SentinelOne Management SDK - Node.js
SentinelOne Management SDK - Node.js This SDK has been developed based on SentinelOne's 2 API documentation. The purpose of this SDK should help IT administrators and security teams help automate management of their Sentinelone fleet. Node SDK In GitHub
- Alternative Option for this NODE'S SDK is to Use The Python SDK version in here
- Full api documentation can be found in /apidoc
- This Version of the SDK is work in progress , please report any bugs / ideas for improvemnts / feature requests
to install dependency simply run :
npm install
To run unit tests (jest) :
npm run test
!!! If you are running into issue with tests , you may need to delete compiled files (ts to js)
To build documentation locally ,run :
npm run docs
To run in dev mode (node-deamon) :
npm run start:dev
To compile typescript in watch mode :
npm run build:watch
This is only suggested configuration structure:
export const configure = {
auth: {
by: {
login: { username: '', password: '' },
apiToken: '',
app: { code: '' }
hostName: ``,
apiPath: `web/api/v2.0`
Version Bump
- Bump package.json version (for instance, change it from 1.1.10 to 1.1.11)
- Push the code to git
- Open the terminal(make sure you are inside the project folder)
- Login with your npm user with this command:
npm login
- run
npm publish
const mgmt = Management.getInstance(configure.hostName, configure.apiPath);
const activityEntity: Activities = mgmt.activities;
const filterEntity: Filters = mgmt.filters;
const settingsEntity: Settings = mgmt.settings;
const notifications: Notifications = settingsEntity.notifications;
const sitesEntity: Sites = mgmt.sites;
const reportsEntity: Report = mgmt.reports;
const ExlusionEntity: Exclusions = mgmt.exclusions;
const HashEntity: Hash = mgmt.hash;
const updates: Update = mgmt.updates;
Management is the main Entity (Hold all others in the SDK) each one represent the related mangment api for this Entity
const mgmt = Management.getInstance(configure.hostName, configure.apiPath);
const authRes = await mgmt.authenticator.authenticate({
method: AuthMethodsTypes.Login,
data: configure.auth.by.login
Before we will be able to send api calls through the sdk we have to authenticate in one of the following ways :
- login
- byApp
- apiToken
- Token
Using the SDK to retrieve data
Note : The NodeJs SDK is running in an async-await manners. This means thar api calls are wrapped in async function and await must appear before the method call.
As Following:
async function main() {
const systemStettings = await mgmt.system.get();
All Api calls in the SDK are in following structure : (SDKRespond)
This structure is used to investigate failed api requests . and get information about calls history made in the sdk .
url: 'api end point url',
request:{} // requst as sent to server
status: 200 | ErrorDetails
async function main() {
const systemReq = await mgmt.system.get();
// logging http request and respond
const stettingData = systemReq.respondData;
// logging data retrived from the api
! By defualt most entities should have four basic fucntion ( create,delete,get,update ).
There is two ways to send data :
1. RequestData()
This way you can verify that the expected data is sent correcttly , before acully make the api call
const request = new RequestData<CreateSiteRequest>({
name: 'name',
inherits: false,
siteType: SiteTypes.DEV,
suite: SuiteTypes.Complete,
totalLicenses: 10
console.log(await mgmt.sites.create(request.data));
2. Make an object by the method's interface
await mgmt.sites.create({
name: 'siteName',
siteType: SiteTypes.Paid,
suite: SuiteTypes.Core,
unlimitedExpiration: true,
totalLicenses: 3,
unlimitedLicenses: true
Adding / Changing Api End Points :
The SDK had endpoints for each http request in the following structure:
export const <EntityName> = {
<method_name> : { url: `<Appended endpoint url>`, method: HttpMethod.<GET | POST | PUT | DELETE> }
* enum for end point name-endpoint mapping
export enum <EntityName>EndPointsTypes {
<method_name> = '<method_name>'
export const ActivitiesEndPointsNames = ActivitiesEndPointsTypes;
Make sure you keep structure consistency, for any change made in that section farther more dont forget:
- Change / Delete that endpoint snapshot ( JEST )
- IF new Entity was created dont forget to add it to '/src/end-point-entitity/ends-points-entitities.ts'
