D0500',
// Custom colors
'--primary-gradient': '7, 90, 105',
'--tertiary': '161, 161, 161',
'--tertiary-content': '55, 56, 62',
'--neutral-secondary': '169, 170, 178',
'--neutral-secondary-content': '255, 255, 255',
'--base-placeholder': '178, 179, 81',
'--shadow-primary': '0, 0, 0, 0.40',
// Custom properties for metrics
'--metrics-increase': '46, 204, 113',
'--metrics-decrease': '231, 76, 60',
'--metrics-neutral': '127, 140, 141',
'--metrics-intensity-highest': '77, 214, 237',
'--metrics-intensity-high': '101, 222, 241',
'--metrics-intensity-medium': '125, 229, 244',
'--metrics-intensity-low': '149, 236, 247',
'--metrics-intensity-lowest': '220, 247, 252',
// Daisy UI utility variables
'--rounded-box': '1rem', // border radius rounded-box utility class, used in card and other large boxes
'--rounded-btn': '0.5rem', // border radius rounded-btn utility class, used in buttons and similar element
'--rounded-badge': '1.9rem', // border radius rounded-badge utility class, used in badges and similar
'--animation-btn': '0.25s', // duration of animation when you click on button
'--animation-input': '0.2s', // duration of animation for inputs like checkbox, toggle, radio, etc
'--btn-focus-scale': '0.95', // scale transform of button when you focus on it
'--border-btn': '1px', // border width of buttons
'--tab-border': '1px', // border width of tabs
'--tab-radius': '0.5rem', // border radius of tabs,
// custom button sizes
'.btn-md': {
height: '2.5rem',
'min-height': '2.5rem',
'.btn-square:where(.btn-md)': {
height: '2.5rem',
width: '2.5rem',
padding: '0',
'.btn-circle:where(.btn-md)': {
height: '2.5rem',
width: '2.5rem',
padding: '0',
'.btn-lg': {
height: '3rem',
'min-height': '3rem',
'padding-left': '1rem',
'padding-right': '1rem',
'font-size': '1rem',
'.btn-square:where(.btn-lg)': {
height: '3rem',
width: '3rem',
padding: '0',
'.btn-circle:where(.btn-lg)': {
height: '3rem',
width: '3rem',
padding: '0',
// custom input sizes
'.input-md': {
height: '2.5rem',
'min-height': '2.5rem',
'.input-lg': {
height: '3rem',
'min-height': '3rem',
// custom select sizes
'.select-md': {
height: '2.5rem',
'min-height': '2.5rem',
'.select-lg': {
height: '3rem',
'min-height': '3rem',
plugins: [require('@midudev/tailwind-animations'), require('@tailwindcss/typography'), require('tailwind-scrollbar'), require('daisyui')],
- Below tailwind decorators in your global styles file add
@import 'node_modules/@sixbell-telco/sdk/_index.scss';
With that configuration the library custom CSS will be loaded
- Microfrontend Configuration (Required for Microfrontends Only)
Add the following path mapping to your tsconfig.json
file under compilerOptions.paths
"@sixbell-telco/sdk/*": ["./node_modules/@sixbell-telco/sdk/*"]
Complete example of a tsconfig.json
"compileOnSave": false,
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"@sixbell-telco/sdk/*": ["./node_modules/@sixbell-telco/sdk/*"]
// ... other path mappings
// ... other compiler options
This configuration ensures proper module resolution in microfrontend architectures.
