sf plugin to generate metadata
How to get started
Make sure you have already installed this plugin.
Field metadata
To start generating field metadata, you need a csv file to include tab names e.g., fullName, label, type, ... , at the header and values for those tags to determine each detail of custom fields from the second line.
Other spreadsheet files are also supported as delimiter flag on the generator command can be any string.
The description of each tag is as follows. For further details of custrom-field-metadata, see https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.242.0.api_meta.meta/api_meta/customfield.htm
| Tag | Description | | --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | fullName | Custom field API name. | | label | Field label name. | | description | Field descritpion. | | inlineHelpText | Field-level help text. | | type | Data type. Options are listed below:AutoNumber, Checkbox, Currency, Date, DateTime, Email, Location, Number, Percent, Phone, Picklist, MultiselectPicklist, Text, TextArea, LongTextArea, Html, EncryptedText, Time, Url, Lookup, MasterDetail, ExternalLookup, Summary. | | required | Whether it is required. Options are listed below:true, false. | | externalId | Whether it is an external ID. Options are listed below:true, false. | | trackHistory | Whether to enableck history tracking. Options are listed below:true, false. | | trackTrending | Whether to track historical trending. Options are listed below:true, false. | | unique | Whether it is unique. Options are listed below:true, false. | | defaultValue | Default value. For Checkbox data type. Options are listed below:true, false. | | displayFormat | Display format for AutoNumber. Example: A-{0000}. | | displayLocationInDecimal | Whether to display location in decimal. Options are listed below:true, false. | | scale | Number of decimal places. | | precision | Number of digits. | | visibleLines | Number of visible lines applied to MultiselectPicklist, LongTextArea, and Html. | | length | Text length applied to Text, TextArea, LongTextArea, and Html. | | maskChar | Mask character applied to EncryptedText. Options are listed below:asterisk, X. | | maskType | Mask type applied to EncryptedText. Options are listed below:all, lastFour, creditCard, nino, ssn, sin. | | picklistFullName | Picklist API Names applied to Picklist and MultiselectPicklist. Note that semicolon ';' is used as the default delimiter to separate character string to multiple names. The delimiter can be chenged giving the picklistdelimiter. | | picklistLabel | Picklist labels applied to Picklist and MultiselectPicklist. Note that semicolon ';' is used as the default delimiter to separate character string to multiple labels. The delimiter can be chenged giving the picklistdelimiter. | | caseSensitive | Whether the field is case-sensitive. Applied only for Text. Options are listed below:true, false. | | referenceTo | Object FullName that the object of this field references to. | | relationshipLabel | Label for relationship. | | relationshipName | Child relationship name applied for Lookup, MasterDetail, and ExternalLookup. | | relationshipOrder | Order of master-detail relationship. Options are listed below:0, 1. | | deleteConstraint | Deletion options for lookup relationships. Options are listed below:Cascade, Restrict, SetNull. | | reparentableMasterDetail | Whether the child records in a master-detail relationship on a custom object can be reparented to different parent records. Options are listed below:true, false. | | writeRequiresMasterRead | Whether to allow users with Read access to the primary record permission to create, edit, or delete child records. Options are listed below:true, false. | | summaryForeignKey | Represents the master-detail field on the child that defines the relationship between the parent and the child. Example: ChildObject.ParentObject. | | summaryOperation | Type of operation for roll-up summary field. Options are listed below:count, sum, min, max. | | summarizedField | Represents the field on the detail row that is being summarized. Example: ChildObject.Field. | | summaryFilterItemsField | Represents the field to filter items. | | summaryFilterItemsOperation | Type of comparison operation to filter items. Options are listed below:equals,notEqual,lessThan,greaterThan,lessOrEqual,greaterOrEqual,contains,notContain,startsWith,includes,excludes,within. | | summaryFilterItemsValue | Value to compare with summaryFilterItemsField. |
Or you can create a template file running the following commnad:
$ sf metadata field template --outputdir ./outputdir/
Then, sf metadata field generate
generates custom field metadata of the input-csv-file.
The flag --input
specifies the input-csv-file to be converted to metadata-xml-files and --outputdir
the directory to save those xml files.
