react hook and component for subscribe to hot keys
React hook and react component for subscribe to hotkeys
Support React Context API.
HotKeys examples Demo
Component HotKey
import { HotKey, Keys, KeySelector } from "@simprl/react-hot-keys";
// with typescript:
// const customSelector: KeySelector = (e) => e.key === 'Delete';
const customSelector = (e) => e.key === 'Delete';
const Component = ({onExit, onEvent}) => {
return <>
<HotKey selector={Keys.ESC} onKey={onExit} />
<HotKey selector={customSelector} onKey={onEvent} />
<div>component with hot keys</div>
Hook useHotKey
import { useHotKey, Keys, KeySelector } from "@simprl/react-hot-keys";
// with typescript:
// const customSelector: KeySelector = (e) => e.key === 'Delete';
const customSelector = (e) => e.key === 'Delete';
const Component = ({onExit, onEvent}) => {
useHotKey(Keys.ESC, onExit);
useHotKey(customSelector, onEvent);
return <div>component with hot keys</div>
Component HotKeysContainer
import { HotKey, HotKeysContainer, Keys } from "@simprl/react-hot-keys";
<HotKeysContainer >
<HotKey selector={Keys.ESC} onKey={() => setV((state)=> state + 1)} />
<HotKeysContainer >
inner hot key container
<HotKey selector={Keys.ESC} onKey={() => setV((state)=> state + 1)} />
By default HotKeysContainer is a div element with style = { width: 100%; height: 100%; }
You can set your own styles:
<HotKeysContainer className = "myClassName" >
How it work
- HotKeysContainer render a div and subscribe to keyboard events. Also it make React Context.
- HotKeysContainer receive event only if it or children DOM elements has focus.
- If keyboard event happen then check all HotKey components and useHotKey hooks inside react context.
- If selector return true then onKey handler call.
- If none handler call and property propagate is true, then process parent HotKeysContainer.