Smooth fake scroll using CSS transform
Custom scroll event with inertia/momentum, touch and keyboard compatible.
See this article for the original authors description.
Goals of the fork
- Support browser and commonjs environments
- Add SSR environment support
- Provide an example usage
yarn add @sichangi/virtual-scroll
Usage & API
Return a new instance of VirtualScroll. See the options below.
const instance = new VirtualScroll(options)
Listen to the scroll event using the specified function (fn) and optional context.
instance.on(fn, context)
Remove the listener.
instance.off(fn, context)
Will remove all events and unbind the DOM listeners.
Events note:
Each instance will listen only once to any DOM listener.These listener are enabled/disabled automatically. However, it's a good practice to always call destroy()
on your VirtualScroll instance, especially if you are working with a SPA.
| name | default | description |
| el | window | the target element for mobile touch events |
| mouseMultiplier | 1 | General multiplier for all mousewheel (including Firefox) |
| touchMultiplier | 2 | Mutiply the touch action by this modifier to make scroll faster than finger movement. |
| firefoxMultiplier | 15 | Firefox on Windows needs a boost, since scrolling is very slow. |
| keyStep | 120 | How many pixels to move with each key press. |
| preventTouch | false | If true, automatically call e.preventDefault
on touchMove. |
| unpreventTouchClass | vs-touchmove-allowed | Elements with this class won't preventDefault
on touchMove. For instance, useful for a scrolling text inside a VirtualScroll-controled element. |
| limitInertia | false | if true, will leverage Lethargy to avoid everlasting scroll events (mostly on Apple Mouse, Trackpad, and free-wheel mouse). |
| passive | undefined | if used, will use passive events declaration for the wheel and touch listeners. Can be true or false. |
| disableUserInput | false | if true, does not listen for scroll events |