Frontend toolchain for sitegeist TYPO3 projects
Bundles sitegeist's frontend toolchain for TYPO3 projects (with and without fluid-components)
- Enables centralized design tokens in a json/json5 file which can be used in sass files, javascript as well as TYPO3 and fluid components
- Easy imports of multiple sass/js files via glob
- Automatic polyfills for new JavaScript features with babel (respects browserslist of project)
- Minifies frontend assets and generates source map files
- Browser Update Note
- Stylelint for (CSS, SASS, SCSS) and Standard Linting (JS)
- Autoprefixing of modern CSS properties for older browsers (respects browserslist of project)
- SVG-Spritemap generation from single SVG files, optionally with name-prefixes
- Integration of purgeCSS functionality
Planned features
- Autoprefixing of CSS classes (similar to CSS modules) for selected sass files
npx @sitegeist/conventional init
- Outputs instructions to install conventional via npm or yarn
- Creates default
After the setup procedure, your package.json should look something like this:
"scripts": {
"build": "conventional build",
"watch": "conventional watch",
"lint": "conventional lint"
"devDependencies": {
"@sitegeist/conventional": "^1.4"
Installation with ddev and M1 CPU
For the usage in an apple environment with M1 CPU or other installation issues add these packages to your .ddev/config.yaml
webimage_extra_packages: [python-dev, build-essential]
In case you manually added the conventional package to your package.json and you might want to do a 'yarn install' or 'npm install' use this flags when you get issues with node-sass
CXXFLAGS="--std=c++17" yarn install --network-concurrency 1
CXXFLAGS="--std=c++17" npm install --network-concurrency 1
All configuration is done in conventional.config.json in your package root folder:
"minify": true,
"sourceMaps": true,
"autoprefixer": true,
"browserUpdateNote": false,
"sass": {
"inputFiles": {
"Main": "./Resources/Private/Sass/Main.scss",
"Additional": "./Resources/Private/Sass/Additional.scss",
"Glob": "./Resources/Private/Sass/*.scss"
"outputPath": "./Resources/Public/Css/",
"outputFilePattern": "[name].min.css",
"purgeFiles": [
"purgeSafelist": ["html", "body"]
"less": {
"inputFiles": {
"Main": "./Resources/Private/Less/Main.less"
"outputPath": "./Resources/Public/Css/",
"outputFilePattern": "[name].min.css"
"js": {
"inputFiles": {
"Main": "./Resources/Private/JavaScript/Main.js",
"Additional": "./Resources/Private/JavaScript/Additional.js",
"Glob": "./Resources/Private/JavaScript/*.js"
"outputPath": "./Resources/Public/JavaScript/",
"outputFilePattern": "[name].min.js"
"ts": {
"inputFiles": {
"MainFromTs": "./Resources/Private/JavaScript/*.ts"
"outputPath": "./Resources/Public/JavaScript/",
"outputFilePattern": "[name].min.js"
see also conventional.config.json
Stylelint configuration
By default, conventional uses the stylelint-config-sass-guidelines. To add your own configuration, place a .stylelintrc.json file into your project root. You can add a complete custom set of rules or extend the standard-rules like this:
"extends": "stylelint-config-sass-guidelines",
"rules": {
"indentation": "tab",
"number-leading-zero": null
TypeScript configuration
To configure the TypeScript settings, a tsconfig.json can be placed in your project root. A sample setting could look like this:
"compilerOptions": {
"noImplicitAny": true,
"module": "es6",
"target": "es5",
"jsx": "react",
"allowJs": true,
"moduleResolution": "node"
To run purgeCSS on your sass files, add purgeFiles (path or array of paths incl. glob) to the sass section of your conventional.config.json. Only classes/IDs used in those files will be kept in your output CSS. Note: Enabling this option may reduce the building speed significantly, depending on the size of your project. purgeSafelist can take the different safelist patterns as described here: https://purgecss.com/configuration.html. It just needs to be converted to .json formatting.
Available Commands
conventional init
conventional build
conventional build:sass
conventional build:less
conventional build:js
conventional build:ts
conventional build:spritemap
conventional watch
conventional watch:sass
conventional watch:less
conventional watch:js
conventional watch:ts
conventional watch:spritemap
conventional lint
conventional lint:sass
conventional lint:js
Planned commands
conventional test
conventional test:css
conventional test:js