This plugin offers the ability to run Software Templates from within an entity's EntityPage. Templates, once selected, can be autopopulated with data from the Entity. For example, if I am on the EntityPage for `system:default/tickets` and I select a templ
This plugin offers the ability to run Software Templates from within an entity's EntityPage. Templates, once selected, can be autopopulated with data from the Entity. For example, if I am on the EntityPage for system:default/tickets
and I select a template for creating a new Postgres database, I can autopopulate that template's system:
field to system:default/tickets
This plugin addresses https://github.com/backstage/backstage/issues/16053 and builds on top of @frontside/backstage-plugin-scaffolder-workflow.
Install the package
Install the @seatgeek/backstage-plugin-entity-scaffolder-content
package in your frontend app package:
# From your Backstage root directory
yarn add --cwd packages/app @seatgeek/backstage-plugin-entity-scaffolder-content
Add the plugin to your EntityPage
import { EntityScaffolderContent } from '@seatgeek/backstage-plugin-entity-scaffolder-content';
const systemPage = (
{/** ... */}
<EntityLayout.Route path="/scaffolder" title="Scaffolder">
// We show all resource templates that have the label `forEntity:system``
// on our system EntityPage
title: 'Resources',
filter: (_, template) =>
template.metadata?.labels?.forEntity === 'system' &&
template.spec.type === 'Resource',
// If our system defines its language as python, we show all templates
// that are intended to be applied to pythom systems.
title: 'Python',
filter: (entity, template) =>
template.metadata?.labels?.forEntity === 'system' &&
entity.metadata?.labels?.language === 'python' &&
template.metadata?.labels?.language === 'python',
buildInitialState={entity => ({ system: stringifyEntityRef(entity) })}
// optional
{/* Any field extensions you need */}
// optional
TemplateCard: CustomTemplateCard,