SXA Theme
Boilerplate for creating a new theme for your Sitecore site.
For this version of the theme we recommend to use @sitecore/sxa-cli rather than gulp tasks
- Should be installed @sitecore/sxa-cli globally.
For using Autosynchronizer, you need to complete next steps:
Download the theme boilerplate;
Open PathToInstance/Website/App_Config/Include/z.Feature.Overrides (in previous version of Sitecore it can be PathToInstance/Website/App_Config/Include/Feature) folder and remove .disabled from z.SPE.Sync.Enabler.Gulp.config.disabled file;
Switch to the downloaded theme boilerplate folder.
sxa init
Update the config file for Gulp tasks. ThemeRoot/gulp/config.js file:
- path to sitecore instance. Exampleserver: 'http://sxa'
If you use Creative exchange skip this step. Open ThemeRoot/gulp/serverConfig.json
- path to project, where the theme is placed. ExampleprojectPath: '/themes'
- path to basic theme folder from the project root. ExamplethemePath: '/Basic2'
Open the Theme root folder with the command line.
npm install
(*node.js and npm should be installed already *);If gulp is not yet installed - Install gulp using following command:
npm install --global gulp-cli
Run the gulp task that you need: Global tasks:
gulp default
or justgulp
- startsgulp watchAll
;gulp watchAll
- aggregates the functionality of the following tasks:watchSass
gulp buildAll
- compiles sass, minifies css and js;gulp uploadAll
- uploading JavaScript, CSS, and images to the Sitecore instance;gulp rebuildAll
- compiles sass components into css, minifies js and css, uploads js, css, images;gulp rebuildMain
- compiles sass components into css, minifies js and css, uploads js, css;
gulp watchSass
- aggregates the functionality of the following tasks:watchSassComponents
gulp buildSass
- compiles sass into css from root of sass folder;gulp buildSassStyles
- compiles files from sass/styles/common , sass/styles/content-alignment , sass/styles/layout to styles/styles.css;gulp watchSassStyles
- monitors changes under sass/styles/common , sass/styles/content-alignment , sass/styles/layout folders, compiles all of them to styles/styles.css;gulp watchSassBase
- monitors changes under sass/abstracts/, sass/base/ , sass/components folders and compiles components and styles;gulp watchSassComponents
- monitors changes in component styles under sass folder and compiles them to styles folder;gulp watchSassDependency
- monitors changes under sass/styles/ (except for sass/styles/common , sass/styles/content-alignment , sass/styles/layout) and compiles appropriate components;gulp watchSassSource
- monitors changed under sass/* folder and uploads changed file to the Sitecore instance;
gulp watchCss
- monitors changes of css files under styles folder and uploads them to the Sitecore instance;gulp buildCss
- bundles and minifies files in styles folder;gulp uploadCss
- uploading CSS files from styles folder based on the theme configuration.
For JavaScript:
gulp buildEslint
run eslint for all JavaScript in the Scripts folder;gulp watchJs
- watches changes of js files under Scripts folder and upload them to the Sitecore instance;gulp watchEs
- watches changes of ES6+ js files under sources folder and upload them to the Sitecore instance;gulp buildJs
- bundles and minifies JavaScript files in the Scripts folder;gulp uploadJs
- uploads JavaScript files from Scripts folder based on the theme configuration
For SASS and CSS
gulp buildStyles
- compiles sass components into css, bundles and minfies css files;
For Images
gulp watchImg
- monitors changes under images folder and uploads the files to the Sitecore instance;gulp uploadImg
- upload files from images to the Sitecore instance;
For Sprite
gulp buildSpriteFlag
- create sprites for icons from flags folder;
For Fonts
gulp uploadFonts
- upload files from Fonts folder to the Sitecore instance;
For Gulp config
gulp uploadGulpConfig
- upload files from config folder and gulpfile.js to the Sitecore instance;
Creative Exchange specific tasks
For Scriban
gulp watchScriban
- monitors changes of Scriban files and uploads them to the Sitecore instance;
gulp watchHtml
- monitors changes of HTML files and uploads them to the Sitecore instance to be parsed by Creative Exchange;
When watcher starts you must enter your login and password for Sitecore, for uploading reason.