A powerful markdown tool
This library powers:
and other external projects such as:
- TechnicalMarkdown up to commit 13856d37030483679
npm install --save @shd101wyy/mume
// CJS
const path = require('path');
const mume = require('@shd101wyy/mume');
// ESM
// import * as mume from "@shd101wyy/mume"
async function main() {
const configPath = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), '.mume');
// if no configPath is specified, the default is "~/.config/mume"
// but only if the old location (~/.mume) does not exist
await mume.init(configPath);
const engine = new mume.MarkdownEngine({
filePath: '/Users/wangyiyi/Desktop/markdown-example/test3.md',
config: {
configPath: configPath,
previewTheme: 'github-light.css',
// revealjsTheme: "white.css"
codeBlockTheme: 'default.css',
printBackground: true,
enableScriptExecution: true, // <= for running code chunks
// open in browser
await engine.openInBrowser({ runAllCodeChunks: true });
// html export
await engine.htmlExport({ offline: false, runAllCodeChunks: true });
// chrome (puppeteer) export
await engine.chromeExport({ fileType: 'pdf', runAllCodeChunks: true }); // fileType = 'pdf'|'png'|'jpeg'
// prince export
await engine.princeExport({ runAllCodeChunks: true });
// ebook export
await engine.eBookExport({ fileType: 'epub' }); // fileType = 'epub'|'pdf'|'mobi'|'html'
// pandoc export
await engine.pandocExport({ runAllCodeChunks: true });
// markdown(gfm) export
await engine.markdownExport({ runAllCodeChunks: true });
return process.exit();
Markdown Engine Configuration
const config = {
// Default config directory; `null` means "~/.config/mume"
configPath : null,
// Enable this option will render markdown by pandoc instead of markdown-it.
usePandocParser: false,
// In Markdown, a single newline character doesn't cause a line break in the generated HTML. In GitHub Flavored Markdown, that is not true. Enable this config option to insert line breaks in rendered HTML for single newlines in Markdown source.
breakOnSingleNewLine: true,
// Enable smartypants and other sweet transforms.
enableTypographer: false,
// Enable conversion of URL-like text to links in the markdown preview.
enableLinkify: true,
// Math
mathRenderingOption: "KaTeX", // "KaTeX" | "MathJax" | "None"
mathInlineDelimiters: [["$", "$"], ["\\(", "\\)"]],
mathBlockDelimiters: [["$$", "$$"], ["\\[", "\\]"]],
mathRenderingOnLineService: "https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex", // "https://latex.codecogs.com/svg.latex", "https://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex"
mathjaxV3ScriptSrc: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js',
// Enable Wiki Link syntax support. More information can be found a https://help.github.com/articles/adding-links-to-wikis/
enableWikiLinkSyntax: true,
// If checked, we use GitHub style piped wiki links, i.e. [[linkText|wikiLink]]. Otherwise, we use
// [[wikiLink|linkText]] as the original Wikipedia style.
useGitHubStylePipedLink: true
// By default, the extension for wikilink is `.md`. For example: [[test]] will direct to file path `test.md`.
wikiLinkFileExtension: '.md'
// Enable emoji & font-awesome plugin. This only works for markdown-it parser, but not pandoc parser.
enableEmojiSyntax: true
// Enable extended table syntax to support merging table cells.
enableExtendedTableSyntax: false
// Enable CriticMarkup syntax. Only works with markdown-it parser.
// Please check http://criticmarkup.com/users-guide.php for more information.
enableCriticMarkupSyntax: false
// Front matter rendering option
frontMatterRenderingOption: 'none', // 'none' | 'table' | 'code block'
// Mermaid theme
mermaidTheme: 'default', // 'default' | 'dark' | 'forest'
// Code Block theme
// If `auto.css` is chosen, then the code block theme that best matches the current preview theme will be picked.