$ sf metadata field generate --input ./input.csv --outputdir ./outputdir/
You can also update custom-field-xml-files with sf metadata field convert
or sf metadata field retrieve
. Assume you have created SFDX project and retrieved field-xml files you want to update. Then, run the following command to rewrite the files in the csv format.
$ sf metadata field convert -sourcedir ./force-app/main/default/objects/Account/fields/ --outputdir ../outputdir/
Or run retrieve command to call metadata API to get all field metadata specified in a manifest file:
$ sf metadata field retrieve --target-org <your org alias> -manifest ./force-app/main/default/manifest/package.xml --outputdir ../outputdir/
Edit the craeted csv file as you want to update metadata, and then run sf metadata field generate --updates
to override the xml files.
Note that runnning without --updates
avoids overrinding existing metadata.
$ sf metadata field generate --input ./input.csv --outputdir ./outputdir/ --updates
Object metadata
To start generating object metadata, you need a csv file to include tab names e.g., fullName, label, allowInChatterGroups, ... , at the header and values for those tags to determine each detail of custom objects from the second line.
Other spreadsheet files are also supported as delimiter flag on the generator command can be any string.
The description of each tag is as follows. For further details of custrom-object-metadata, see https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.242.0.api_meta.meta/api_meta/customobject.htm
| Tag | Description | | ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | fullName | Custom object API name. | | label | Custom object label name. | | description | Object descritpion. | | allowInChatterGroups | Whether to allow records of this custom object type to be added to Chatter groups. Options are listed below:true, false. | | deploymentStatus | Deployment status. Options are listed below:Deployed, InDevelopment. | | enableActivities | Whether to enable activities. Options are listed below:true, false. | | enableBulkApi | Whether to enable bulk API. Options are listed below:true, false. | | enableHistory | Whether to enable history. Options are listed below:true, false. | | enableReports | Whether to enable reports. Options are listed below:true, false. | | enableSearch | Whether to enable search. Options are listed below:true, false. | | enableSharing | Whether to enable sharing. Options are listed below:true, false. | | enableStreamingApi | Whether to enable sreaming API. Options are listed below:true, false. | | nameFieldType | Type of name field. Options are listed below:Text, AutoNumber. | | nameFieldLabel | Label for name field. | | nameFieldDisplayFormat | Name field display format. Applied when nameFieldType is set to AutoNumber. |
Or you can create a template file running the following commnad:
$ sf metadata object template --outputdir ./outputdir/
Then, sf metadata object generate
generates custom object metadata of the input-csv-file.
The flag --input
specifies the input-csv-file to be converted to metadata-xml-files and --outputdir
the directory to save those xml files.
$ sf metadata object generate --input ./input.csv --outputdir ./outputdir/
You can also update custom-object-xml-files with sf metadata object convert
. Assume you have created SFDX project and retrieved object-xml files you want to update. Then, run the following command to rewrite the files in the csv format.
$ sf metadata object convert -sourcedir ./force-app/main/default/objects/ --outputdir ../outputdir/
Or run retrieve command to call metadata API to get all field metadata specified in a manifest file:
$ sf metadata object retrieve --target-org <your org alias> -manifest ./force-app/main/default/manifest/package.xml --outputdir ../outputdir/
Edit the craeted csv file as you want to update metadata, and then run sf metadata object generate --updates
to override the xml files.
Note that runnning without --updates
avoids overrinding existing metadata.
$ sf metadata object generate --input ./input.csv --outputdir ./outputdir/ --updates
PermissionSet metadata
Only update is supported for permissionset metadata due to dependencies on other metadata.
