🔒Privacy-first location detection library for browsers
🔒Privacy-first location detection library for browsers
is a library for roughly detecting whether or not a website user is in a given "region". without requiring a roundtrip to your server or a lookup against a GeoIP database.
It uses the browser's timezone (via the brilliant jstz and locale (navigator.languages) to infer a user's location. in-regions
trades absolute accuracy for a cautious approach that's more lightweight and respectful of end-user privacy.
At Segment, we use in-regions
to ask the question "Should we ask this user for their consent before tracking first-party data?". Because of this, we believe in casting a wider net, and are fine with trading accuracy for a more respectful approach towards consent.
Supported Regions
As we prepare for CCPA, in-regions
supports "EU" and individual US states and territories (via npm package 'us') as valid regions.
npm install @segment/in-regions
Use in-regions
to generate your own custom location method. Our inRegions
function is a higher-order function that returns a custom function for your custom use cases.
For example, to generate a function that tests whether or not a user is in the EU:
import inRegions from '@segment/in-regions'
const inEU = inRegions(["EU"])
// => () => true/false
If you wanted to include both residents of California and EU residents (like we are!):
const inCustomRegion = inRegions(["EU", "CA"])
const isInCustomRegion = inCustomRegion() // isInCustomRegion would be 'true' if current user is in EU or CA
also wraps, and exports all methods available in in-eu:
import { isInEUTimezone, isEULocale, inEU } from '@segment/in-eu'
Only checks the browser timezone.
Useful for checking if someone is physically present in the EU
// => true | false
Only uses the browser's language/locale
Useful for checking if someone speaks an european language accounting
for locale. e.g. pt-PT (portuguese from Portugal)
// => true | false
// => true | false