This is a easy Discord js Command Handler which has Cooldown system.
Chnage Logs
- Version V2
What's New?
- It's completely changed from v1.
- Fixed the cooldown not working bug.
- Before there were no variables for logging settings. You can find them here
- Fixed a bug in help command :)
To install the command handler, install npm
and then in a terminal run this command where you want your bot npm i @silent-coder/discord-cmd-handler
. After it create your main file (index.js) and add this into it :
const {
} = require("@silent-coder/discord-cmd-handler");
const Discord = require("discord.js")
const client = new Discord.Client();
client.login("TOKEN HERE");
client.on("ready", () => {
//I'm using logger and not console beacuse it has colours :)
logger.info(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag} Successfully..!!`)
logs: {
consoleLogEnabled: true,
consoleLogMessage: "{user.tag} ( {user.id} ) ran a command: {command} in {guild.name} ( {channel.name} )",
cmdLogEnabled: false,
cmdLogChannel: "ChannelID HERE",
cmdLogMessage: "{user.tag} ( {user.id} ) ran a command: {command} in {guild.name} ( {channel.name} )"
cooldownMSG: "Calm down, {user.tag}, You still have {time} before you can run the command again.",
EnableCommmandonEdit: true,
mentionPrefix: true,
prefix: "?",
path: __dirname + "/commands",
events_path: __dirname + "/events",
logCommands: true
//This will load all commands.
After adding the above code to index.js you need todo the following steps to make Command Handler work:-
- Make a Directory ( Folder ) in the same Directory where your main file ( index.js ) is located. Name the folder
. - Open the Directory that you made.
- Make a new Directory ( Folder ) inside the
Directory. This Folder will be the name of the Category. You can name it anything. - Open the Directory that you made.
- Now make a
and put this inside it.
"hide": false
- Save the file.
- Now You can make a file
and paste this Code. - Save the file.
- You can make as many as many commands as you like using this Template.
- Feel free to DM me on Discord
☠ Be Intelligent ☠#2385
if having any issues & Enjoy!
const Discord = require("discord.js")
exports.run = async (client, message, args, logger) => {
try {
//Put Code Here
} catch (error) {
exports.help = {
name: "Command-Name",
description: "Command-description",
usage: "Command-usage",
example: "Command-example"
exports.conf = {
aliases: [], //Other names of the command.
cooldown: 5 // % seconds of cooldown, Owners have bypass
Help Command
This will auto make help command when adding new commands.
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const {
} = require("@silent-coder/discord-cmd-handler")
exports.run = async (client, message, args) => {
let prefix = settingFunction().prefix;
if (!args[0]) {
// This will turn the folder (category) into array.
let module = client.helps.array();
// This will hide a folder from display that includes "hide: true" in their module.json
if (!settingFunction().owners.includes(message.author.id)) module = client.helps.array().filter(x => !x.hide);
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTimestamp(new Date())
.setDescription(`Type \`${prefix}help [command]\` to get more specific information about a command.`)
.setTitle("My Bot")
.setAuthor("Bot made by Me.!!")
"Requested by " + message.author.username,
format: "png",
dynamic: true
let i = 0;
for (const mod of module) {
// You can change the .join(" | ") to commas, dots or every symbol.
embed.addField(mod.name, mod.cmds.map(x => `\`${x}\``).join(" | "));
return message.channel.send(embed);
} else {
let cmd = args[0];
// If the user type the [command], also with the aliases.
if (client.commands.has(cmd) || client.commands.get(client.aliases.get(cmd))) {
let command = client.commands.get(cmd) || client.commands.get(client.aliases.get(cmd));
let name = command.help.name; // The command name.
let desc = command.help.description; // The command description.
let cooldown = command.conf.cooldown + " second(s)"; // The command cooldown.
let aliases = command.conf.aliases.join(", ") ? command.conf.aliases.join(", ") : "No aliases provided.";
let usage = command.help.usage ? command.help.usage : "No usage provided.";
let example = command.help.example ? command.help.example : "No example provided.";
let embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setFooter("[] optional, <> required. Don't includes these things while typing a command.")
