Color scheme system pack for Seed
Color scheme system pack for Seed
npm install @seedcss/seed-color-scheme --save
Check out our documentation of this pack.
Basic Usage
This seed pack needs to be imported into your sass pipeline. Below is an example using Gulp:
const gulp = require("gulp");
const sass = require("gulp-sass");
const pathfinder = require("sass-pathfinder");
const pack = require("@seedcss/seed-color-scheme");
gulp.task("sass", function() {
return gulp
includePaths: pathfinder(
// Other includePaths...
Once that is setup, simply @import
seed-color-scheme as needed in your .scss
// Packs
@import "pack/seed-color-scheme/_index";
The following variables can be found in _config.scss
// Color :: Config
// Dependencies
@import "./functions/color";
@import "./mixins/color";
// Default color scheme map
@if not global-variable-exists(SEED_COLOR_SCHEME__GLOBAL) {
// Base
@include _color((
white: #fff,
black: #000,
// Colors
@include _color((
// Primary
blue: (
default: #1292EE,
100: #F3FBFF,
200: #D6EDFF,
300: #A0D4FF,
400: #57B0FB,
500: #1292EE,
600: #0077CC,
700: #005CA4,
800: #034077,
900: #002651
charcoal: (
default: #405261,
200: #93A1B0,
300: #748494,
400: #556575,
500: #405261,
600: #314351,
700: #253642,
800: #1d2b36
ash: (
default: #D5DCE1,
200: #F9FAFA,
300: #F1F3F5,
400: #E5E9EC,
500: #D5DCE1,
600: #A5B2BD,
700: #B7C2CC,
800: #A5B2BD
// Secondary
gold: (
default: #FFC555,
100: #FFF9EF,
200: #FFF2D7,
300: #FFE7B8,
400: #FDD88E,
500: #FFC555,
600: #FAB347,
700: #E89635,
800: #CE7129,
900: #B24319
green: (
default: #56C288,
100: #F5FFF9,
200: #E3FBEE,
300: #C2F0D7,
400: #87DBAE,
500: #56C288,
600: #39AC6E,
700: #268C55,
800: #106236,
900: #003C1C
pink: (
default: #FFB3C3,
100: #FFF9FB,
200: #FFEEF1,
300: #FFE1E7,
400: #FFCCD7,
500: #FFB3C3,
600: #FD9AAE,
700: #FD9AAE,
800: #FC5D7D,
900: #F23459
lavender: (
default: #9FA6FF,
100: #F9F9FF,
200: #EBECFF,
300: #D9DCFD,
400: #B9BEFF,
500: #9FA6FF,
600: #818AEC,
700: #6269C5,
800: #404996,
900: #232A5C
indigo: (
default: #527CEB,
100: #F2F6FF,
200: #DFE7FF,
300: #B2C8FB,
400: #79A1F8,
500: #527CEB,
600: #3B64D2,
700: #2549A8,
800: #16337F,
900: #071E57
whaletail: (
default: #8AABF1,
100: #F3F7FF,
200: #E5EDFE,
300: #D0DEFD,
400: #AFC7F9,
500: #8AABF1,
600: #7296E1,
700: #5174BB,
800: #304F8B,
900: #142F5E
), default);
// Namespace: Brand
@include _color((
brand: (
primary: _color(blue, 500),
danger: _color(pink, 500),
error: _color(pink, 500),
info: _color(blue, 500),
success: _color(green, 500),
warning: _color(gold, 500),
), default);
// Namespace: Background
@include _color((
background: (
body: #fff,
ui: (
default: #fff,
lighter: _color(ash, 200),
light: _color(ash, 300),
), default);
// Namespace: Border
@include _color((
border: (
default: _color(ash, 400),
divider: _color(ash, 300),
ui: (
default: _color(ash, 500),
dark: _color(ash, 600),
), default);
// Namespace: Text
@include _color((
text: (
default: _color(charcoal, 600),
subtle: _color(charcoal, 400),
muted: _color(charcoal, 200),
), default);
// Namespace: Link
@include _color((
link: (
default: _color(blue, 500),
hover: _color(blue, 400),
), default);
// Namespace: States
@include _color((
state: (
danger: (
background-color: _color(pink, 100),
border-color: _color(pink, 500),
color: _color(pink, 800)
error: (
background-color: _color(pink, 100),
border-color: _color(pink, 500),
color: _color(pink, 800)
info: (
background-color: _color(blue, 100),
border-color: _color(blue, 300),
color: _color(blue, 800)
success: (
background-color: _color(green, 100),
border-color: _color(green, 300),
color: _color(green, 800)
warning: (
background-color: _color(gold, 100),
border-color: _color(gold, 300),
color: _color(gold, 800)
), default);
@include _color((
// Primary
link: (
default: _color(blue, 600),
base: _color(blue, 600),
hover: _color(blue, 500),
active: _color(blue, 500),
focus: _color(blue, 500),
), default);