You can rewrite a permissionset xml file in the csv format as shown in field metadata by runnning metadata field convert
$ sf metadata field convert -sourcedir ./force-app/main/default/permissionsets/xxx.permissionset-meta.xml --outputdir ../outputdir/
Edit the craeted csv file as you want to update metadata. The description of the output csv file is as follows. For further details of permissionset-metadata, see https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.242.0.api_meta.meta/api_meta/meta_permissionset.htm
| Tag | Description | | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | fullName | FullName to update. | | type | Field Name to update. Options are listed below:applicationVisibilities, classAccesses, fieldPermissions, objectPermissions, pageAccesses, recordTypeVisibilities, tabVisibilities, userPermissions. | | editable | Whether it is allowed to edit the field of fullName. Options are listed below:true, false. | | readable | Whether it is allowed to read the field of fullName. Options are listed below:true, false. | | allowCreate | Whether it is allowed to create the object of fullName. Options are listed below:true, false. | | allowDelete | Whether it is allowed to delete the object of fullName. Options are listed below:true, false. | | allowEdit | Whether it is allowed to edit the object of fullName. Options are listed below:true, false. | | allowRead | Whether it is allowed to read the object of fullName. Options are listed below:true, false. | | modifyAllRecords | Whether it is allowed to modify all records of the object of fullName.Options are listed below:true, false. | | viewAllRecords | Whether it is allowed to view all records of the object of fullName. Options are listed below:true, false. | | default | Whether it is default. Applied for recordTypeVisibilities. Options are listed below:true, false. | | visible | Whether it is visible. Applied for applicationVisibilities and recordTypeVisibilities. Options are listed below:true, false. | | enabled | Whether it is enabled. Applied for classAccesses, pageAccesses, and userPermissions. Options are listed below:true, false. | | visibility | Type of tag-visibility. Applied for tabVisibilities. Options are listed below:DefaultOn, DefaultOff,Hidden |
Then, run sf metadata permissionset generate --updates
to override the permissionset xml file.
$ sf metadata permissionset generate --input ./input.csv --outputdir ../outputdir/
Profile metadata
Only update is supported for profile metadata due to dependencies on other metadata.
You can rewrite a profile xml file in the csv format as shown in field metadata by runnning metadata field convert
$ sf metadata field convert -sourcedir ./force-app/main/default/profiles/xxx.profile-meta.xml --outputdir ../outputdir/
Edit the craeted csv file as you want to update metadata. The description of the output csv file is as follows. For further details of profile-metadata, see https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.242.0.api_meta.meta/api_meta/meta_profile.htm
| Tag | Description | | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | fullName | FullName to update. | | type | Field Name to update. Options are listed below:applicationVisibilities, classAccesses, fieldPermissions, objectPermissions, pageAccesses, recordTypeVisibilities, tabVisibilities, userPermissions. | | editable | Whether it is allowed to edit the field of fullName. Options are listed below:true, false. | | readable | Whether it is allowed to read the field of fullName. Options are listed below:true, false. | | allowCreate | Whether it is allowed to create the object of fullName. Options are listed below:true, false. | | allowDelete | Whether it is allowed to delete the object of fullName. Options are listed below:true, false. | | allowEdit | Whether it is allowed to edit the object of fullName. Options are listed below:true, false. | | allowRead | Whether it is allowed to read the object of fullName. Options are listed below:true, false. | | modifyAllRecords | Whether it is allowed to modify all records of the object of fullName.Options are listed below:true, false. | | viewAllRecords | Whether it is allowed to view all records of the object of fullName. Options are listed below:true, false. | | default | Whether it is default. Applied for applicationVisibilities and recordTypeVisibilities. Options are listed below:true, false. | | visible | Whether it is visible. Applied for applicationVisibilities and recordTypeVisibilities. Options are listed below:true, false. | | enabled | Whether it is enabled. Applied for classAccesses, pageAccesses, and userPermissions. Options are listed below:true, false. | | visibility | Type of tag-visibility. Applied for tabVisibilities. Options are listed below:DefaultOn, DefaultOff,Hidden |
Then, run sf metadata profile generate --updates
to override the profile xml file.
$ sf metadata profile generate --input ./input.csv --outputdir ../outputdir/
Tab metadata
To start generating tab metadata, you need a csv file to include tab names e.g., fullName, label, allowInChatterGroups, ... , at the header and values for those tags to determine each detail of custom tabs from the second line.
Other spreadsheet files are also supported as delimiter flag on the generator command can be any string.
