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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




loom consumer plugin for building libraries





This package is your entrypoint into building libraries with loom. It configures a core series of tools for building libraries:

This package handles JavaScript and TypeScript files only. If you need support for other file types, such as styles, images and graphql files then check out @shopify/loom-plugin-build-library-extended.

Ite exposes two plugins - buildLibrary and buildLibraryWorkspace that should be added to your loom plugins.


$ yarn add @shopify/loom-plugin-build-library --dev


Add buildLibrary and buildLibraryWorkspace to your loom plugins.

By default all build types - commonjs, esmodules and esnext are disabled. You should enable the builds that that you need by setting those options to true, along with specifying the required targets option based upon what browsers / node versions you wish to support.

import {createPackage} from '@shopify/loom';
import {
} from '@shopify/loom-plugin-build-library';

export default createPackage((pkg) => {
  pkg.entry({root: './src/index.js'});
      // Required. A browserslist string for specifying your target output.
      // Use browser targets (e.g. `'defaults'`) if your package targets the browser,
      // node targets (e.g. `'node 12.22'`) if your package targets node
      // or both (e.g.`'defaults, node 12.22'`) if your package targets both
      targets: 'defaults, node 12.22',
      // Optional. Defaults to false. Defines if commonjs outputs should be generated.
      commonjs: false,
      // Optional. Defaults to false. Defines if esmodules outputs should be generated.
      esmodules: false,
      // Optional. Defaults to false. Defines if esnext outputs should be generated.
      esnext: false,
      // Optional. Defaults to true. Defines if entrypoints should be written at
      // the root of the repository. You can disable this if you have a single
      // entrypoint or if your package uses the `exports` key in package.json
      rootEntrypoints: true,
      // Optional. Defaults to 'node'. Defines if the jest environment should be 'node' or 'jsdom'.
      jestTestEnvironment: 'node',


buildLibrary has single required option - targets - which is a browserslist string that controls the level of transpilation that is required.

What targets you specify shall depend upon the type of package you are creating.

  • If you are targeting a node-only package you can use 'maintained node versions' or an explicit minimum version number like 'node 12.22.0'.
  • If you are targeting browsers only you can specify browserlist defaults like 'defaults', recent versions like last 3 chrome versions, or use the @shopify/browserslist-config preset like 'extends @shopify/browserslist-config'.
  • If you are targeting both node and browser usage use a comma separated string to join both of the above: 'extends @shopify/browserslist-config, node 12.22.0'.

You can see what environments these values correspond to by running e.g. npx browserslist 'defaults'. If you find these values unclear or are concerned that changes to them may be non-obvious, you can use explicit version numbers instead.


This plugin exposes 3 ouptput options. They are all disabled by default and you must opt into enabling them.

  • commmonjs controls creating commonjs output in the build/cjs folder. This uses require() and exports = to handle imports and exports, in the format supported by node. You should enable this format and set it as your main entrypoint (see below) when creating packages that are ran in node.
  • esmodules controls creating esmodule output in the build/esm folder. This uses import and export to handle imports and exports, in the format handled by modern bundlers and node 12.22+. You should enable this format and set it as your module entrypoint when creating packages that are meant to be bundled for use in the browser.
  • esnext controls creating "esnext" output in the build/esnext folder. This uses import and export to handle imports and exports and forces the compile target to be the latest chrome version, instead of whatever was specified in the targets option. Setting this as the esnext entrypoint will allow apps configured using sewing-kit to use this build to produce a minimally compiled version of the library as part of its application build in the event that the app targets a smaller browserlist than what you specified in your library's targets. The consuming app's webpack config must treat this package being as not external - i.e. it must be processed by the consuming app's webpack config.


By default, entrypoint files are written to the root of your package that correspond the package's entrys defined in its config file. This is to support packages with multiple entrypoints in a world where package.json's exports support is not pervasive as Webpack 4, TypeScript and Jest support is currently absent at time of writing (September 2021).

Single entrypoint

When creating a package with a single entrypoint, you can set rootEntrypoints: false to not write any root entrypoints, and point fields in your package.json to the contents of the build folder.

