## User allocation and deallocation algorithm 1. User receives `atomic_visitor_id` (100 year cookie) and an `atomic_session_id` (session cookie) in cookies when they visit the site. This `atomic_visitor_id` serves as the consistent identifier for the user
Core docs
User allocation and deallocation algorithm
User receives
(100 year cookie) and anatomic_session_id
(session cookie) in cookies when they visit the site. Thisatomic_visitor_id
serves as the consistent identifier for the user across sessions.Visit to the experimentation page triggers the bucketing function, which hashes the
atomic_visitor_id || feature_flag
combination, and creates a bucket value between 0 and 1000.Fetch the allocation weights for the current feature_flag, epoch and round from the server. For example, the server indicates that for a bucket value of 33, the user is assigned to variant A.
Display variant A on the checkout page based on the assignment.
Store the variant assignment in the cookies, such as "checkout_page": "variant A", for faster lookups on future visits.
"experiment_id": {
"variant": "variant_id",
"epoch": "epoch_id",
- When the user visits the checkout page again, the stored variant assignment is used to display the same variant as before. If the variant with variant_id is not present => display the default variant. If the epoch_id is different from the current running epoch_id, the user is re-allocated to a new variant.