The description of each tag is as follows. For further details of custrom-tab-metadata, see https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.242.0.api_meta.meta/api_meta/customtab.htm
| Tag | Description | | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | fullName | Custom tab API name. | | label | Custom tab label name. | | type | Type of tab. Options are listed below:CustomObject, Visualforce, LightningComponent, LightningPage, Web. | | description | Tab descritpion. | | customObject | Whether it is custom object tab. Options are listed below:true or false. | | flexiPage | FullName of flexiPage applied when type is LightningPage. | | frameHeight | Frame height of page when type is Web. | | hasSidebar | Whether page has a sidebar. Applied only for Web tab. | | lwcComponent | FullName of flexiPage applied when type is LightningComponent. | | motif | Name of motif of tab. | | page | FullName of flexiPage applied when type is Visualforce. | | splashPageLink | Splash page link. | | url | URL for web tab. Applied only for web tab. | | urlEncodingKey | ncoding key of URL. Options are listed below:UTF-8, |
Or you can create a template file running the following commnad:
$ sf metadata tab template --outputdir ./outputdir/
Then, sf metadata tab generate
generates custom tab metadata of the input-csv-file.
The flag --input
specifies the input-csv-file to be converted to metadata-xml-files and --outputdir
the directory to save those xml files.
$ sf metadata tab generate --input ./input.csv --outputdir ./outputdir/
You can also update custom-tab-xml-files with sf metadata tab convert
. Assume you have created SFDX project and retrieved tab-xml files you want to update. Then, run the following command to rewrite the files in the csv format.
$ sf metadata tab convert -sourcedir ./force-app/main/default/tabs/ --outputdir ../outputdir/
Or run retrieve command to call metadata API to get all field metadata specified in a manifest file:
$ sf metadata tab retrieve --target-org <your org alias> -manifest ./force-app/main/default/manifest/package.xml --outputdir ../outputdir/
Edit the craeted csv file as you want to update metadata, and then run sf metadata tab generate --updates
to override the xml files.
Note that runnning without --updates
avoids overrinding existing metadata.
$ sf metadata tab generate --input ./input.csv --outputdir ./outputdir/ --updates
sf plugins install @shuntaro/[email protected]
Please report any issues at https://github.com/shuntaro-sf/sf-metadata-generator/issues
- Please read our Code of Conduct
- Create a new issue before starting your project so that we can keep track of what you are trying to add/fix. That way, we can also offer suggestions or let you know if there is already an effort in progress.
- Fork this repository.
- Build the plugin locally
- Create a topic branch in your fork. Note, this step is recommended but technically not required if contributing using a fork.
- Edit the code in your fork.
- Write appropriate tests for your changes. Try to achieve at least 95% code coverage on any new code. No pull request will be accepted without unit tests.
- Sign CLA (see CLA below).
- Send us a pull request when you are done. We'll review your code, suggest any needed changes, and merge it in.
External contributors will be required to sign a Contributor's License Agreement. You can do so by going to https://cla.salesforce.com/sign-cla.
To build the plugin locally, make sure to have yarn installed and run the following commands:
# Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:shuntaro/sf-metadata-generator
# Install the dependencies and compile
yarn && yarn build
To use your plugin, run using the local ./bin/dev
or ./bin/dev.cmd
# Run using local run file.
./bin/dev metadata fil world
There should be no differences when running via the Salesforce CLI or using the local run file. However, it can be useful to link the plugin to do some additional testing or run your commands from anywhere on your machine.
# Link your plugin to the sf cli
sf plugins link .
# To verify
sf plugins
sf metadata field convert
sf metadata field generate
sf metadata field retrieve
sf metadata field template
sf metadata listview convert
sf metadata listview generate
sf metadata listview retrieve
sf metadata listview template
sf metadata object convert
sf metadata object generate
sf metadata object retrieve
sf metadata object template
sf metadata permissionset convert
sf metadata permissionset generate
sf metadata permissionset retrieve
sf metadata profile convert
sf metadata profile generate
sf metadata profile retrieve
sf metadata tab convert
sf metadata tab generate
sf metadata tab retrieve
sf metadata tab template
sf metadata field convert
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
$ sf metadata field convert [--json] [-s <value>] [-e <value>] [-p <value>]
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-p, --picklistdelimiter=<value> [default: ;] delimiter for picklist fullNames and labels. the default value is
-s, --sourcedir=<value> directory where source files you convert are stored
--json Format output as json.
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts metadata in sourcedir to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata field convert --sourcedir ./sourcedir/ --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata field generate
Generates custom field metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
$ sf metadata field generate [--json] [-i <value>] [-e <value>] [-u] [-d <value>] [-p <value>]
-d, --delimiter=<value> [default: ,] delimiter for the input file. the default value is comma
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-i, --input=<value> input file to be converted to xml files
-p, --picklistdelimiter=<value> [default: ;] delimiter for picklist fullNames and labels. the default value is
-u, --updates whether update existing xml files in outputdir or not
--json Format output as json.
