Send, receive and check HTTP statuses in JavaScript
Send, receive and check HTTP statuses in JavaScript
- no dependency
- lightweight
- intuitive methods generated from the standard http status codes
- browser and Node.js usage
- type declaration file included
npm install @sharingbox/http-status --save
import httpStatus from '@sharingbox/http-status/dist/browser';
const httpResponse = httpStatus.formatResponse(response.status, response.data, null);
httpStatus.isOK(httpResponse.statusText); // boolean
httpStatus.isOK(httpResponse.status); // boolean
httpStatus.isOK(httpResponse); // boolean
import httpStatus from '@sharingbox/http-status/dist/browser';
const MAX_PEOPLE = 50;
const data = {people: {total: 250}};
const httpResponse = httpStatus.formatResponse(200, data); // {status: 200, statusText: 'OK', data}
const checkResponseData = httpStatus.checkResponseData(httpResponse);
checkResponseData.expect('people.total').toBeLessThan(MAX_PEOPLE); // false
checkResponseData.expect('people.total').toBeTypeof('number'); // true
<script src="../node_modules/@sharingbox/http-status/dist/browser.js"></script>
console.log(httpStatus.isInformative(100)); // true
console.log(httpStatus.isSuccess(200)); // true
const httpStatus = require('@sharingbox/http-status/dist/node');
const httpResponse = httpStatus.responseOK(results);
res.status(httpResponse.status).send(httpResponse.data); // res.status(200).send({status: 200, statusText: 'OK', data: results, error: null});
- Determine the type of the HTTP response
- Determine the exact status of the HTTP response
- Format a specific HTTP response
- Check HTTP response data content
- Other methods
Generated from the standard http status codes
Determine the type of the HTTP response
Each of these methods must be called with 1 parameter. This parameter can be the status (number) or the statusText (string) of the analyzed HTTP response, or the HTTP response itself. They return a boolean.
These methods are used to determine the type of the HTTP response: informative, success, redirection, client error, server error.
- isInformative
- isSuccess
- isRedirection
- isClientError
- isServerError
import httpStatus from '@sharingbox/http-status/dist/browser';
const response = {status: 405, statusText: 'Method Not Allowed'};
httpStatus.isClientError(response); // true
httpStatus.isClientError(response.status); // true
httpStatus.isClientError(response.statusText); // true
import httpStatus from '@sharingbox/http-status/dist/browser';
const response = {status: 201, statusText: 'Created'};
httpStatus.isSuccess(response); // true
httpStatus.isSuccess(response.status); // true
httpStatus.isSuccess(response.statusText); // true
Determine the exact status of the HTTP response
Each of these methods must be called with 1 parameter. This parameter can be the status (number) or the statusText (string) of the analyzed HTTP response, or the HTTP response itself. They return a boolean.
These methods allow you to check the exact status of the HTTP response.
- isContinue
- isSwitchingProtocol
- isProcessingWebDAV
- isOK
- isCreated
- isAccepted
- isNonAuthoritativeInformation
- isNoContent
- isResetContent
- isPartialContent
- isMultiStatusWebDAV
- isIMUsedHTTPDeltaencoding
- isMultipleChoice
- isMovedPermanently
- isFound
- isSeeOther
- isNotModified
- isUseProxy
- isunused
- isTemporaryRedirect
- isPermanentRedirect
- isBadRequest
- isUnauthorized
- isPaymentRequired
- isForbidden
- isNotFound
- isMethodNotAllowed
- isNotAcceptable
- isProxyAuthenticationRequired
- isRequestTimeout
- isConflict
- isGone
- isLengthRequired
- isPreconditionFailed
- isPayloadTooLarge
- isURITooLong
- isUnsupportedMediaType
- isRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
- isExpectationFailed
- isImateapot
- isMisdirectedRequest
- isUnprocessableEntityWebDAV
- isLockedWebDAV
- isFailedDependencyWebDAV
- isUpgradeRequired
- isPreconditionRequired
- isTooManyRequests
- isRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
- isUnavailableForLegalReasons
- isInternalServerError
- isNotImplemented
- isBadGateway
- isServiceUnavailable
- isGatewayTimeout
- isHTTPVersionNotSupported
- isVariantAlsoNegotiates
- isInsufficientStorage
- isLoopDetectedWebDAV
- isNotExtended
- isNetworkAuthenticationRequired
import httpStatus from '@sharingbox/http-status/dist/browser';
const response = {status: 200, statusText: 'OK'};
httpStatus.isOK(response); // true
httpStatus.isOK(response.status); // true
