Javascript client for Sheetbase app.
Javascript client for Sheetbase app.
| Name | Type | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | apiKey? | undefined | string | | | authEndpoint? | undefined | string | | | authProviders? | undefined | object | | | backendUrl? | undefined | string | | | databaseAutoContent? | undefined | false | true | | | databaseCacheTime? | undefined | number | | | databaseDocsStyle? | DocsContentStyle | | | databaseEndpoint? | undefined | string | | | databaseGids? | DatabaseGids | | | databaseId? | undefined | string | | | databaseUseCached? | undefined | false | true | | | loggingEndpoint? | undefined | string | | | mailEndpoint? | undefined | string | | | storageAllowTypes? | string[] | | | storageEndpoint? | undefined | string | | | storageMaxSize? | undefined | number | |
The AppObject
| Name | Type | Description | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | apiService | undefined | ApiService | | | authService | undefined | AuthService | | | cacheService | CacheService | | | databaseService | undefined | DatabaseService | | | fetchService | FetchService | | | helperService | HelperService | | | localstorageService | LocalstorageService | | | mailService | undefined | MailService | | | optionService | OptionService | | | storageService | undefined | StorageService | |
| Function | Returns type | Description | | ------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | api() | ApiService | | | auth() | AuthService | | | cache() | CacheService | | | database() | DatabaseService | | | fetch() | FetchService | | | helper() | HelperService | | | localstorage() | LocalstorageService | | | mail() | MailService | | | option() | OptionService | | | storage() | StorageService | |
The api
call signature.
The auth
call signature.
The cache
call signature.
The database
call signature.
The fetch
call signature.
The helper
call signature.
The localstorage
call signature.
The mail
call signature.
The option
call signature.
The storage
call signature.
| Function | Returns type | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------- | ----------- | | createPopup(config) | void | | | decodeJWTPayload(token) | any | | | getHost() | string | | | isExpiredInSeconds(expiredTime, costMore?) | boolean | | | isExpiredJWT(token) | boolean | | | md5(str, key?, raw?) | string | | | orderBy(collection, iteratees, orders, guard?) | any | |
@sheetbase/client is released under the MIT license.
| Function | Returns type | Description | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | getOptions() | Options | |
| Function | Returns type | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | clear() | Promise | | | extend(storageConfigs) | LocalstorageService | | | get(key) | Promise<null | Data> | | | iterate(handler) | Promise | | | iterateKeys(handler) | Promise | | | keys() | Promise<string[]> | | | remove(key) | Promise | | | removeBulk(keys) | Promise | | | removeByPrefix(prefix) | Promise | | | removeBySuffix(suffix) | Promise | | | set(key, data) | Promise | |
| Function | Returns type | Description | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | extend(storageConfigs) | CacheService | | | flush() | Promise | | | flushExpired() | Promise | | | get(key, refresher?, cacheTime?, keyBuilder?) | Promise<null | Data> | | | iterate(handler) | Promise | | | iterateKeys(handler) | Promise | | | remove(key) | Promise | | | removeBulk(keys) | Promise | | | removeByPrefix(prefix) | Promise | | | removeBySuffix(suffix) | Promise | | | set(key, data, cacheTime?) | Promise | |
| Function | Returns type | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------- | ----------- | | delete(url, init?) | Promise | | | fetch(input, init?, json?) | Promise | | | get(url, init?, json?, cacheTime?) | Promise<null | Data> | | | patch(url, init?) | Promise | | | post(url, init?) | Promise | | | put(url, init?) | Promise | |
| Function | Returns type | Description | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | addBeforeHooks(hooks) | ApiService | | | addBody(body) | ApiService | | | addQuery(query) | ApiService | | | delete(endpoint?, query?, body?) | Promise | | | error(value) | Promise | | | extend() | ApiService | | | get(endpoint?, query?, cacheTime?) | Promise<null | Data> | | | info(value) | Promise | | | log(value) | Promise | | | logging(value, level?) | Promise | | | patch(endpoint?, query?, body?) | Promise | | | post(endpoint?, query?, body?) | Promise | | | put(endpoint?, query?, body?) | Promise | | | request(inputs?) | Promise<null | Data> | | | setData(data) | ApiService | | | setEndpoint(endpoint) | ApiService | | | system() | Promise<null | Data> | | | warn(value) | Promise | |
| Function | Returns type | Description | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | add(sheet, key, data) | Promise | | | all(sheet, cacheTime?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | clearCachedAll(input) | void | | | clearCachedContent(cachedInput) | Promise | | | clearCachedItem(sheet, key) | Promise | | | commenting(sheet, key) | Promise | | | direct() | DirectObject | | | docsContent(docId, docsStyle?, cacheTime?) | Promise<null | string> | | | increase(sheet, key, increasing) | Promise | | | indirect() | IndirectObject | | | item(sheet, finder, options?) | Promise<null | Item> | | | items(sheet, filter?, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | itemsArchived(sheet, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | itemsByAuthor(sheet, authorKey, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | itemsByCategory(sheet, categoryKey, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | itemsByKeyword(sheet, keyword, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | itemsByLocale(sheet, locale, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | itemsByMetaEquals(sheet, metaKey, equalTo, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | itemsByMetaExists(sheet, metaKey, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | itemsByOrigin(sheet, origin, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | itemsByParent(sheet, parentKey, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | itemsByRelated(sheet, baseItem, options?) | Promise<Item[]> | | | itemsByTag(sheet, tagKey, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | itemsByTerm(sheet, taxonomy, termKey, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | itemsByType(sheet, type, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | itemsByTypeDefault(sheet, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | itemsDraft(sheet, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | itemsOriginal(sheet, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | itemsPublished(sheet, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | jsonContent(url, cacheTime?) | Promise<null | Data> | | | liking(sheet, key) | Promise | | | query(sheet, filter, options?) | Promise<null | Item[]> | | | rating(sheet, key, stars) | Promise | | | registerDataParser(parser) | DatabaseService | | | remove(sheet, key) | Promise | | | set(sheet, key, data) | Promise | | | setSegmentation(globalSegment) | DatabaseService | | | sharing(sheet, key, providers?) | Promise | | | textContent(url, cacheTime?) | Promise<null | string> | | | update(sheet, key, data) | Promise | | | viewing(sheet, key) | Promise | |
| Function | Returns type | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------- | | info(id, cacheTime?) | Promise<null | FileInfo> | | | read(_file) | Promise | | | remove(id) | Promise | | | update(id, data) | Promise | | | upload(fileData, customFolder?, renamePolicy?, sharing?) | Promise | | | uploadMultiple(uploadResources) | Promise<FileInfo[]> | |
| Function | Returns type | Description | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | quota() | Promise<null | MailingQuota> | | | send(mailingData, category?, template?, silent?) | Promise | | | threads(category?) | Promise<null | MailingThread[]> | |
| Function | Returns type | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------- | | checkActionCode(code) | Promise | | | confirmPasswordReset(code, newPassword) | Promise | | | createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password) | Promise | | | facebookAuthProvider() | ProviderObject | | | googleAuthProvider() | ProviderObject | | | onAuthStateChanged(next) | void | | | sendPasswordResetEmail(email) | Promise | | | signInAnonymously() | Promise | | | signInWithCustomToken(token) | Promise | | | signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password) | Promise | | | signInWithPopup(provider) | Promise | | | signOut() | Promise | | | verifyPasswordResetCode(code) | Promise | |