SenseAiTion - JavaScript client for sense_ai_tion This is the interface for the sense.ai.tion services. With it you can access the services for analysing audio streams or text of communications. You can produce transcripts and get deeper information. Emotional and psychological data can fetched as annotation to the text. This API is used by the sense.ai.tion WEB applications (e.g. the PWA) too. That means, that everything what is working in the WEB application of sense.ai.tion can be done with this API - there is nothing else. Don't wait: Get a sense.ai.tion account and take a deep dive into the world of emotions, personality and motivations. This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.2.0
- Package version: 1.2.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://senseaition.com/
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install sense_ai_tion --save
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
Local development
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
To use the link you just defined in your project, switch to the directory you want to use your sense_ai_tion from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g.https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Webpack Configuration
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var SenseAiTion = require('sense_ai_tion');
var defaultClient = SenseAiTion.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: APIKeyHeader
var APIKeyHeader = defaultClient.authentications['APIKeyHeader'];
APIKeyHeader.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//APIKeyHeader.apiKeyPrefix['X-API-Key'] = "Token"
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: googleFireBase
var googleFireBase = defaultClient.authentications['googleFireBase'];
googleFireBase.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
var api = new SenseAiTion.CampaignApi()
var red = 56; // {Number} red value from 50 to 150
var green = 56; // {Number} green value from 50 to 150
var blue = 56; // {Number} blue value from 50 to 150
var yellow = 56; // {Number} yellow value from 50 to 150
var black = 56; // {Number} black value from 50 to 150
var white = 56; // {Number} white value from 50 to 150
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.campaignGetQR(red, green, blue, yellow, black, white, callback);
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://api.senseaition.rocks/v1
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- SenseAiTion.CampaignApi | campaignGetQR | GET /qr/{red}/{green}/{blue}/{yellow}/{black}/{white} | get colored twentyfive qr code SenseAiTion.CampaignApi | campaignGetSignature | GET /signature/{red}/{green}/{blue}/{yellow}/{black}/{white} | get colored twentyfive signature with qr code SenseAiTion.CampaignApi | campaignGetURL | GET /tf/{red}/{green}/{blue}/{yellow}/{black}/{white} | resolves a qrcode link to redirect SenseAiTion.CampaignApi | getHtmlSignum | GET /htmlsignum/{red}/{green}/{blue}/{yellow}/{black}/{white} | generates an html element containing a Mindful Communication Badge for the given TwentyFive values SenseAiTion.ConverterApi | convertResult | GET /orders/result/{id}/{type} | get the converted result of an order SenseAiTion.ConverterApi | convertersList | GET /converters | gets the list of all available converters SenseAiTion.HistoryApi | getHistoryBulk | GET /history/{id} | query the history log for one uuid SenseAiTion.InformationApi | health | GET /health | SenseAiTion.InformationApi | serviceGet | GET /service/{id} | gets the description of a service SenseAiTion.InformationApi | serviceGetList | GET /services | gets the list of all services available SenseAiTion.InformationApi | simplePing | GET /ping | ping-pong SenseAiTion.InformationApi | versionGet | GET /version | gets the api version SenseAiTion.InformationApi | workflowGet | GET /workflow/{id} | gets the description of a workflow SenseAiTion.InformationApi | workflowGetList | GET /workflows | gets the description of all defined workflows, currently in the system SenseAiTion.InvoicesApi | invoiceGet | GET /invoice/{id} | get an invoice object SenseAiTion.InvoicesApi | invoiceGetBillingInfo | GET /invoice/billinginfo | get billing information of the authenticated customer SenseAiTion.InvoicesApi | invoiceGetList | GET /invoices | list all invoices SenseAiTion.InvoicesApi | invoiceGetPdf | GET /invoice/pdf/{id} | get an document of aninvoice object SenseAiTion.MailApi | getMailList | GET /mail/list | gets all mails, using the filter SenseAiTion.MailApi | mailTemplateCreate | POST /mail/mailtemplate | create a new mail template SenseAiTion.MailApi | mailTemplateGet | GET /mail/mailtemplate/{id} | get a mail template object SenseAiTion.MailApi | mailTemplateGetList | GET /mail/mailtemplates | list all mail templates of the customer and all system templates SenseAiTion.MailApi | mailTemplateUpdate | PATCH /mail/mailtemplate/{id} | update a mail template object SenseAiTion.MailApi | mailTemplateUsageCreate | POST /mail/mailtemplateusage | create a new mail template SenseAiTion.MailApi | mailTemplateUsageDelete | DELETE /mail/mailtemplateusage/{id} | delete a mail template usage object SenseAiTion.MailApi | mailTemplateUsageGetList | GET /mail/mailtemplateusages | list all mail template usages of the current customer and all system templates SenseAiTion.MailApi | mailTemplateUsageUpdate | PATCH /mail/mailtemplateusage/{id} | update a mail template object SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | getResultPart | GET /orders/resultpart/{id}/{type} | get the resultparts of an order SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | orderChangeResult | PATCH /orders/result/{id} | changes