Used to obtain external verified sources and compile them
This is used to obtain externally verified sources and compile them.
Note: If you import this into your TS project, you may need to enable skipLibCheck
in your tsconfig due to an indirect dependency on @truffle/contract-schema.
import * as dotenv from "dotenv";
import * as Codec from "@truffle/codec";
import Config from "@truffle/config";
// 🔨 set up by importing the fetch-and-compile.
import { fetchAndCompile } from "@truffle/fetch-and-compile";
import * as Decoder from "@truffle/decoder";
const config = Config.default().merge({
networks: {
mainnet: {
url: process.env.RPC_URL,
network_id: 1
network: "mainnet",
etherscan: {
apiKey: process.env.ETHERSCAN_KEY
async function decode(address: string) {
// 👇 Pass in a contract address and a network config to fetchAndCompile 👇.
const { compileResult } = await fetchAndCompile(address, config);
// 🪄 Now that we have the result from fetch-and-compile, we can use it with @truffle/decoder for some more magic ✨.
const projectInfo = {
commonCompilations: compileResult.compilations
const projectDecoder = await Decoder.forProject({
provider: config.provider,
const decoder = await projectDecoder.forAddress(address);
const decoding = await decoder.decodeTransaction({
to: "0x00000000000c2e074ec69a0dfb2997ba6c7d2e1e",
blockNumber: 13336592,
from: "0xbc1be5ac62ca0637676f2b592bcd0a29bbf4e427",
if (decoding.kind !== "function") {
throw new Error("Unsupported decoding kind");
console.log("%s(", decoding.abi.name);
for (const { name, value: result } of decoding.arguments) {
new Codec.Format.Utils.Inspect.ResultInspector(result)
// 🥳 Try it out with a contract - this is the address for the ENS registry
// --- yields the following output ---
// setResolver(
// node: 0xf96f66c6c5e18dc3da0e5d238ee5ff0f56ad7876717492cfcbb3421db607e44c
// resolver: 0x4976fb03C32e5B8cfe2b6cCB31c09Ba78EBaBa41
// )
If you want to fetch and compile multiple contracts from the same network, you can use fetchAndCompileMultiple
import { fetchAndCompileMultiple } from "@truffle/fetch-and-compile";
const config = /* set up config */;
const addresses: string[] = /* set addresses */;
const { results, failures } = await fetchAndCompileMultiple(addresses, config);
for (const address in results) {
const compileResult = results[address];
/* do things with compileResult as above */
for (const address in failures) {
/* do things with failed addresses */
Alternate input format
Instead of using a Truffle Config as input, you can pass in a FetchAndCompileOptions
anywhere that
a config
is used above. The format is as follows:
export interface FetchAndCompileOptions {
network: {
networkId: number;
fetch?: {
precedence?: string[]; //which fetchers to use and in what order; defaults
//to ["etherscan", "sourcify"]
fetcherOptions?: {
etherscan?: {
apiKey: string; //etherscan API key if you have one to speed things up
sourcify?: {
//nothing to go here at present
compile?: {
docker?: boolean; //indicates that compilation should use dockerized solc;
//note this won't work with contracts compiled with prerelease versions
//of Solidity
If you want a list of supported networks, you can call getSupportedNetworks
import { getSupportedNetworks } from "@truffle/fetch-and-compile";
const networks = getSupportedNetworks();
// networks = {
// mainnet: {
// name: "mainnet",
// networkId: 1,
// chainId: 1,
// fetchers: ["etherscan", "sourcify"] //which fetchers support this network?
// },
// ...
// }
You can also pass in a list of fetchers if you want to restrict the output to the networks
supported by the fetchers you list. (You can also pass in a config and it will use the sourceFetchers
property if set, or a FetchAndCompileOptions
and it will use the fetch.precedence
field if set.)
import { getSupportedNetworks } from "@truffle/fetch-and-compile";
import Config from "@truffle/config";
const networks = getSupportedNetworks(["etherscan"]); //will only list those supported by etherscan fetcher
// networks = {
// mainnet: {
// name: "mainnet",
// networkId: 1,
// chainId: 1,
// fetchers: ["etherscan"] //sourcify is not listed since it's not being checked
// },
// ...
// }
Please see the README for @truffle/decoder for more information on using Truffle decoder.