A collection of mathematical functions for working with vectors.
A collection of mathematical functions for working with vectors.
npm i @seregpie/vector-math
Import inside an ES module.
import VectorMath from '@seregpie/vector-math';
Import inside a CommonJS module.
let VectorMath = require('@seregpie/vector-math');
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@seregpie/vector-math"></script>
The module is globally available as VectorMath
.add(vector, otherVector)
Adds the second vector to the first vector.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the first vector. |
| otherVector
| An array as the second vector. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
.addScalar(vector, scalar)
Adds the scalar to the vector.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the vector. |
| scalar
| A number as the scalar. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
.sub(vector, otherVector)
Subtracts the second vector from the first vector.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the first vector. |
| otherVector
| An array as the second vector. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
.subScalar(vector, scalar)
Subtracts the scalar from the vector.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the vector. |
| scalar
| A number as the scalar. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
.mul(vector, otherVector)
Multiplies the first vector by the second vector.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the first vector. |
| otherVector
| An array as the second vector. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
.mulScalar(vector, scalar)
Multiplies the vector by the scalar.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the vector. |
| scalar
| A number as the scalar. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
.div(vector, otherVector)
Divides the first vector by the second vector.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the first vector. |
| otherVector
| An array as the second vector. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
.divScalar(vector, scalar)
Divides the vector by the scalar.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the vector. |
| scalar
| A number as the scalar. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
.dot(vector, otherVector)
Calculates the dot product of the two vectors.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the first vector. |
| otherVector
| An array as the second vector. |
Returns a number as the calculated result.
Makes the components of the vector absolute.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the vector. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
Calculates the min of the multiple vectors.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| ...vectors
| Multiple arguments where each argument is an array as the vector. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
Calculates the max of the multiple vectors.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| ...vectors
| Multiple arguments where each argument is an array as the vector. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
Calculates the sum of the multiple vectors.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| ...vectors
| Multiple arguments where each argument is an array as the vector. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
Calculates the mean of the multiple vectors.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| ...vectors
| Multiple arguments where each argument is an array as the vector. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
Calculates the length of a vector.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the vector. |
Returns a number as the calculated result.
.setLength(vector, length)
Changes the length of the vector.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the vector. |
| length
| A number as the new length. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
Normalizes the vector.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the vector. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
.distance(vector, otherVector)
alias EuclideanDistance
Calculates the euclidean distance between the two vectors.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the first vector. |
| otherVector
| An array as the second vector. |
Returns a number as the calculated result.
.angle(vector, otherVector)
Calculates the angle between the two vectors in radians.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the first vector. |
| otherVector
| An array as the second vector. |
Returns a number as the calculated result.
.clamp(vector, minVector, maxVector)
Clamps the vector between the two vectors.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the vector. |
| minVector
| An array as the minimum vector. |
| maxVector
| An array as the maximum vector. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
.clampScalar(vector, minScalar, maxScalar)
Clamps the vector between the two scalars.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the vector. |
| minScalar
| A number as the minimum scalar. |
| maxScalar
| A number as the maximum scalar. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
.clampLength(vector, minLength, maxLength)
Clamps the vector between the two lengths.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the vector. |
| minLength
| A number as the minimum length. |
| maxLength
| A number as the maximum length. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
.scale(vector, oldMinVector, oldMaxVector, newMinVector, newMaxVector)
Scales the vector from a vector range to another.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the vector. |
| oldMinVector
| An array as the old minimum vector. |
| oldMaxVector
| An array as the old maximum vector. |
| newMinVector
| An array as the new minimum vector. |
| newMaxVector
| An array as the new maximum vector. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
.scaleScalar(array: vector, oldMinScalar, oldMaxScalar, newMinScalar, newMaxScalar)
Scales the vector from a scalar range to another.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the vector. |
| oldMinScalar
| A number as the old minimum scalar. |
| oldMaxScalar
| A number as the old maximum scalar. |
| newMinScalar
| A number as the new minimum scalar. |
| newMaxScalar
| A number as the new maximum scalar. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
.scaleLength(vector, oldMinLength, oldMaxLength, newMinLength, newMaxLength)
Scales the vector from a length range to another.
| argument | description |
| ---: | :--- |
| vector
| An array as the vector. |
| oldMinLength
| A number as the old minimum length. |
| oldMaxLength
| A number as the old maximum length. |
| newMinLength
| A number as the new minimum length. |
| newMaxLength
| A number as the new maximum length. |
Returns a new array as the calculated result.
.AngularDistance(vector, otherVector)
.AngularSimilarity(vector, otherVector)
.CosineDistance(vector, otherVector)
.CosineSimilarity(vector, otherVector)
.Covariance(vector, otherVector)
.DirectionalDistance(vector, otherVector)
.ManhattanDistance(vector, otherVector)
.PearsonCorrelationCoefficient(vector, otherVector)