[![Build Status]](https://github.com/semantic-release-extras/github-comment-specific/actions/workflows/release.yml)
This is a drop-in replacement for the standard @semantic-release/github plugin. It exists to add specificity to the GitHub issue and PR comments, so instead of commenting that
This PR is included in version {version}
it comments
This PR is included in version {package}@{version}
I agree, this seems like a small improvement. However, when using semantic-release with a multirepo^1 the default behavior adds several comments like this to a PR:
which is downright confusing.
With @semantic-release-extras/github-comment-specific, the comments look like:
Much better!
npm install --save-dev --save-exact @semantic-release-extras/github-comment-specific
@semantic-release-extras/github-comment-specific is just a wrapper, so it inherits the API contract of @semantic-release/github.
For example:
"plugins": [
Template string
It may be possible to use the stock @semantic-release/github plugin with configuration like:
"successComment": ":tada: This ${issue.pull_request ? 'PR is included' : 'issue has been resolved'} in version ${nextRelease.gitTag}</br></br>The release is available on [${releases[0].name}](${releases[0].url}) :tada:</br></br>Your **[semantic-release](https://github.com/semantic-release/semantic-release)** bot :package::rocket:"
Note: This configuration is untested.
However, the templating options offered by the stock plugin leave something to be desired. This template is not one-to-one with @semantic-release-extras/github-comment-specific in terms of features or flexibility.
Upstream the changes
Wouldn't it be better to upstream these changes?
Yep, definitely. The upstream repository has a high load:maintainers ratio at the moment, and this plugin exists here and now.