A customizable react component with additional function.
React Data Table Component
A customizable react component with additional function.
Key Features
- Searching
- Sorting
- Pagination
- Customizable
import ReactDataTable, {ReactTableCheckBox} from '@sifatkabir/reactdatatable';
const columns = [
{ title: <ReactTableCheckBox name="test" checked={true}/>, key: 'userId' },
title: 'Firstname', render: (item) => {
return (
}, sort: true, key: 'firstname'
title: 'Lastname', render: (item) => {
return (
}, sort: true, key: 'lastname'
{ title: 'Country code', key: 'countrycode', sort: true }
const data = [
"userId": "56615",
"firstname": "Kaelyn",
"lastname": "Hane",
"countrycode": "CL"
"userId": "66680",
"firstname": "Jovani",
"lastname": "Mosciski",
"countrycode": "AT"
const option = {
pagination: { perPage: 5 }
return (
<ReactDataTable columns={columns} data={data} option={option} title="Users" theme="bootstrap" />
use with remote source
const columns = [
{ title: 'ID', key: 'userId' },
{ title: 'firstname', key: 'firstname', sort: true },
{ title: 'lastname', key: 'lastname', sort: true },
title: 'friends', key: 'friends', render: (item) => {
const li = item.friends.map((friend) => <li key={friend.id}>{friend.id}</li>);
return (
const option = {
ajax: {
url: 'http://localhost:3001/',
requestOption: {
mode: 'cors', credentials: 'omit',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer'
const data = [];
return (
<ReactDataTable columns={columns} data={data} option={option} />
| Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| columns | array | yes | | Please view columns section |
| data | array | no | [] | array of objects |
| option | object| no | default option object | Please view option section |
| title | string | component | no | | Displayed on table caption |
| theme | string | no | default | Values: default | bootstap. When use with bootstrap please set theme to bootstrap |
| loader | component | no | <Loading />
component | Shows while table loads data. |
columns Props
| Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| title | string | component | yes | | The name of the column. e.g. Firstname
. You can also a valid react component. |
| key | string | no | | key
is required if you want to display data. This will map to data object key. e.g. if you have data like this [{"userId": "56615","firstname": "Kaelyn"}] and you want to display firstname then set key
to firstname
. |
| sort | boolean | no | false | Set to true if you want this column to be sortable |
| render | function(item) | no | | Custom function to display cell data. The record of the row passed as parameter. Returned value displayed on table cell |
option Props
| Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
| ---- | ---- | -------- | ------- | ----------- |
| heading| boolean | object | no | enabled by default | div
containing search element or dropdown containing number of entries per page before table. You can set {heading: false}
to hide this element. |
| heading.className | string | no | table-header | CSS class for heading |
| table.title | string | JSX element | no | | This value will showup in the caption of the table. |
| table.className | string | no | react-datatable | CSS class for the table |
| table.tableHeader | boolean | object | no | enabled by default | <thead>
element of the table. You can set {table: {tableHeader: false}}
to hide this element. |
| table.tableHeader.className | string | no | | CSS class for <thead>
| table.tableHeader.sortingIcon.asc | string | JSX element | no | \u2191 | If that column has sorting enable then this icon will showup and will be highlighted it is in ascending order. |
| table.tableHeader.sortingIcon.desc | string | JSX element | no | \u2193 | If that column has sorting enable then this icon will showup and will be highlighted it is in descending order. |
| pagination | boolean | object | no | enabled by default | You can set {pagination: false}
to disable pagination |
| pagination.perPage | number | no| 20 | Number of items to be shown in a page |
| pagination.className | string | no | react-table-pagination | CSS class for <ul>
element of the pagination. |
| pagination.pageItemClassName | string | no | react-table-page-item | CSS class for <li>
items of the pagination. |
| pagination.anchorClassName | string | no | react-table-page-link | CSS class for <a>
items or links for the pagination. |
| pagination.wrapperClassName | string | no | | There is a wrapper <nav>
element for the pagination. This will set the CSS class for that element. |
| pagination.lengthMenu.className | string | no | | CSS class for per page dropdown. |
| pagination.lengthMenu.position | string | no | left | This determines in which side the per page dropdown will be displayed. By default it is left. You can set it to right
to show this on right.|
| pagination.lengthMenu.menu | array | no | [5, 10, 15, 20]
| Menu items for per page dropdown. |
| pagination.lengthMenu.wrapperClassName | string | no | | CSS class for a wrapper <div>
element |
| pagination.lengthMenu.labelClassName | string | no | | CSS class for the label of the dropdown |
| pagination.lengthMenu.style | string | no | '{}' | Inline style for the dropdown. |
| search | boolean | object | no | enabled by default | You can disable search by setting search to false |
| search.position | string | no | right | This determines in whcih side the search box will show up. By default it is right. You can set it to left
to show this on left side. |
| search.className | string | no | | CSS class for the search box |
| search.notFoundText | string | no | Sorry, no record found with the search criteria | Text to display if there is no result with search criteria. |
| search.casesensitive | boolean | no | false | Set it true if you want to make search case-sensitive. |
| search.wrapperClassName | string | no | | CSS class for a wrapper <div>
element. |
| search.name | string | no | search | name attribute for the search input box. |
| search.searchLabel | string | no | Search | Label for the search box. |
| search.searchLabelClassName | string | no | | CSS class for the search label. |
| search.style | string | no | '{}' | Inline style for search. |
| ajax.url | string | no | | url for your remote request. |
| ajax.requestOption | object | no | {}
| fetch
API options. For details please visit MDN |
| ajax.dataKey | string | no | data | Key of response json which contains the data. Data should be an array of objects. |
| ajax.totalRecordKey | string | no | total | Key of the response json whcih contains total number of pages for pagination. |
option example
Change CSS class for table
{table: className: 'my-table'}
Disable pagination
{pagination: false}
Changing class for pagination ul
{pagination: className: 'custom-class-name'}
Changing class for pagination li
{pagination: pageItemClassName: 'custom-class-name'}
Changing class for pagination a
{pagination: anchorClassName: 'custom-class-name'}
Changing class for pagination wrapper nav
{pagination: wrapperClassName: 'custom-class-name'}
Changing number of items to display per page
{pagination: perPage: 5}
Changing dropdown for number of items per page
{pagination: lengthMenu: menu: [10, 20, 30, 50]}
Disable Search
{search: false}
Changing Not found text
{search: notFoundText: 'nothing found'}
Place search box to left
{search: position: 'left'}
Change label for search
{search: searchLabel: 'Find'}
Default option object
heading: {
enableHeading: true,
title: '',
className: 'table-header'
table: {
className: 'react-datatable',
tableHeader: {
enableTableHeader: true,
className: '',
sortingIcon: {
asc: '\u2191',
desc: '\u2193'
tableFooter: {
enableTableFooter: false,
className: ''
pagination: {
enablePagination: true,
position: 'bottom',
perPage: 20,
className: 'react-table-pagination',
pageItemClassName: 'react-table-page-item',
anchorClassName: 'react-table-page-link',
wrapperClassName: '',
lengthMenu: {
className: '',
position: 'left',
menu: [5, 10, 15, 20],
wrapperClassName: '',
labelClassName: '',
style: '{}'
search: {
enableSearch: true,
position: 'right',
className: '',
notFoundText: 'Sorry, no record found with the search criteria',
casesensitive: false,
wrapperClassName: '',
name: 'search',
searchLabel: 'Search',
searchLabelClassName: '',
style: '{}'
ajax: {
url: '',
requestOption: {},
dataKey: 'data',
totalRecordKey: 'total'
socket: {
remote: false