Chunk string into equal substrings with unicode support
Chunk string into equal substrings with unicode support
Credits to stackoverflow.com/a/29202760/2727317
$ yarn add @shelf/fast-chunk-string
const fastChunkString = require('@shelf/fast-chunk-string');
// the fastest way
fastChunkString('unicorns', {size: 2, unicodeAware: false});
// => ['un', 'ic', 'or', 'ns']
// ignore unicode, still fast but inaccurate
fastChunkString('😀😃😄😁', {size: 2, unicodeAware: false});
// => ['😀', '😃', '😄', '😁']
// respect unicode, slow but accurate
fastChunkString('😀😃😄😁', {size: 2, unicodeAware: true});
// => ['😀😃', '😄😁']
Run via yarn benchmark
. Measured on Macbook Pro 16" with M1 Max processor.
Running "Without Unicode" suite...
Progress: 100%
~33 kb split by 2 kb:
14 384 027 ops/s, ±0.21% | 86.51% slower
~33 kb split by 1 mb:
106 655 332 ops/s, ±0.12% | fastest
~330 kb split by 2 kb:
1 482 220 ops/s, ±0.34% | 98.61% slower
~330 kb split by 1 mb:
106 442 883 ops/s, ±0.14% | 0.2% slower
~3.3 mb split by 2 kb:
153 356 ops/s, ±0.19% | 99.86% slower
~3.3 mb split by 1 mb:
48 824 019 ops/s, ±0.16% | 54.22% slower
~33 mb split by 2 kb:
14 312 ops/s, ±0.28% | slowest, 99.99% slower
~33 mb split by 1 mb:
7 059 008 ops/s, ±0.32% | 93.38% slower
Finished 8 cases!
Fastest: ~33 kb split by 1 mb
Slowest: ~33 mb split by 2 kb
Running "Unicode Aware" suite...
Progress: 100%
~33 kb split by 2 kb with unicodeAware:
450 ops/s, ±0.24% | fastest
~33 kb split by 1 mb with unicodeAware:
428 ops/s, ±0.36% | 4.89% slower
~330 kb split by 2 kb with unicodeAware:
45 ops/s, ±0.38% | 90% slower
~330 kb split by 1 mb with unicodeAware:
41 ops/s, ±0.42% | slowest, 90.89% slower
Finished 4 cases!
Fastest: ~33 kb split by 2 kb with unicodeAware
Slowest: ~330 kb split by 1 mb with unicodeAware
See Also
$ git checkout master
$ yarn version
$ yarn publish
$ git push origin master --tags
MIT © Shelf