Base library for framework components.
Extract is considered deprectaed in favor of implementing shared functionality as Web Components. See https://github.com/sebgroup/green/tree/main/libs/core
Extract is where all the business logic of Green components lives so that it can be shared between Angular and React implementations. It is called Extract since the normal way of creating a component is within Angular and React and then extracting the common logic.
Patterns for common components
The look
Step one is always creating CSS and HTML for your component in Chlorophyll. We use Storybook to visualise the component in various states so that we can track progress and continuously check that it adheres to design guidelines. Read more in https://github.com/sebgroup/green/libs/chlorophyll
Interaction and data
A common component consists of two parts: An interaction object and the data. Let's look at these through an example.
type Operator = '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '='
type Digit = number | '.'
type Press = Operator | Digit
export interface Calculator {
pressDigit: (digit: Digit) => void
pressOperator: (operator: Operator) => void
clear: () => void
export interface CalculatorData {
currentValue: number
numpad: Digit[][]
operators: string[]
presses: Press[]
These are the components we will be interacting with. The Calculator
will be persistent and allows us to interact while the CalculatorData
changed on every interaction and allows us to render our component.
Now, lets create out Calculator.
export interface CalculatorOptions {
containerEl: HTMLElement
export const createCalculator = (listener: (data: CalculatorData) => void, options: CalculatorOptions): Calculator => {
// Create initial data
let data: CalculatorData = {
currentValue: 0,
numpad: [
[7, 8, 9],
[4, 5, 6],
[1, 2, 3],
[0, '.'],
operators: ['/', '*', '-', '+', '='],
// Create interaction object
const calculator: Calculator = {
clear: () => {
data = clear(data) // pure function
pressDigit: (digit) => {
data = pressDigit(data, digit) // reducer
pressOperator: (operator) => {
data = pressOperator(data, operator) // reducer
// Add keyboard interactions to element
// options.containerEl
// Call listener with initial data
All interactions with the calculator is done through pure functions with no side effects using a reducer pattern (basically a data structure goes in and a new, changed data structure comes out). These are easily testable. The resulting updated data model is communicated to the framewoek of choice which can then re-render making it easily bindable.