Lighthouse plugin for sitespeed.io
sitespeed.io plugin for Lighthouse
Run Lighthouse as a plugin for sitespeed.io (inspired by siteriaitaliana).
You can read more about sitespeed.io plugins here.
Test with current main
If you have checked out as the same level as sitespeed.io you run it like this (else just change the path).
git clone https://github.com/sitespeedio/sitespeed.io.git
cd sitespeed.io
npm install
bin/sitespeed.js --plugins.add ../plugin-lighthouse/index.js https://www.sitespeed.io/ -n 1
Run in production
If you want to run Lighthouse with your other sitespeed.io test, follow the instructions in the add a plugin docs or use the sitespeed.io +1 container. Read the documentation.
If you use NodeJs the simplest way is to install the plugin globally:
npm install @sitespeed.io/plugin-lighthouse -g
And then run sitespeed.io adding the pluging using the package name:
sitespeed.io --plugins.add @sitespeed.io/plugin-lighthouse https://www.sitespeed.io
The Lighthouse tests will run after Browsertime finished and run Chrome headless.
Lighthouse reports
By default, it will generate lighthouse
HTML-report in /pages/YOURPAGE/data
that is iframed into the sitespeed.io result
Data to Graphite/InfluxDB
The plugin will automatically send the performance, pwa, best practice, accessibility, SEO score and Google Web Vitals to Graphite/InfluxDB.
If you want to sent other Lighthouse metrics you should start by reading the documentation about collecting metrics.
By default the plugin run the tests with desktop settings (lighthouse/core/config/lr-desktop-config). If you run sitespeed.io with --mobile
, --android
or --ios
the plugin will run the tests with mobile settings (lighthouse/core/config/lr-mobile-config).
If you want you can run the tests with your own configuration. You will do that by adding your own JavaScript configuration file --lighthouse.config config.js
And a configuration file like this:
export default config = {
extends: 'lighthouse:default',
settings: {
onlyAudits: ['first-meaningful-paint', 'speed-index', 'interactive']
You can also add Lighthouse flags by a JSON file --lighthouse.flags flag.json
. If you pass on command like flags that contains hyphens, they are removed and converted internally in Lighthouse, so for example to get the command line flag --extra-headers
to work, the JSON should be like this:
"extraHeaders": { "key": "value"}
Read all about configuring Lighthouse at https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/blob/master/docs/configuration.md.