Synchronize data between a relational store such as Postgres and a Clickhouse database
@sesamecare-oss/to-clickhouse is a set of utilities meant to make it easier to synchronize data between a relational store such as Postgres and a Clickhouse database.
"Fact" tables
Low row count tables such as "address types" can be synchronized using a simple copy strategy. Given a Clickhouse table like so:
CREATE TABLE identity__address_types (
address_type_id Int32,
name String,
created_at DateTime64
) ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(created_at)
ORDER BY address_type_id;
...this module can copy that to Clickhouse from Postgres like so:
await synchronizeTable({
getRows(bookmark, limit) {
return db
.where((eb) => bookmark?.rowId ? eb('address_type_id', '>', Number(bookmark.rowId)) : eb.val(true))
getBookmark(row) {
return {
rowId: String(row.address_type_id),
rowTimestamp: row.created_at as Date,
insert(stream) {
return ch.insert({
table: 'identity__address_types',
values: stream,
format: 'JSONEachRow',
}, {})
This module includes a "callable" version of clickhouse-migrations which makes it easier to apply migrations as part of a workflow.
We have custom implentnations for Kysely that make things even easier. To copy a fact table from a Kysely DB (including nice autocomplete):
import { copyTable } from '@sesamecare-oss/to-clickhouse/kysely';
await copyTable(db, ch, {}, {
from: 'address_types',
to: 'identity__address_types',
pk: 'address_type_id',