Turns an array of images into a photo collage
Forked from https://github.com/classdojo/photo-collage Combines several images into a photo collage. With text caption at bottom.
Source files
npm install --save @settlin/collage
This library depends on node-canvas
, which may require additional setup. See their installation page for details.
The following example creates a 2x3 collage from a variety of image sources.
const createCollage = require("photo-collage");
const options = {
sources: [
imageBufferObject, // source can be a buffer of jpg/png data
canvasObject, // source can be a canvas object
"http://myurl.com/image.jpg", // source can be a url string
"https://myurl.com/image.jpg", // https/ftp is ok too.
"./localfile.png", // source can be a relative file path
"~/photos/file.png" // source can be an absolute file path
width: 3, // number of images per row
height: 2, // number of images per column
imageWidth: 350, // width of each image
imageHeight: 250, // height of each image
// backgroundColor: "#cccccc", // optional, defaults to #eeeeee.
spacing: 2, // optional: pixels between each image
lines: [
{font: "", color: "", text: "Sometimes we want to find out when a single one time event has"},
{font: "", color: "", text: "Sometimes we want to find out when a single one time event has"},
{font: "", color: "", text: "Sometimes we want to find out when a single one time event has"},
{font: "", color: "", text: "Sometimes we want to find out when a single one time event has"},
{font: "", color: "", text: "Sometimes we want to find out when a single one time event has"},
//text: "Sometimes we want to find out when a single one time event has finished. For example - a stream is done. For this we can use new Promise. Note that this option should be considered only if automatic conversion isn't possible.Note that promises model a single value through time, they only resolve once - so while they're a good fit for a single event, they are not recommended for multiple event APIs."
//textStyle: {color: "#fff", fontSize: 20, font: "Arial", height: 300}
// we can use either lines or text (text will be warped)
.then((canvas) => {
const src = canvas.jpegStream();
const dest = fs.createWriteStream("myFile");