- VSCode Settings (Optional)
For VSCode users, it is recommended to install the official Tailwind CSS extension and add the following to your settings.json
"tailwindCSS.classAttributes": ["class", "className", "ngClass", "class:list", "classes", "containerClasses", "titleClasses", "actionsClasses"]
With those settings VSCode will pick the library custom attributes to give class intellisense
- Translations
Before setting up translations, first install the necessary packages:
npm install @ngx-translate/core @ngx-translate/http-loader [email protected]
- Create a folder (e.g.,
) to store your translation files. - In the folder, add separate JSON files for each language:
- en.json (English)
- es.json (Spanish)
- pt.json (Portuguese)
- In each file, include the corresponding translations for file uploader, for example:
"sdk": {
"fileUpload": {
"dropzone": {
"selectPrompt": "Click to select files or drag and drop here",
"maxSizeLabel": "Max size:",
"allowedTypesLabel": "Allowed types:",
"invalidFileType": "Invalid file type",
"fileTooLarge": "File too large",
"fileCounter": "{{current}} of {{max}} files",
"maxFilesExceeded": "Maximum {{max}} file(s) allowed",
"noValidFiles": "No valid files selected",
"fileActions": {
"play": "Play audio",
"pause": "Pause audio",
"download": "Download file",
"remove": "Remove file"
"fileUploader": {
"allowedTypesLabel": "Allowed types:"
"audioPlayer": {
"trackListTitle": "Tracks",
"trackInfo": {
"title": "No title",
"description": "No description"
"countdown": {
"days": "Days",
"hours": "Hours",
"minutes": "Minutes",
"seconds": "Seconds"
"dualList": {
"searchPlaceHolder": "Search"
"combobox": {
"noResultsFound": "No results found",
"loading": "Loading..."
"formErrors": {
"validation": {
"required": "*This field is required",
"email": "*Please enter a valid email address",
"minLength": "*Must be at least {{min}} characters",
"maxLength": "*Must be no more than {{max}} characters",
"min": "*Value must be at least {{min}}",
"max": "*Value must be no more than {{max}}",
"pattern": "*Invalid format",
"unhandledError": "*Unhandled error"
"textarea": {
"maxCharacters": "{{current}} of {{max}} characters"
"table": {
"entriesByPage": "Entries per page",
"totalEntries": "{{total}} entries",
"entriesRange": "{{range}} of {{total}} entries",
"emptyListMessage": "No items to show"
"wizard": {
"wizardMarker": {
"completed": "Completed",
"inProgress": "In progress",
"pending": "Pending"
"wizardWrapper": {
"back": "Back",
"previous": "Previous",
"end": "End",
"next": "Next"
"sdk": {
"fileUpload": {
"dropzone": {
"selectPrompt": "Haz clic para seleccionar archivos o arrastra y suelta aquí",
"maxSizeLabel": "Tamaño máximo:",
"allowedTypesLabel": "Tipos permitidos:",
"invalidFileType": "Tipo de archivo no válido",
"fileTooLarge": "Archivo demasiado grande",
"fileCounter": "{{current}} de {{max}} archivos",
"maxFilesExceeded": "Máximo de {{max}} archivo(s) permitido",
"noValidFiles": "No se han seleccionado archivos válidos",
"fileActions": {
"play": "Reproducir audio",
"pause": "Pausar audio",
"download": "Descargar archivo",
"remove": "Quitar archivo"
"fileUploader": {
"allowTypesLabel": "Tipos permitidos:"
"audioPlayer": {
"trackListTitle": "Pistas",
"trackInfo": {
"title": "Sin título",
"description": "Sin descripción"
"countdown": {
"days": "Días",
"hours": "Horas",
"minutes": "Minutos",
"seconds": "Segundos"
"dualList": {
"searchPlaceHolder": "Buscar"
"combobox": {
"noResultsFound": "No se encontraron resultados",
"loading": "Cargando..."