Given a loom.config.js file that contains:

export default createPackage((pkg) => {
  pkg.entry({root: './src/index.js'});
      targets: 'defaults, node 12.22',
      commonjs: true,
      esmodules: true,
      esnext: true,
      rootEntrypoints: false,

In the package.json add the following main (for commonjs output), module (for esmodules output), esnext (for esnext output) and types (for TypeScript types) keys. You can omit a given key if you are not generating a particular output type.

  "main": "build/cjs/index.js" /* commonjs output */,
  "module": "build/esm/index.mjs" /* esmodules output */,
  "esnext": "build/esnext/index.esnext" /* esnext output */,
  "types": "build/ts/index.d.ts" /* typescript output - this path depends upon your tsconfig.json */

Multiple entrypoints

If you have multiple entrypoints then you should leave rootEntrypoints: true to generate entrypoints at the root. This is a slightly flawed approach as only commonjs content for the additional entrypoints is supported, but is the best that we can do give current support.

Given a loom.config.js file that contains:

export default createPackage((pkg) => {
  pkg.entry({root: './src/index.js'});
  pkg.entry({root: './src/second-entry.js', name: 'second-entry'});
    targets: 'defaults, node 12.22',
    commonjs: true,
    esmodules: true,
    esnext: true,
    rootEntrypoints: true,

Then this shall write sets of outputs for each entrypoint at the root of your package:

  • index.js that reexports content from build/cjs/index.js
  • index.mjs that reexports content from build/esm/index.mjs
  • index.esnext that reexports content from build/esnext/index.esnext
  • second-entry.js that reexports content from build/cjs/second-entry.js
  • second-entry.mjs that reexports content from build/esm/second-entry.mjs
  • second-entry.esnext that reexports content from build/esnext/second-entry.esnext

In the package.json add the following main (for commonjs output), module (for esmodules output), esnext (for esnext output) and types(for TypeScript types) keys. You can omit a given key if you are not generating a particular output type. If you specify a files array, remember to add these root entrypoints to it.

  "main": "index.js" /* commonjs output */,
  "module": "index.mjs" /* esmodules output */,
  "esnext": "index.esnext" /* esnext output */,
  "types": "build/ts/index.d.ts" /* typescript output - this path depends upon your tsconfig.json */,
  "typesVersions": {
    "*": {
      /* typescript types for the second-entry entrypoint */
      "second-entry": ["./build/ts/second-entry.d.ts"]

If a consuming app imports your-package/second-entry then it shall load second-entry.js from the root of your package.

Overriding Babel config

We provide an initial babel config that supports typescript and react, using @shopify/babel-plugin. If you need to adjust this config, you can call the babel() plugin after buildLibrary to override the defaults.

import {createPackage} from '@shopify/loom';
import {
} from '@shopify/loom-plugin-build-library';

export default createPackage((pkg) => {
  pkg.entry({root: './src/index.js'});
    buildLibrary({targets: 'node 12.22.0', commonjs: true}),
    // Override initial babel options.
    // Return a new object, instead of mutating the argument object.
      config(babelConfig) {
        return {
          plugins: [...(babelConfig.plugins || []), 'my-custom-babel-plugin'],


Configuring a nodejs-only package

When targeting nodejs only, create commonjs output and target a node version.

import {createPackage} from '@shopify/loom';
import {
} from '@shopify/loom-plugin-build-library';

export default createPackage((pkg) => {
  pkg.entry({root: './src/index.js'});
    buildLibrary({targets: 'node 12.22.0', commonjs: true}),

Configuring a nodejs and browser package for use in sewing-kit powered apps

When targeting nodejs and the browser, create commonjs, esmodules and esnext output and target a node version, and extend from Shopify's browserlist config.

import {createPackage} from '@shopify/loom';
import {
} from '@shopify/loom-plugin-build-library';

export default createPackage((pkg) => {
  pkg.entry({root: './src/index.js'});
      targets: 'extends @shopify/browserslist-config, node 12.22.0',
      commonjs: true,
      esmodules: true,
      esnext: true,


This package does not offer any explicit opinion on linting configuration. This is because we want to keep the cadences for updating linting configs and build tooling separate. Combining them means attempting to update build tooling but first having to make a load of otherwise unrelated linter suggested changes, and we've found that really annoying in the past.

We recommend using the following: