A better time converter for your projects.
Parse ms is a Node js library to convert human-readable format into milliseconds and viceversa.
Use the package manager npm to install parse-ms.
Type npm install @shreyash21/ms
npm install @shreyash21/ms
const ms = require('@shreyash21/ms');
ms("1 week and 23 days"); //return 2592000000
ms("2592000000", {short: true}); //return 30d
ms("5 days, 4hours and 3 minutes."); //return 446580000
ms("446580000", {short: true}); //return 5d 4h 3m
ms(446580000, {extended: true}); //return 5 days 4 hours 3 minutes
ms(446580000); //return { days: 5, hours: 4, minutes: 3, seconds: 0}
ms("-86400000"); //return {days: -1, hours: -0, minutes: -0, seconds: -0}
ms("- 1 day"); //return -86400000
ms("-21 days and 24 hours"); //returns -1900800000
//what about some more changed
ms("1.2 million", {type: "num"}); //return 1200000
ms("2.3 billion and 1.2 million", {type: "num"}); //return 2301200000
ms("1k", {type: "num"}); //return 1000
It supports almost every time units like
For milliseconds:
milliseconds, msecs, ms etc.
For seconds:
seconds, second, secs, sec, s etc.
For minutes:
minutes, mins, m etc.
For hours:
hours, hrs, h etc.
For days:
days, day, d etc.
For weeks:
weeks, week, w etc.
For years:
years, year, yrs, y etc.
-ve values are also supported. As you see in above examples.
It also supports some daily life values like 2k
For 1000: kilo, kilos, k etc.
For million: millions, million, mil, m etc.
For billion: billions, billion, bil, b etc.
And many more..... like gillion and trillion also supported.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
I would love if you update my README.md file