the current state of an order SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | orderChangeState | PATCH /orders/state/{id} | changes the current state of an order SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | orderDownloadPart | GET /orders/download/{id}/{partid} | download a textual or audio part of an order SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | orderGet | GET /orders/{id} | get an order SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | orderGetList | GET /orders/list | gets all orders, using the filter SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | orderGetLiveResult | GET /orders/result/live/{id} | get the result of an order SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | orderGetProfile | GET /orders/profile/{id} | get the profile of an order SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | orderGetResult | GET /orders/result/{id} | get the result of an order SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | orderGetState | GET /orders/state/{id} | get the current state of an order SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | orderGetTranscript | GET /orders/transcript/{id}/{format} | get the transcript of an order SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | orderUploadPart | POST /orders/upload | upload a textual or audio part of an order SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | orderUploadTextPart | POST /orders/upload/text | upload a raw textual part of an order SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | ordersPlaceOne | POST /orders/place | place a new order at the sense.ai.tion cloud system SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | ordersPlaceOneSync | POST /orders/placeSync | place a new order at the sense.ai.tion cloud system SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | personCreate | POST /person | create a new person SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | personDelete | DELETE /person/{id} | delete/anonymize a person object SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | personGet | GET /person/{id} | get a person object SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | personGetList | GET /persons | list all persons SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | personGetToken | GET /person/{id}/token | get a token object SenseAiTion.OrdersApi | personUpdate | PATCH /person/{id} | update a person object SenseAiTion.PreferenceApi | preferencesGetList | GET /preferences | gets all usable Preferences SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | customerBaseProductGetList | GET /customerbaseproducts | list all customer base products SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | customerGet | GET /customer | gets the customer profile SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | customerImageUpdate | PATCH /customer/image | change/updates the CustomerImage of the current customer profile SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | customerOptionUpdate | PATCH /customer/option | change/updates one CustomerOption of the current customer profile SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | getLeadGroupsByUser | GET /user/{id}/check | check user profile for lead role in user groups SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | groupCreate | POST /group | creates a new group SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | groupDelete | DELETE /group/{id} | delete the group SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | groupGet | GET /group/{id} | gets the group description SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | groupGetList | GET /groups | gets all group descriptions for the current customer SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | groupGetMembers | GET /group/members/{id} | gets all users associated with the group SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | groupInviteGet | GET /group/{id}/invite/{objectType}/{objectId} | invites a user or person to the group specified SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | groupMemberUpdate | PATCH /group/{groupId}/members | change/updates some values of a group SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | groupPermissionsGetList | GET /groups/permissions | gets all groups permissions for the current user mapped to a Projects SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | groupUpdate | PATCH /group/{id} | change/updates some values of a group SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | mailActionsGetList | GET /mailactions | gets all usable MailActions SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | mailTagsGetList | GET /mailtags | gets all usable MailTags SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | projectCreate | POST /project | creates a new project SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | projectDelete | DELETE /project/{id} | disables the project SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | projectGet | GET /project/{id} | gets the project description SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | projectGetData | GET /project/{id}/{type}/data/ | gets a list of all the files associated with a profiling project SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | projectGetDataFile | GET /project/{id}/data/{did} | gets the uploaded excel file specified by the {did} for the project with {id} SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | projectGetList | GET /projects | gets all project descriptions for the current customer SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | projectJWT | GET /project/{id}/jwt | generates