Sierra Labs Nest Workflow NPM module powered by NestJS, TypeORM, and Postgres.
Sierra Labs Nest Workflow NPM module powered by NestJS, TypeORM, and Postgres.
Make sure to have the following installed:
Node 10.15+ / NPM 6.8+
for applicationdocker
for postgres databasejest
for unit testingtslint
for TypeScript linting (tslint in VSCode to automate linting)prettier
for auto formatting in VSCode- Make sure you setup an npmjs.com account and request access to the
private repos for the NPM dependencies.
Using your npmjs.com account from above, run:
$ npm login
$ npm install
Development Guide
Development Database Setup
# Rebuilds the database with a new Docker container and executes the migration scripts.
$ npm run db
Run the App
# development
$ npm run start
# development: watch mode (restarts on changes)
$ npm run start:dev
For development, you can explore the API endpoints via Swagger: http://localhost:3000/explorer/
Clear persistent NPM packages
Delete you node_modules folder. Then:
$ npm install
$ npm cache verify
This is the preferred way to implement data model schema changes. Create migrations for feature related changes. Try to keep migration scripts as small as possible.
NOTE: When naming migrations, include the operation and affected column/table.
# TypeORM to generate the migration files automatically
npm run db:migrate:new -- AlterOrderAddTypeColumn
After running the above script will create a migration script in src/migration/
. Check the source of the migration script to make sure only the intended data model changes are applied.
# Execute the migration on the appropriate environment
npm run db:migrate:up
# Revert the migration on the appropriate environment
npm run db:migrate:down