.addField("Cooldown", cooldown)
.addField("Aliases", aliases, true)
.addField("Usage", usage, true)
.addField("Example", example, true)
return message.channel.send(embed);
} else {
// If the user type the wrong command.
return message.channel.send({
embed: {
color: "RED",
description: "Unknown command."
exports.help = {
name: "help",
description: "Show a command list.",
usage: "help [command]",
example: "/help verify"
exports.conf = {
aliases: ["?"],
cooldown: 5
Variables and Settings Help.
* Setting: "consoleLogEnabled",
* This Setting is a @Boolean Which means either "true" or either "false".
* It's for to either log when a User executes a command.
* e.g if it's set to true it will log a message like this:-
* "MyNameGamerXD ran a command: help in My-Server at bot-commands."
* if it's set to false it won't log that.
* =====================================================
* Setting: "consoleLogMessage",
* This settings is a @string which means you hav eto give a input e.g a sentence.
* It's the message which will get logged when Setting: "consoleLogEnabled" is set to true.
* Variables for this setting are as follows:-
* - {user.tag} || for User's tag. e.g "MyNameGamerXD#5789"
* - {user.username} || for User's username. e.g "MyNameGamerXD"
* - {user.id} || for User's id. e.g "1234567890"
* - {command} || Command that User executed.
* - {guild.name} || Name of guild where command was executed.
* - {guild.id} || ID of guild where command was executed.
* - {channel.name} || Name of Channel where command was executed.
* - {channel.id} || ID of Channel where command was executed.
* =====================================================
* setting: "EnableCommmandonEdit"
* This Setting is a @Boolean Which means either "true" or either "false".
* It's for if you want the command to execute if someone edits the message.
* ===================================================== *
* setting: "cmdLogEnabled",
* This Setting is a @Boolean Which means either "true" or either "false".
* It's for either to send a message in a discord log channel that someone ran a comamnd.
* =====================================================
* setting: "cmdLogChannel",
* This Setting is a @Number.
* If setting: "cmdLogEnabled" is set to true than a discord channel id is required in here.
* =====================================================
* setting: "cmdLogChannel",
* This settings is a @string which means you hav eto give a input e.g a sentence.
* It's the message which will get logged when Setting: "cmdLogChannel" is set to true.
* Variables for this setting are as follows:-
* - {user.tag} || for User's tag. e.g "MyNameGamerXD#5789"
* - {user.username} || for User's username. e.g "MyNameGamerXD"
* - {user.id} || for User's id. e.g "1234567890"
* - {command} || Command that User executed.
* - {guild.name} || Name of guild where command was executed.
* - {guild.id} || ID of guild where command was executed.
* - {channel.name} || Name of Channel where command was executed.
* - {channel.id} || ID of Channel where command was executed.
* ===================================================== *
* setting: "cooldownMSG",
* This setting is a @string which means you hav eto give a input e.g a sentence.
* It's the message which will be sent when a user is spamming commands.
* Variables for this setting are as follows:-
* - {time} || for time left. e.g 10 (seconds)
* - {user.tag} || for User's tag. e.g "MyNameGamerXD#5789"
* - {user.username} || for User's username. e.g "MyNameGamerXD"
* =====================================================
* setting: "mentionPrefix",
* This Setting is a @Boolean Which means either "true" or either "false".
* It's so if you want to run a command by mentioning the bot.
* Example:-
* "@myBot ping"
* That above example will work same as if you have done "<YouPrefixHere>ping".
* =====================================================
* setting: "prefix",
* This is a @string so you have to put a unique symbol here.
* It's a unique symbol which everyone can use before the command to use your bot.
* Example:-
* "?".
* =====================================================
* setting: "owners",
* It's a @Array which mean you can add mutiple values to it.
* It's for owner's. owner's of the bot can put there discord ID's in here and this will amke so they can bypass cooldown's and can see / use hidden commands.
* =====================================================
* setting: "path",
* It's the path to your commands folder.
* =====================================================
* setting: "logCommands",
* This Setting is a @Boolean Which means either "true" or either "false".
* This Setting si for wether you want to log that which commands are loaded on startup of bot.