kds api
api changelog
version 2.13.2(2022-07-15)
- Remove the qunhe brep api
- Add KApplication Chinese comment
- Add KPluginUIAndStorage Chinese comment
version 2.13.1(2022-02-23)
- Added KEuler and KQuaternion.
- Modified the return type of KGeomLib.faces2dBoolean.
- Added some Chinese comments.
- Add the KTestHelper class.
- Add the getTestHelper method in the KApplication class.
- Add the fillet method in the KDesign class.
- Add the transformVertices in the KDesign class.
- Added an API createAlignCCSMatrix4.
- Add the getHoveredItem method in the KToolHelper class.
- Add the loadMaterial method in the KDesign class.
- Add the getBoundingBox method in the KGroupDefinition class.
- Add the assignMaterialForFaces method in the KDesign class.
- Add the assignMaterialForGroupInstance method in the KDesign class.
- Add the isInExpressMode method in the KGroupDefinition class.
- Add the setExcludedInferenceEntities method in the KToolHelper class.
- Add the clearExcludedInferenceEntities method in the KToolHelper class.
- The KApplication.onPluginClosed will be called after 200ms of closing plugin.
- Add the closable param in the KToastOption.
- Add the success method in the KToast.
- Added parameter propagateContinuousEdge in the moveVertices method.
- Remove the withMerge parameter in the moveVertices method.
- Remove the withMerge parameter in the moveEdge method.
- Remove the withMerge parameter in the transformShells method.
- Make version consistent with KuDaShi.
- Change KGeomLib.faces2dBoolean API.
version 1.0.26
- Add the mergeFaces method in the KDesign class.
- Add the bulkCopyGroupInstances method in the KDesign class.
- Modify the createInstanceFromExternalResources method in the KDesign class.
- Add the matchEntities method in the KGroupDefinition class.
version 1.0.25
- Add the KApplicationObserver class, which provides additional utilities for KApplication.
- Add the save method in the KDesign class.
- Add the KToolHelper class, which provides additional utilities for KTool.
- Add removeEdges and getEditPath two methods in the KDesign class.
- Add isReversed method in the KFace and KHalfEdge classes.
- Add drawPolylines method in KView class.
- Add signedDistanceTo method in KSurface class.
- Add isOnSameSide method in KVector3d class.
version 1.0.24
- Add the KPickHelper class, which is used to pick entities.
version 1.0.23
- Add the setSoftEdgesVisible method in the KDesign class.
version 1.0.22
- modify parameters of the boolean method in the KDesign class.
version 1.0.21
- Add the faceSplitByFace method in the KDesign class.
- Add the faceSplitByGroup method in the KDesign class.
- Add the createInstanceFromExternalResources method in the KDesign class.
- Add the createShellFromMesh method in the KDesign class.
version 1.0.20
- Rename the withMerge argument to beCopyToInstance in the copyFaces method in the KDesign class.
- Add KApplicationUI interface to enable/disable tool bar, menu bar, resource panel, etc.
- The copyFaces method in the KDesign class will return group instance if we set withMerge false.
- Add the createEmptyGroupInstance method in the KDesign class.
- Add the activateGroupInstance method in the KDesign class.
- Add the deactivateGroupInstance method in the KDesign class.
- Add the getDesignId method in the KDesign class.
version 1.0.19
- Add the onKeyUp method in the KTool class.
- Add the getUp method in the KCamera class.
- Rename the 'getCameraMode' method in KCamera to 'getMode'.
- Rename the 'getCameraPosition' method in KCamera to 'getPosition'.
- Rename the 'getCameraTarget' method in KCamera to 'getTarget'.
version 1.0.18
- Add the addFaces method in the KDesign class.
- Add the setEdgesSoft method in the KDesign class.
- Add the setVerticesSoft method in the KDesign class.
- Add the boolean method in the KDesign class.
- Add the offset method in the KDesign class.
version 1.0.17
- Modify the KTool to support to get the inference entity and the inference instance path.
version 1.0.16
- Rename KGeometry to KGeomLib.
- Add the moveVertices method in the KDesign class.
- Rename the 'onUseInference' method in KTool to 'allowUsingInference'.
- Delete the 'startAngle' and 'endAngle' properties from the KArc3d and KArc2d classes.
- The interfaces to get continuous edges and continuous faces infos are provided in the KEdge and KFace class.
- The selection event is provided. You can create a selection observer to observe the selection change.
- Drawing temporary interfaces in the KView class are provided, which can be use to draw temporary shaped in KTool.
version 1.0.15
- The sweepFollowEdges and sweepFollowCurves methods will remove the face that the contour belongs to.
- The sweepFollowEdges and sweepFollowCurves methods returns a new parameter 'addedShells'.