End-to-end encryption sdk
Sentc Javascript SDK
from sentclose.
End-to-end encryption as a service.
Sentc is an easy to use end-to-end encryption sdk. It can be used for any kind of data.
Example from CDN
The scripts can be downloaded from any CDN provider.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Sentc example</title>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@sentclose/sentc/dist/sentc.min.js"></script>
//init the wasm
const sentc = window.Sentc.default;
async function run() {
//use your public token as the app token.
// if a user is already logged in, this function will return the logged-in user
await sentc.init({
app_token: "5zMb6zs3dEM62n+FxjBilFPp+j9e7YUFA+7pi6Hi"
//now you are ready to go
//register a user:
await sentc.register("username", "password");
//log in a user
const user = await sentc.login("username", "password");
//create a group
const group_id = await user.createGroup();
//load a group. returned a group obj for every user.
const group = await user.getGroup(group_id);
//invite a user to a group. use the sentc user id
await group.invite("user_id_of_the_other_user");
//encrypt a string for the group
const encrypted_string = await group.encryptString("hello there!");
//now every user in the group can decrypt the string
const decrypted_string = await group.decryptString(encrypted_string);
console.log(decrypted_string); //hello there!