Run Chrome from the Terminal
$ npm install -g @sinclair/drift
$ drift url http://localhost:5000
Drift is a command line tool that integrates the Chrome Developer Console into the terminal. It is built upon the Chrome DevTools Protocol and implements an interactive repl for running code in remote Chrome instances. Drift enables browser functionality to be developed and tested entirely from within a terminal window.
Drift works similar to Node but runs code in constrained browser environments. It can be used for browser automation, running browser code in CI environments or used as a general purpose scripting tool.
License MIT
The Drift CLI accepts a series of commands which are run in sequence against a sandboxed Chrome instance. When all commands have completed, Drift will enter an interactive repl similar to the Chrome DevTools Console.
The following is the Drift command line interface
$ drift [...command]
$ drift url https://domain.com
$ drift run script.ts
$ drift url https://domain.com run script.ts
$ drift url https://domain.com wait 1000 save image.png
$ drift window devtools url https://domain.com
url url Load page
run path Add script to page
css path Add style to page
save path Save page as image or pdf
args [...args] Adds args to Drift.args
watch [...path] Watch and reload
user path User directory
mousedown x y Send mousedown event
position x y Desktop window position
size w h Desktop window size
wait ms Wait timeout
reload Reload page
close Close drift
window Open window
devtools Open devtools
incognto Open incognito
verbose Log Chrome messages
reset Reset user directory
fail Close drift on exceptions
help Show this help message
The following are some examples
# starts with interactive repl
$ drift
# opens github.com
$ drift url http://github.com
# runs index.ts
$ drift run index.ts
# opens a window, runs index.ts, waits 5 seconds then closes
$ drift window run index.ts wait 5000 close
# opens github.com, waits 4 seconds then takes a screenshot
$ drift url https://github.com wait 4000 save screenshot.png
When testing browser code in CI environments, call close(...)
to terminate the process with a non zero exit code on error. CI environments will interpret this is a failed process.
test().then(() => close(0)).catch(() => close(1))
Which can be run on CI environments with the following.
$ drift run test.ts
Drift is open to community contribution. Please ensure you submit an open issue before submitting a pull request. The Drift project preferences open community discussion prior to accepting new features.