Generates custom field metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
Generates custom field metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
Generates metadata from input to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata field generate --input ./input.csv --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata field retrieve
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
$ sf metadata field retrieve -o <value> -x <value> [--json] [-e <value>] [-p <value>]
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Overrides your default org.
-p, --picklistdelimiter=<value> [default: ;] delimiter for picklist fullNames and labels. the default value is
-x, --manifest=<value> (required) File path for the manifest (package.xml) that specifies the components to
--json Format output as json.
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts metadata in sourcedir to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata field retrieve --sourcedir ./sourcedir/ --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata field template
Creates a template input-csv-file.
$ sf metadata field template [--json] [-e <value>]
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] directory where a template csv file is saved.
--json Format output as json.
Creates a template input-csv-file.
Creates a template input-csv-file.
Creates a template input-csv-file to ouputdir:
$ sf metadata field template --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata listview convert
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
$ sf metadata listview convert [--json] [-s <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>]
-c, --columnsdelimiter=<value> [default: ;] delimiter for columns and filters. the default value is semicolon
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-s, --sourcedir=<value> directory where source files you convert are stored
--json Format output as json.
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts metadata in sourcedir to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata listview convert --sourcedir ./sourcedir/ --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata listview generate
Generates custom field metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
$ sf metadata listview generate [--json] [-i <value>] [-e <value>] [-u] [-d <value>] [-c <value>]
-c, --columnsdelimiter=<value> [default: ;] delimiter for picklist fullNames and labels. the default value is
-d, --delimiter=<value> [default: ,] delimiter for the input file. the default value is comma
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-i, --input=<value> input file to be converted to xml files
-u, --updates whether update existing xml files in outputdir or not
--json Format output as json.
Generates custom field metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
Generates custom field metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
Generates metadata from input to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata listview generate --input ./input.csv --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata listview retrieve
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
$ sf metadata listview retrieve -o <value> -x <value> [--json] [-e <value>] [-c <value>]
-c, --picklistdelimiter=<value> [default: ;] delimiter for picklist fullNames and labels. the default value is
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Overrides your default org.
-x, --manifest=<value> (required) File path for the manifest (package.xml) that specifies the components to
--json Format output as json.
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts metadata in sourcedir to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata listview retrieve --sourcedir ./sourcedir/ --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata listview template
Creates a template input-csv-file.
$ sf metadata listview template [--json] [-e <value>]
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] directory where a template csv file is saved.
--json Format output as json.
Creates a template input-csv-file.
Creates a template input-csv-file.
Creates a template input-csv-file to ouputdir:
$ sf metadata listview template --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata object convert
Converts custom-object-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
$ sf metadata object convert [--json] [-s <value>] [-e <value>]
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-s, --sourcedir=<value> directory where source files you convert are stored
--json Format output as json.
Converts custom-object-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts custom-object-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts metadata in sourcedir to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata object convert --sourcedir ./sourcedir/ --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata object generate
Generates custom field metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
$ sf metadata object generate [--json] [-i <value>] [-e <value>] [-u] [-d <value>]
-d, --delimiter=<value> [default: ,] delimiter for the input file. the default value is comma
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-i, --input=<value> input file to be converted to xml files
-u, --updates whether update existing xml files in outputdir or not
--json Format output as json.
Generates custom field metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
Generates custom field metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
Converts metadata in sourcedir to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata object generate --input ./input.csv --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata object retrieve
Converts custom-object-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
$ sf metadata object retrieve -o <value> -x <value> [--json] [-e <value>]
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Overrides your default org.
-x, --manifest=<value> (required) File path for the manifest (package.xml) that specifies the components to
--json Format output as json.
Converts custom-object-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts custom-object-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts metadata in sourcedir to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata object retrieve --sourcedir ./sourcedir/ --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata object template
Creates a template input-csv-file.
$ sf metadata object template [--json] [-e <value>]
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] directory where a template csv file is saved.
--json Format output as json.
Creates a template input-csv-file.
Creates a template input-csv-file.