"formErrors": {
"validation": {
"required": "*Este campo es obligatorio",
"email": "*Por favor ingresa una dirección de correo válida",
"minLength": "*Debe tener al menos {{min}} caracteres",
"maxLength": "*No debe tener más de {{max}} caracteres",
"min": "*El valor debe ser al menos {{min}}",
"max": "*El valor no debe superar {{max}}",
"pattern": "*Formato inválido",
"unhandledError": "*Error inesperado"
"textarea": {
"maxCharacters": "{{current}} de {{max}} caracteres"
"table": {
"entriesByPage": "Entradas por página",
"totalEntries": "{{total}} entradas",
"entriesRange": "{{range}} de {{total}} entradas",
"emptyListMessage": "No hay elementos para mostrar"
"wizard": {
"wizardMarker": {
"completed": "Completado",
"inProgress": "En progreso",
"pending": "Pendiente"
"wizardWrapper": {
"back": "Atrás",
"previous": "Anterior",
"end": "Finalizar",
"next": "Siguiente"
"sdk": {
"fileUpload": {
"dropzone": {
"selectPrompt": "Haz clic para seleccionar archivos o arrastra y suelta aquí",
"maxSizeLabel": "Tamaño máximo:",
"allowedTypesLabel": "Tipos permitidos:",
"invalidFileType": "Tipo de archivo no válido",
"fileTooLarge": "Archivo demasiado grande",
"fileCounter": "{{current}} de {{max}} archivos",
"maxFilesExceeded": "Máximo de {{max}} archivo(s) permitido",
"noValidFiles": "No se han seleccionado archivos válidos",
"fileActions": {
"play": "Reproducir audio",
"pause": "Pausar audio",
"download": "Descargar archivo",
"remove": "Quitar archivo"
"fileUploader": {
"allowedTypesLabel": "Tipos permitidos:"
"audioPlayer": {
"trackListTitle": "Trilhas",
"trackInfo": {
"title": "Sem título",
"description": "Sem descrição"
"countdown": {
"days": "Dias",
"hours": "Horas",
"minutes": "Minutos",
"seconds": "Segundos"
"dualList": {
"searchPlaceHolder": "Pesquisar"
"combobox": {
"noResultsFound": "Nenhum resultado encontrado",
"loading": "Carregando..."
"formErrors": {
"validation": {
"required": "*Este campo é obrigatório",
"email": "*Por favor, insira um endereço de e-mail válido",
"minLength": "*Deve ter pelo menos {{min}} caracteres",
"maxLength": "*Deve ter no máximo {{max}} caracteres",
"min": "*O valor deve ser de pelo menos {{min}}",
"max": "*O valor deve ser de no máximo {{max}}",
"pattern": "*Formato inválido",
"unhandledError": "*Erro não tratado"
"textarea": {
"maxCharacters": "{{current}} de {{max}} caracteres"
"table": {
"entriesByPage": "Entradas por página",
"totalEntries": "{{total}} entradas",
"entriesRange": "{{range}} de {{total}} entradas",
"emptyListMessage": "Nenhum item para mostrar"
"wizard": {
"wizardMarker": {
"completed": "Concluído",
"inProgress": "Em andamento",
"pending": "Pendente"
"wizardWrapper": {
"back": "Voltar",
"previous": "Anterior",
"end": "Fim",
"next": "Próximo"
- Configure your translation loader. If you are using Angular i18n, ngx-translate, etc., first import in your app.config.ts:
import { HttpBackend } from '@angular/common/http';
import { provideRouter } from '@angular/router';
import { provideTranslateService, TranslateLoader } from '@ngx-translate/core';
import { MultiTranslateHttpLoader } from 'ngx-translate-multi-http-loader';
export function HttpLoaderFactory(_httpBackend: HttpBackend) {
return new MultiTranslateHttpLoader(_httpBackend, ['/assets/i18n/']);
- Then, add the provider to your application configuration:
import { ApplicationConfig } from '@angular/core';
import { provideHttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
providers: [
loader: {
provide: TranslateLoader,
useFactory: HttpLoaderFactory,
deps: [HttpBackend],
- Finally, set up the basic configuration in your app.component to load the translations:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
selector: 'app-root',
template: `<router-outlet></router-outlet>`,
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private translate: TranslateService) {
this.translate.addLangs(['en', 'es', 'pt']);
With this configuration, all the translations related to the SDK will be loaded.
Usage Example
Here's a basic example of using a button component:
// app.component.ts
import { ButtonComponent } from '@sixbell-telco/sdk/components/button';
imports: [ButtonComponent],
template: `
<h1>Awesome button</h1>
<st-button variant="primary">Click me!</st-button>
For detailed component documentation, visit our Storybook
Note: Our Storybook documentation is currently a work in progress and will be available soon!
Last update
This file was last updated on February 18th, 2025.