httpStatus.isOK(response.statusText); // true
import httpStatus from '@sharingbox/http-status/dist/browser';
const response = {status: 400, statusText: 'Bad Request'};
httpStatus.isBadRequest(response); // true
httpStatus.isBadRequest(response.status); // true
httpStatus.isBadRequest(response.statusText); // true
Format a specific HTTP response
Each of these methods can be called with 2 parameters (optional):
: optionalerror
: optional
The method returns the formalized HTTP response: {status: number, statusText: string, data: any, error: any}
- responseContinue
- responseSwitchingProtocol
- responseProcessingWebDAV
- responseOK
- responseCreated
- responseAccepted
- responseNonAuthoritativeInformation
- responseNoContent
- responseResetContent
- responsePartialContent
- responseMultiStatusWebDAV
- responseIMUsedHTTPDeltaencoding
- responseMultipleChoice
- responseMovedPermanently
- responseFound
- responseSeeOther
- responseNotModified
- responseUseProxy
- responseunused
- responseTemporaryRedirect
- responsePermanentRedirect
- responseBadRequest
- responseUnauthorized
- responsePaymentRequired
- responseForbidden
- responseNotFound
- responseMethodNotAllowed
- responseNotAcceptable
- responseProxyAuthenticationRequired
- responseRequestTimeout
- responseConflict
- responseGone
- responseLengthRequired
- responsePreconditionFailed
- responsePayloadTooLarge
- responseURITooLong
- responseUnsupportedMediaType
- responseRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
- responseExpectationFailed
- responseImateapot
- responseMisdirectedRequest
- responseUnprocessableEntityWebDAV
- responseLockedWebDAV
- responseFailedDependencyWebDAV
- responseUpgradeRequired
- responsePreconditionRequired
- responseTooManyRequests
- responseRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
- responseUnavailableForLegalReasons
- responseInternalServerError
- responseNotImplemented
- responseBadGateway
- responseServiceUnavailable
- responseGatewayTimeout
- responseHTTPVersionNotSupported
- responseVariantAlsoNegotiates
- responseInsufficientStorage
- responseLoopDetectedWebDAV
- responseNotExtended
- responseNetworkAuthenticationRequired
const httpStatus = require('@sharingbox/http-status/dist/node');
const httpResponse = httpStatus.responseOK(results);
res.status(httpResponse.status).send(httpResponse.data); // res.status(200).send({status: 200, statusText: 'OK', data: results, error: null});
const httpStatus = require('@sharingbox/http-status/dist/node');
const httpResponse = httpStatus.responseUnauthorized();
res.status(httpResponse.status).send(httpResponse.data); // res.status(401).send({status: 401, statusText: 'Unauthorized', data: null, error: null});
Check HTTP response data content
import httpStatus from '@sharingbox/http-status/dist/browser';
const data = {a: 'a', b: {b1: {b1a: 'b1a', b1b: 'b1b'}}, c: 'c', d: 'd', e: 10};
const httpResponse = httpStatus.formatResponse(200, data); // {status: 200, statusText: 'OK', data}
const checkResponseData = httpStatus.checkResponseData(httpResponse);
const check1 = checkResponseData.expect('b.b1.b1a').toBeEqualTo('b1a');
const check2 = checkResponseData.expect('e').toBeEqualTo(10);
const check3 = checkResponseData.expect('e').toBeGreaterThan(9);
const check4 = checkResponseData.expect('e').toBeLessThan(11);
const check5 = checkResponseData.expect('e').toBeTypeof('number');
const check6 = checkResponseData.expect('b.b1.b1a').toMatch(/b1a/u);
const check7 = checkResponseData.expect('b.b1.b1c').toBeNull();
instantiate a class (HttpCheck
). The accessible methods are:
- toBeEqualTo
- toBeGreaterThan
- toBeLessThan
- toBeTypeof
- toMatch
- toBeNull
checkResponseData(response: httpResponse): HttpCheck{
return new HttpCheck(response);
Other methods
must be called with 1 parameter:
: this parameter can be the status (number) or the statusText (string) of the analyzed HTTP response, or the HTTP response itself.
returns the formalized status code: {status: number, statusText: string}
findStatus(key: httpStatusKey | httpResponse): httpStatusCode
must be called with 3 parameters.
: this parameter can be the status (number) or the statusText (string) of the analyzed HTTP response, or the HTTP response itself.data
: optionalerror
: optional
returns the formalized HTTP response: {status: number, statusText: string, data: any, error: any}
formatResponse(key: httpStatusKey, data: any, error: any): httpResponse{
const code = this.findStatus(key);
status : code.status,
statusText: code.statusText,