Creates a template input-csv-file to ouputdir:
$ sf metadata object template --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata permissionset convert
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
$ sf metadata permissionset convert [--json] [-s <value>] [-e <value>]
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-s, --source=<value> directory where source files you convert are stored
--json Format output as json.
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts metadata in sourcedir to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata permissionset convert --sourcedir ./sourcedir/ --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata permissionset generate
Updates permissionset metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
$ sf metadata permissionset generate [--json] [-i <value>] [-e <value>] [-s <value>] [-d <value>]
-d, --delimiter=<value> [default: ,] delimiter for the input file. the default value is comma
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-i, --input=<value> input file to be converted to xml files
-s, --source=<value> directory where source files you convert are stored
--json Format output as json.
Updates permissionset metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
Updates permissionset metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
Converts metadata in sourcedir to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata permissionset generate --input ./input.csv --source ./source.permissionset-meta.xml --outputdir ^
sf metadata permissionset retrieve
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
$ sf metadata permissionset retrieve -o <value> -x <value> [--json] [-e <value>]
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Overrides your default org.
-x, --manifest=<value> (required) File path for the manifest (package.xml) that specifies the components to
--json Format output as json.
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts metadata in sourcedir to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata permissionset retrieve --sourcedir ./sourcedir/ --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata profile convert
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
$ sf metadata profile convert [--json] [-s <value>] [-e <value>]
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-s, --source=<value> directory where source files you convert are stored
--json Format output as json.
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts metadata in sourcedir to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata profile convert --sourcedir ./sourcedir/ --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata profile generate
Updates profile metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
$ sf metadata profile generate [--json] [-i <value>] [-e <value>] [-s <value>] [-d <value>]
-d, --delimiter=<value> [default: ,] delimiter for the input file. the default value is comma
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-i, --input=<value> input file to be converted to xml files
-s, --source=<value> directory where source files you convert are stored
--json Format output as json.
Updates profile metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
Updates profile metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
Converts metadata in sourcedir to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata profile generate --input ./input.csv --source ./source.profile-meta.xml --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata profile retrieve
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
$ sf metadata profile retrieve -o <value> -x <value> [--json] [-e <value>]
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Overrides your default org.
-x, --manifest=<value> (required) File path for the manifest (package.xml) that specifies the components to
--json Format output as json.
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts custom-field-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts metadata in sourcedir to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata profile retrieve --sourcedir ./sourcedir/ --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata tab convert
Converts custom-tab-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
$ sf metadata tab convert [--json] [-s <value>] [-e <value>]
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-s, --sourcedir=<value> directory where source files you convert are stored
--json Format output as json.
Converts custom-tab-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts custom-tab-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts metadata in sourcedir to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata tab convert --sourcedir ./sourcedir/ --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata tab generate
Generates custom field metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
$ sf metadata tab generate [--json] [-i <value>] [-e <value>] [-u] [-d <value>]
-d, --delimiter=<value> [default: ,] delimiter for the input file. the default value is comma
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-i, --input=<value> input file to be converted to xml files
-u, --updates whether update existing xml files in outputdir or not
--json Format output as json.
Generates custom field metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
Generates custom field metadata converting values in any sort of spreadsheets, e.g., csv to xml files.
Converts metadata in sourcedir to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata tab generate --input ./input.csv --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata tab retrieve
Converts custom-tab-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
$ sf metadata tab retrieve -o <value> -x <value> [--json] [-e <value>]
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] output directory where metadata are saved
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Overrides your default org.
-x, --manifest=<value> (required) File path for the manifest (package.xml) that specifies the components to
--json Format output as json.
Converts custom-tab-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts custom-tab-xml-files to a file used to create or update the metadata.
Converts metadata in sourcedir to a csv file in ouputdir:
$ sf metadata tab retrieve --sourcedir ./sourcedir/ --outputdir ./outputdir/
sf metadata tab template
Creates a template input-csv-file.
$ sf metadata tab template [--json] [-e <value>]
-e, --outputdir=<value> [default: ./] directory where a template csv file is saved.
--json Format output as json.
Creates a template input-csv-file.
Creates a template input-csv-file.
Creates a template input-csv-file to ouputdir:
$ sf metadata tab template --outputdir ./outputdir/