simple utility for reducing redux boilerplate and helping you scale redux
Duxedo for Redux
A tiny, easy to use utility to help you write cleaner code, and scale redux easily.
What does it do?
Take a single object definition of actions and how state changes, and produce an object containing immutable action constants, an object containing consistent FSA compliant action creators and a reducer function that can be included easily in your store configuration, or components, just the way you would usually. No extra fuss.
Managing state with redux requires quite a bit of boilerplate code, especially when you begin to use consistent patterns for action creators for example, you end up repeating yourself a great deal. Secondly as your app grows, recalling which actions do what, and how becomes a hunt through growing switch statements, and multiple files. Not to mention that this growing API for your local application state, can increase the time it takes to on-board new team members, along with increasing support, maintenance, and iteration time.
- DRY>TM out your code by defining actions, action creators and reducers with a single definition.
- Consistency through a predefined opinionated structure, and single reliable pattern for action objects. (FSA compliant)
- Improve Readability and Maintainability by clearly defining actions and how state should change in a single place.
Enough Talk, Lets Code
install with npm:
npm install --save @sigmadigital/duxedo
or with yarn:
yarn add @sigmadigital/duxedo
Add your dependencies if you haven't already:
npm install --save react redux react-dom react-redux
NB: You'll likely need a build pipeline (ie: webpack, parcel or rollup etc) with babel to transpile es6/es7+..
// src/store/definitions/counter.js
import duxedo from '@sigmadigital/redux-helpers';
// define your default state
const defaultState = { count: 0 };
// Define your actions and how state should change
const definition = {
INCREMENT: state => ({ ...state, count: state.count + 1 }),
DECREMENT: state => ({ ...state, count: state.count - 1 }),
SET: (state, { payload }) => ({ ...state, count: payload.count }),
RESET: state => ({ ...state, count: 0 }),
// this exports an object containing reducer, constants, actions
export const { reducer, actions, constants } = duxedo({
// src/store/index.js
import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { reducer as counter } from './definitions/counter';
export default () => createStore(combineReducers({ counter }));
the duxedo
function takes the definition as above, and the default state, that you would usually pass to your reducer function and returns an object:
reducer, // function to be passes to the store
actions, // object containing action creator functions, note that the action names have been transformed to **camelCase**
constants, // the actions in original case, as an object
Have a look at the /example
directory for a full example with redux and react. Alternatively, have a look at the example app or fork the sandbox here:
If you find an issue, have an idea or would like to contribute, either let us know in the issues, or fork our repo, and open a pull request. If you do, please ensure all tests are passing, and that any new items have coverage as well.
A Sigma Digital Project. Copyright 2019. License MIT.