Type-safe query string management and Zod schema generation.
TypeParams Plugin
TypeParams Plugin is a TypeScript-first replacement for UrlSearchParams that allows you to apply type discipline to your query parameters such that reads and writes are safely protected. Furthermore, thanks to a Babel plugin, it will even coerce values for you automatically (ie, no need for parseInt
- Automatically generates validation schemas based on TypeScript types.
- Automatic type coercion (eg. string "3" -> integer 3)
- Lightweight integration with minimal configuration.
- Works seamlessly with URL query strings.
Install the plugin via your package manager:
yarn add @shmax/typeparams
Create an (optional) typeparams.config.ts
file in the root of your project:
export default {
outputDir: ".generated-schemas", // defaults to .generated-schemas
Add the plugin to your Babel configuration (e.g., .babelrc
or Babel section in package.json
"presets": ["@babel/preset-env", "@babel/preset-typescript"],
"plugins": ["@shmax/typeparams/plugin"]
Run the tool to generate schemas (add --watch to have it automatically re-generate schemas after changes):
typeparams-gen --watch
1. Define Your Url schema as a TypeScript interface
type Filters = {
filters: {
toyline: number;
tags: string[];
metadata: {
createdBy: string;
active: boolean;
2. Feed it to an instance of the TypeParams
Class as a generic argument
import { TypeParams } from "typeparams-plugin/shared/url-structured-search-params";
const params = new TypeParams<Filters>("?filters_toyline=3&filters_tags=toy1,toy2");
// or, for more safety:
const params = new TypeParams<Filters>({filters: { toyline: 3, tags: ['toy1', 'toy2']}});
// Safely get a value by its key path
const toyline = params.get("filters.toyline"); // OK
const brand = params.get("filters.brand"); // TS error! property "brand" doesn't exist on "filters"'
3. Any values you retrieve are automatically coerced into the expected type
console.log(typeof toyline, toyline); // number 3
4. Set values with the same type discipline
// Set a value safely
params.set("filters.toyline", 3); // OK
params.set("filters.toyline", "3"); // TS error! Property "toyline" expects a number
params.set("filters.whammy", true); // TS error! Property "whammy" doesn't exist
5. Can also clear values
// Clear a key
// Serialize back to a string
navigate(`?${params}`) // ?filters_toyline=3&filters_tags=toy1,toy2
Example Output
When running your project, the plugin generates schema files in .generated-schemas
(or the directory you specify in typeparams.config.ts
). These schemas are automatically used during runtime for validation.
- Node.js 14+
- TypeScript 4.0+
Q: Do I need to configure anything else?
A: Nope! Just add the plugin to your Babel setup and define your types. The plugin handles the rest. Oh, and you may want to add the name of the generated schema directory to your .gitignore
Q: Does this work with non-TypeScript projects?
A: No, this plugin is designed specifically for TypeScript-first projects.