Solana OTC Service SDK
Solana OTC Service SDK. Users can exchange SPL tokens for SOL even with no SOL for transaction fees. Currently, the service is available on mainnet ONLY.
✨ Receive exactly desired amount of SOL. No slippage. No price impact.
✨ Never care about transaction fees.
✨ Zero down time.
npm i @sentre/otc-sdk
yarn add @sentre/otc-sdk
Who are using?
- Any Arts - Buy NFTs on Magic Eden by your SPL tokens.
- Sen Assets - Feel annoying to withdraw SOL from Binance for transaction fees on Solana? This app will let you exchange SPL tokens to SOL with no transaction fees.
import { OTC } from '@sentre/otc-sdk'
const otc = new OTC()
* Get whitelisted spl tokens
* You can quick review whitelist by: https://cors.sentre.io/otc/whitelist
const whitelist = await otc.getWhitelist()
// {
// usdc: {
// address: 'EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v',
// symbol: 'USDC',
// decimals: 6,
// url: 'https://www.circle.com/en/usdc',
// },
// uxd: {
// address: '7kbnvuGBxxj8AG9qp8Scn56muWGaRaFqxg1FsRp3PaFT',
// symbol: 'UXD',
// decimals: 6,
// url: 'https://uxd.fi/',
// }
// }
* Get SOL price based on USDC or UXD
const solPriceBasedOnUSDC = await otc.getSolPrice({ tokenSymbol: 'usdc' })
// {
// data: {
// id: 'So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112',
// mintSymbol: 'SOL',
// vsToken: 'EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v',
// vsTokenSymbol: 'USDC',
// price: 34.968693228,
// },
// timeTaken: 0.047694273001980036,
// }
const solPriceBasedOnUXD = await otc.getSolPrice({ tokenSymbol: 'uxd' })
// {
// data: {
// id: 'So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112',
// mintSymbol: 'SOL',
// vsToken: '7kbnvuGBxxj8AG9qp8Scn56muWGaRaFqxg1FsRp3PaFT',
// vsTokenSymbol: 'UXD',
// price: 34.972632341,
// },
// timeTaken: 0.010716108001361135,
// }
* Get exchange tx of usdc for 1 sol
const wallet = <Your_Wallet_Instance_Here>
const tx = await otc.exchange({
walletAddress: wallet.publicKey.toBase58(),
tokenSymbol: 'usdc',
solAmount: 1
const signedTx = await wallet.signTransaction(tx)
const txId = await sendTransaction(signedTx) // This function is just a pseudo-code and should replaced it by yours.
👉 Current whitelist: https://cors.sentre.io/otc/whitelist
👉 Wanna support more SPL tokens? Let's create a proposal here: https://github.com/DescartesNetwork/otc-sdk