Share data between one to other single spa microfrontend application.
Single spa example global
Single spa example share data between one to other single spa microfrontend application.
How to Use
One Way to do, Registered store from single-spa microfrontend
import { ReduxStoreDistributor } from "@single-spa-example/global"; const storeDistributor = new ReduxStoreDistributor(); storeDistributor.registerStore(storeName, store);
Another Way to do, Registered store from single-spa microfrontend
import { reduxStoreDistributor as storeDistributor } from "@single-spa-example/global"; storeDistributor.registerStore(storeName, store);
Add Below line, Where you would like to access registered Store state value.
import { reduxStoreDistributor as storeDistributor } from "@single-spa-example/global"; const state = storeDistributor.getState(storeName); console.log("state", state);
Add Below line, Where you would like to access registered Store state value as observable.
import { reduxStoreDistributor as storeDistributor } from "@single-spa-example/global"; const state$ = storeDistributor.getState$(storeName); state$.subscribe((state) => { console.log("state", state); });
Add Below line, To update data from one microfrontend to other microfrontend
import { reduxStoreDistributor as storeDistributor } from "@single-spa-example/global"; storeDistributor.dispatch({ type: "INCREMENT", payload: 1 });
Getting started
- Supported Node Engine
node - v16.12.0
yarn - 1.22.19
- Install node_modules package for first time only
yarn install
- Run application in development mode
yarn start
- Run application as a standalone in development mode
yarn start:standalone
- To build for production
yarn build