a JWT token that will be used as an external key for the project SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | projectState | GET /project/state/{id} | changes the state of a project to active or archived SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | projectUpdate | PATCH /project/{id} | change/updates some values of a project SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | userAPIKey | GET /user/apikey/{id} | adds a new API-Key to the specified user profile SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | userCreate | POST /user | creates a new user profile SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | userDelete | DELETE /user/{id} | disables the user profile SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | userGet | GET /user/{id} | gets the user profile SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | userGetCurrent | GET /user | gets the profile of the authenticated user SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | userGetList | GET /users | lists the user profiles for the current customer SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | userPasswordReset | GET /user/{id}/passwordreset | gets the user password reset link SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | userPasswordResetAction | POST /user/passwordreset | resets the users password SenseAiTion.ProfileApi | userUpdate | PATCH /user/{id} | change/updates some values of an user profile SenseAiTion.QuotaApi | quotaGet | GET /quota/{id} | gets the quota of customer SenseAiTion.ShoppingApi | customerProductCreate | POST /customerproduct | create a new customer product SenseAiTion.ShoppingApi | customerProductGet | GET /customerproduct/{sku} | get a customer product object SenseAiTion.ShoppingApi | customerProductGetList | GET /customerproducts | list all customer products SenseAiTion.ShoppingApi | customerProductState | GET /customerproduct/state/{sku} | disables/enables the customer product SenseAiTion.ShoppingApi | customerProductUpdate | PATCH /customerproduct/{sku} | update a customer product object SenseAiTion.ShoppingApi | externalTransactionGet | GET /payment/externaltransaction/{id} | get a external transaction object SenseAiTion.ShoppingApi | externalTransactionGetCSV | GET /payment/externaltransactions/csv | export all external transactions as csv file SenseAiTion.ShoppingApi | externalTransactionGetDocument | GET /payment/externaltransaction/download/{id} | download the receipt of an external transaction SenseAiTion.ShoppingApi | externalTransactionGetList | GET /payment/externaltransactions | list all external transactions SenseAiTion.ShoppingApi | payment | POST /payment | SenseAiTion.ShoppingApi | recentProducts | GET /recentproducts | list current customer products with recent usage SenseAiTion.ShoppingApi | redeem | GET /redeem/{provider}/{package}/{sku}/{token} | SenseAiTion.ShoppingApi | webhookPayment | POST /webhook-payment | this route webhook for paypal payments
Documentation for Models
- SenseAiTion.Address
- SenseAiTion.AnnotationChange
- SenseAiTion.AttachmentAnnotation
- SenseAiTion.AttachmentAnnotationValues
- SenseAiTion.AudioPart
- SenseAiTion.BillingInfo
- SenseAiTion.ChecklistKeyword
- SenseAiTion.CommunicationChannel
- SenseAiTion.Converter
- SenseAiTion.Customer
- SenseAiTion.CustomerBaseProduct
- SenseAiTion.CustomerImage
- SenseAiTion.CustomerOption
- SenseAiTion.CustomerProduct
- SenseAiTion.CustomerProductChange
- SenseAiTion.CustomerProductStats
- SenseAiTion.DataPart
- SenseAiTion.DataPartVector
- SenseAiTion.ErrorModel
- SenseAiTion.ExternalTransaction
- SenseAiTion.ExternalTransactionChange
- SenseAiTion.GroupPermissions
- SenseAiTion.GroupUser
- SenseAiTion.InlineObject
- SenseAiTion.InlineResponse200
- SenseAiTion.InlineResponse2001
- SenseAiTion.InlineResponse2002
- SenseAiTion.InlineResponse2003
- SenseAiTion.Invoice
- SenseAiTion.InvoiceDetail
- SenseAiTion.InvoiceResult
- SenseAiTion.Mail
- SenseAiTion.MailActions
- SenseAiTion.MailAttachment
- SenseAiTion.MailTags
- SenseAiTion.MailTemplate
- SenseAiTion.MailTemplateUsage
- SenseAiTion.Messenger
- SenseAiTion.Order
- SenseAiTion.OrderOption
- SenseAiTion.OrderPlace
- SenseAiTion.OrderResult
- SenseAiTion.OrderResultSync
- SenseAiTion.OrderResultWithMotivation
- SenseAiTion.OrderState
- SenseAiTion.OrderStateServices
- SenseAiTion.PermissionsMapping
- SenseAiTion.Person
- SenseAiTion.PersonChange
- SenseAiTion.PersonResult
- SenseAiTion.Preference
- SenseAiTion.PreferencePack
- SenseAiTion.Principal
- SenseAiTion.ProfilingData
- SenseAiTion.ProfilingDataResults
- SenseAiTion.Project
- SenseAiTion.ProjectAnswer
- SenseAiTion.ProjectChange
- SenseAiTion.ProjectOption
- SenseAiTion.ProjectQuestion
- SenseAiTion.Quota
- SenseAiTion.Result
- SenseAiTion.ResultAttachment
- SenseAiTion.ResultChangeData
- SenseAiTion.ResultChangeDataPersonChange
- SenseAiTion.ResultChangeDataTwentyfiveChange
- SenseAiTion.ResultPart
- SenseAiTion.ResultPartWord
- SenseAiTion.ResultSpeakers
- SenseAiTion.Service
- SenseAiTion.ServiceLog
- SenseAiTion.SingleHistoryEntry
- SenseAiTion.TextPart
- SenseAiTion.TwentyFive
- SenseAiTion.TwentyFiveLayer
- SenseAiTion.TwentyFiveLayerVector
- SenseAiTion.User
- SenseAiTion.UserChange
- SenseAiTion.UserGroup
- SenseAiTion.UserGroupChange
- SenseAiTion.UserGroupMember
- SenseAiTion.UserGroupOption
- SenseAiTion.UserOption
- SenseAiTion.ValidObject
- SenseAiTion.Workflow
- SenseAiTion.WorkflowOverview
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-API-Key
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-OTP
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: implicit
- Authorization URL: http://www.example.com
- Scopes: N/A