This small Gist was created for faster development using vscode and the node-sdk. (Later On he will be move to seperate gist url) in order to use it :
- Go to Preference -> User Snippets -> Type 'typescript' in the text area -> paste the following code
"Print to console": {
"prefix": "log",
"body": ["console.log('$1');", "$2"],
"description": "Log output to console"
"SDKasync": {
"prefix": "SDKasync",
"body": [
"async ${1:methodName} (${2:data}:${3:dataType}): Promise<SDKRespond>{",
" try{",
" return this.makeApiCall(this.endPoints.${4:endPointName} , ${5:data })",
" } catch( err ){",
" throw err",
" }",
"description": "SDK async method function"
"SDKreq": {
"prefix": "SDKreq",
"body": [
"const data:${1|CreateSiteRequest,UpdateSiteRequest,ReactiveSiteRequest,ChangePasswordRequest,CreateUserRequest,Enable2faAppRequest,PolicyIocAttributes,UpdateUserRequest,VerifyCodeRequest,CountByFilterPayload,GetThreatsGrouped,MarkAsBengin,MarkAsResolve,ThreatFilterPayload,SetSystemConfigurionRequest,SettingGetRespond,CreateNotifictionType,NotificationRequest,NotificationGetRequest,NotificationRecipientsRequest,NotificationsType,ActiveDirectoryRequest,AdRolesStringsDataRequest,SmtpDataRequest,SsoDataRequest,PolicyEngiens,PolicyRequestFilter,PolicyDataRequest,GroupRequestData,MoveAgentGroup,Rank,SiteDefualtGroupRequest,FilterAdditionalDataRequest,BaseFilterFileld,CreateDvFilterRequest,CreateFilterRequest,GetFilterRequest,UpdateDvFilterRequest,UpdateFilterRequest,CreateListItemRequest,ExclusionsUpdateItem,GetListItemsRequest,DeepVisibilityV2CreateQuery,BaseDeepVisibilityV2Request,DeepVisibilityV2GetEventsRequest,DVAgent,DVRequestData,DVProccess,GetCommandRequest,GetActivitiesFilters,GroupedAppInventory|} = {} ;"
"description": "SDK DATA"
"SDKconfig": {
"prefix": "SDKconfig",
"body": [
"export const configure = {",
"auth: {",
" by: {",
"login: { username: '${1}' , password: '${2}' },",
" apiToken: '${3}',",
" app: { code: '${4}' }",
" }",
"hostName: '${5}',",
"apiPath: 'web/api/v2.0' ",
"} "
"description": "SDK async method function"
"SDKauth": {
"prefix": "SDKauth",
"body": [
"await mgmt.authenticator.authenticate({ method: AuthMethodsTypes.Login, data: configure.auth.by.login })"
"description": "SDK Auth method"
"SDKmgmt": {
"prefix": "SDKmgmt",
"body": [
"const mgmt = Management.getInstance(configure.hostName, configure.apiPath)"
"description": "SDK Managment Object"
"ManagmentEntity": {
"prefix": "mgmte",
"body": [
"const ${1:Entity} = Management.getInstance(configure.hostName, configure.apiPath).${2|authenticator,threats,users,sites,system,policy,groups,commands,activities,settings,configOverride,filters,reports,hash,exclusions,deepVisibilityV2,agents,agentActions,deepVisibility,updates|}"
"description": "SDK Managment Entity"
Project Structure:
the main file of the app is: src/entities/mangment/mangment.class.ts
let's take for example the entity (group of api requests) custom-detection
every entity has:
- entry in common declarations: src/end-point-entitity/ends-points-entitities.ts
just init the entity
this.customDetectionRules = new CustomDetectionRules(this.apiCall);
- entity rules: src/end-point-entitity/custom-detection-rules-endpoints.ts
contains the entity api requests ex: GET POST DELETE PUTexport const customDetectionRules = { createRule: { url: 'cloud-detection/rules', method: HttpMethod.POST }, deleteRule: { url: 'cloud-detection/rules', method: HttpMethod.DELETE }, getRules: { url: 'cloud-detection/rules?limit=100', method: HttpMethod.GET } };
- entity logic: src/end-point-entitity/custom-detection-rules-endpoints.ts
contains the functions that calls with the entity rules using a common request method
async delete(filter: DeleteRulesRequest, data: object = {}): Promise<SDKRespond> { try { return await this.makeApiCall(this.endPoints.deleteRule, { filter, data }); } catch (e) { throw e; } }
- interface: src/entities/custom-detection-rules/modal/custom-detection-rules.interface.ts
container the request interfaceexport interface CustomDetectionRulesRequest { name: string; description: string; severity: DetectionRuleSeverityTypes; expirationMode: DetectionRulesExpirationModes; s1ql: string; queryType: DetectionRulesQueryTypes; status: DetectionRuleStatuses; expiration?: Date | string; networkQuarantine: boolean; treatAsThreat?: TreatAsThreatTypes; }