Converts salesforce DescribeSObject results to typescript interfaces
Converts a salesforce DescribeSObjectResult object (typically produced by jsforce) to a salesforce interface
Usage Example
import describe2ts from 'describe2ts'
import { writeFileSync } from 'fs'
// describe files retrieved from somewhere
const describes: DescribeSObjectResult[] = getDescribes()
const nameMatch = ['Contact', 'Account']
// only create interfaces for the objects in the nameMatch array
const resolver = (name: string) =>
nameMatch.includes(name) ? `import("./${name}").default` : null
// used for determining nillability of child relationships
// this is optional
const sobjectResolver = (name: string) => describes.find(d => d.name === name)
for (const desc of describes) {
const iface = describe2ts(desc, resolver, sobjectResolver)
writeFileSync(`${desc.name}.ts`, iface, 'utf8')
| Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
| desc | DescribeSObjectResult
| a DescribeSObjectResult object | ✓ |
| resolver | string => Option<string> \| string \| null \| undefined
| a function that resolves the name of a Salesforce Object to a typescript type string | ✓ |
| sobjectResolver | undefined \| (string => Option<DescribeSObjectResult> \| DescribeSObjectResult \| null \| undefined)
| an optional function that resolves the name of a Salesforce Object to its DescribeSObjectResult | ✗ |
| newtype | undefined \| boolean
| use newtypes instead of typescript primitives | ✗ |
| sfTypeResolver | undefined \| { readonly [k in FieldType]: (f: Field, newtype?: boolean) => string }
| a map of functions from salesforce types to typescript types | ✗ |
| defaultExport | undefined \| boolean
| add a default export line to the output text | ✗ |