codeBlockTheme: 'auto.css',
// "auto.css",
// "default.css",
// "atom-dark.css",
// "atom-light.css",
// "atom-material.css",
// "coy.css",
// "darcula.css",
// "dark.css",
// "funky.css",
// "github.css",
// "hopscotch.css",
// "monokai.css",
// "okaidia.css",
// "one-dark.css",
// "one-light.css",
// "pen-paper-coffee.css",
// "pojoaque.css",
// "solarized-dark.css",
// "solarized-light.css",
// "twilight.css",
// "vue.css",
// "vs.css",
// "xonokai.css"
// Preview theme
previewTheme: 'github-light.css',
// "atom-dark.css",
// "atom-light.css",
// "atom-material.css",
// "github-dark.css",
// "github-light.css",
// "gothic.css",
// "medium.css",
// "monokai.css",
// "newsprint.css",
// "night.css",
// "none.css",
// "one-dark.css",
// "one-light.css",
// "solarized-dark.css",
// "solarized-light.css",
// "vue.css"
// Revealjs presentation theme
revealjsTheme: "white.css",
// "beige.css",
// "black.css",
// "blood.css",
// "league.css",
// "moon.css",
// "night.css",
// "serif.css",
// "simple.css",
// "sky.css",
// "solarized.css",
// "white.css",
// "none.css"
// Accepted protocols for links.
protocolsWhiteList: "http://, https://, atom://, file://, mailto:, tel:",
// When using Image Helper to copy images, by default images will be copied to root image folder path '/assets'
imageFolderPath: '/assets',
// Whether to print background for file export or not. If set to `false`, then `github-light` preview theme will b used. You can also set `print_background` in front-matter for individual files.
printBackground: false,
// Chrome executable path, which is used for Puppeteer export. Leaving it empty means the path will be found automatically.
chromePath: '',
// ImageMagick command line path. Should be either `magick` or `convert`. Leaving it empty means the path will be found automatically.
imageMagickPath: '',
// Pandoc executable path
pandocPath: 'pandoc',
// Pandoc markdown flavor
pandocMarkdownFlavor: "markdown-raw_tex+tex_math_single_backslash",
// Pandoc arguments e.g. ['--smart', '--filter=/bin/exe']. Please use long argument names.
pandocArguments: [],
// Default latex engine for Pandoc export and latex code chunk.
latexEngine: 'pdflatex',
// Enables executing code chunks and importing javascript files.
// This enables also the sidebar table of content.
// ⚠ ️ Please use this feature with caution because it may put your security at risk!
// Your machine can get hacked if someone makes you open a markdown with malicious code while script execution is enabled.
enableScriptExecution: false,
// Enables transform audio video link to to html5 embed audio video tags.
// Internally it enables markdown-it-html5-embed plugins.
enableHTML5Embed: false,
// Enables video/audio embed with ![]() syntax (default).
HTML5EmbedUseImageSyntax: true,
// Enables video/audio embed with []() syntax.
HTML5EmbedUseLinkSyntax: false,
// When true embed media with http:// schema in URLs. When false ignore and don't embed them.
HTML5EmbedIsAllowedHttp: false,
// HTML attributes to pass to audio tags.
HTML5EmbedAudioAttributes: 'controls preload="metadata" width="320"',
// HTML attributes to pass to video tags.
HTML5EmbedVideoAttributes: 'controls preload="metadata" width="320" height="240"',
// Puppeteer waits for a certain timeout in milliseconds before the document export.
puppeteerWaitForTimeout: 0,
// Args passed to puppeteer.launch({args: $puppeteerArgs})
puppeteerArgs: [],
// Render using PlantUML server instead of binary. Leave it empty to use the plantuml.jar file at `plantumlJarPath` (`java` is required in system path). Eg: "http://localhost:8080/svg/".
// You run start a plantuml server by running:
// $ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 plantuml/plantuml-server:jetty
plantumlServer: "http://localhost:8080/svg/",
// The absolute of the PlantUML jar file.
// The plantuml.jar file could be downloaded from https://sourceforge.net/projects/plantuml/
plantumlJarPath: "",
// Example values:
// - cdn.jsdelivr.net
// - fastly.jsdelivr.net
// - gcore.jsdelivr.net
// - testingcf.jsdelivr.net
jsdelivrCdnHost: "cdn.jsdelivr.net",
// Kroki server url.
krokiServer: "https://kroki.io",
// Init Engine
const engine = new mume.MarkdownEngine({
filePath: '...',
projectDirectoryPath: '...',
config: config
Global Configuration
Global config files are located in the $XDG_STATE_HOME/mume
directory, which is ~/.config/mume
by default
Visual Studio Code is recommended. Recommended to use Node.js version 20.
- Clone this project
- Run
from shell - Open in vscode, then
to build - Run the tests with
yarn test
If you already have nix and direnv installed, simply cd to the project directory, then run direnv allow