Module to accept traffic with marketing identifiers and keep them for later use
Selina Attribution Module
The goal is to be able to know the history of all the user visits once he makes a booking or other significant events. The module would be responsible to capture and calculate marketing parameters and identifiers for every user session in an array / local storage (each session is added to the array).
| Parameter | Type | Origin | Description/Example |
| visitDate | string | GMT date/time of the entry to the website | |
| campId | number | Get from URL query string camp_id | This is the campaign identifier in the back office.Example: http://selina.com/?camp_id=123 |
| utmSource | string | Get from URL query string utm_source | http://selina.com/?utm_source=GoogleExamples: Google/Facebook/NomadicMatt |
| utmCampign | string | Get from URL query string utm_campaign | |
| utmContent | string | Get from URL query string utm_content | |
| utmTerm | string | Get from URL query string utm_term | |
| gclid | string | Get from URL query string gclid | |
| fbclid | string | Get from URL query string fbclid | |
| gaId | string | Get from first party cookie created by google analytics | The cookie name is _ga
| userAgent | string | Take from the http header | The full as-is user agent string, where it exists |
| referrer | string | Taken from the browser referrer | |
| landingPage | string | Page in which the visitor starts his session | |
| campData | json | Taken from the query string as is, if it’s a valid json | E.g https://www.selina.com/?camp_data=%7B%22campaign%22%3A%22google%20black%20friday%22%2C%20%22affiliate_name%22%3A%22buba%22%7D |
Extra parameters
The module will add in the response any value data in: window._selinaAttributionConfig.extraParams = {...}
The module will try to use 'localStorage' ('sessionStorage' if it isn't available), it can be overrided with any compatible method in: window._selinaAttributionConfig.storage
SelinaAttribution module expose these methods to the console:
Return the object with an array of all the user touchpoints formated.
Return the current visit list of parameters formated.
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