User and group management
Sentc Javascript SDK Light
from sentclose.
End-to-end encryption as a service.
Sentc is an easy to use end-to-end encryption sdk. It can be used for any kind of data.
The light version only contains user and group management
Example from CDN
The scripts can be downloaded from any CDN provider.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Sentc example</title>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@sentclose/sentc-light/dist/sentc.min.js"></script>
//init the wasm
const sentc = window.Sentc.default;
async function run() {
//use your public token as the app token.
// if a user is already logged in, this function will return the logged-in user
await sentc.init({
app_token: "5zMb6zs3dEM62n+FxjBilFPp+j9e7YUFA+7pi6Hi"
//now you are ready to go
//register a user:
await sentc.register("username", "password");
//log in a user
const user = await sentc.login("username", "password");
//create a group
const group_id = await user.createGroup();
//load a group. returned a group obj for every user.
const group = await user.getGroup(group_id);
//invite a user to a group. use the sentc user id
await group.invite("user_id_of_the_other_user");